8. Prerequisites
Tower is installed using Ansible playbooks. Therefore, you need Ansible to install Tower. Ansible Tower requires Ansible version 1.8 or later.
Ansible can be installed as detailed in the Ansible documentation at: http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html
For convenience, those installation instructions are summarized here:
8.1. Configuration and Installation for Ansible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS
The following steps help you configure access to the repository as well as install Ansible.
8.1.2. Install Ansible on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS (version 6 or later):
root@localhost:~$ yum install ansible
8.2. Configuration and Installation for Ansible with Ubuntu
The following steps help you configure access to the repository as well as install Ansible.
8.2.2. Install Ansible on Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04:
root@localhost:~$ apt-get update
root@localhost:~$ apt-get install ansible