Ansible Tower Administration Guide
1. Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Tower
2. Custom Inventory Scripts
2.1. Writing Inventory Scripts
3. Management Jobs
3.1. Removing Old Job History
3.2. Removing Data Scheduled for Deletion
3.3. Removing Old Activity Stream Data
3.4. Removing Old System Tracking Data
4. Using LDAP with Tower
5. High Availability
5.1. Setup Considerations
5.2. Differences between Primary and Secondary Instances
5.3. Post-Installation Changes to Primary Instances
5.4. Examining the HA configuration of Tower
5.5. Promoting a Secondary Instance/Failover
5.6. Decommissioning Secondary instances
6. Proxy Support
7. Tower Logfiles
8. The
8.1. Inventory Import
8.2. Cleanup of old data
8.3. HA management
9. Backing Up and Restoring Tower
9.1. Backup/Restore Playbooks
9.2. Backup and Restoration Considerations
10. Troubleshooting, Tips, and Tricks
10.1. Error Logs
10.2. Problems connecting to your host
10.3. Problems running a playbook
10.4. Problems when running a job
10.5. View a listing of all ansible_ variables
10.6. Locate and configure the configuration file
10.7. Playbook Stays in Pending
10.8. Cancel a Tower Job
10.9. Change the default timeout for authentication
10.10. View Ansible outputs for JSON commands when using Tower
10.11. Reusing an external HA database causes installations to fail
10.12. PRoot functionality and variables
Ansible Tower Administration Guide
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Ansible Tower Docs
— Ansible Tower Administration Guide
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