
15. Usability Analytics and Data CollectionΒΆ

Introduced in Ansible Tower version 2.4.0 is a behind the scenes functionality that allows Ansible, Inc. to collect usability data with regard to Tower specifically. This software was added to help Ansible, Inc. understand how you or your users are accessing Tower, to help enhance future releases, and to help streamline your user experience.

Only users installing a trial of Tower or a fresh installation of Tower are opted-in for this data collection.

If you want to change how you participate in this analytics collection, you can opt out or change your settings.

To opt out, navigate to the /etc/tower/ directory and set the following in


Once set, you must restart your instance of Tower using the ansible-tower-service restart command, re-authenticate, and force-reload your browser session.

To re-enable data collection, navigate to the /etc/tower/ directory and set the following in


Once set, you must restart your instance of Tower using the ansible-tower-service restart command, re-authenticate, and force-reload your browser session.

To enable data collection without your specific user data, navigate to the /etc/tower/ directory and set the following in


Once set, you must restart your instance of Tower using the ansible-tower-service restart command, re-authenticate, and force-reload your browser session.