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Ansible Tower User Guide v3.5.3
1. Overview
1.1. Real-time Playbook Output and Exploration
1.2. “Push Button” Automation
1.3. Enhanced and Simplified Role-Based Access Control and Auditing
1.4. Cloud & Autoscaling Flexibility
1.5. The Ideal RESTful API
1.6. Backup and Restore
1.7. Ansible Galaxy Integration
1.8. Inventory Support for OpenStack
1.9. Remote Command Execution
1.10. System Tracking
1.11. Integrated Notifications
1.12. Satellite and CloudForms Integration
1.13. Run-time Job Customization
1.14. Red Hat Insights Integration
1.15. Enhanced Tower User Interface
1.16. Custom Virtual Environments
1.17. Authentication Enhancements
1.18. Cluster Management
1.19. Container Platform Support
1.20. Workflow Enhancements
1.21. Job Distribution
1.22. Support for deployment in a FIPS-enabled environment
1.23. Limit the number of hosts per organization
1.24. Inventory Plugins
1.25. Secret Management System
2. Tower Licensing, Updates, and Support
2.1. Support
2.2. Trial / Evaluation
2.3. Subscription Types
2.4. Node Counting in Licenses
2.5. Tower Component Licenses
3. Logging In
4. Import a License
4.1. Adding a Tower License Manually
5. The Tower User Interface
5.1. Activity Streams
5.3. Resources and Access
5.4. Tower Administration Menu
6. Search
6.1. Searching Tips
6.2. Sort
7. Organizations
7.1. Creating a New Organization
8. Users
8.1. Create a User
8.2. User Types - Quick View
8.3. Users - Organizations
8.4. Users - Teams
8.5. Users - Permissions
8.6. Users - Tokens
9. Teams
9.1. Create a Team
10. Credentials
10.1. Understanding How Credentials Work
10.2. Getting Started with Credentials
10.3. Add a New Credential
10.4. Credential Types
11. Custom Credential Types
11.1. Backwards-Compatible API Considerations
11.2. Getting Started with Credential Types
11.3. Create a New Credential Type
12. Secret Management System
12.1. Configure and link secret lookups
13. Applications
13.1. Getting Started with Applications
13.2. Create a new application
14. Projects
14.1. Add a new project
14.2. Work with Permissions
14.3. Work with Notifications
14.4. Work with Job Templates
14.5. Work with Schedules
15. Inventories
15.1. Smart Inventories
15.2. Inventory Plugins
15.3. Add a new inventory
15.4. Running Ad Hoc Commands
16. Job Templates
16.1. Create a Job Template
16.2. Add Permissions
16.3. Work with Notifications
16.4. View Completed Jobs
16.5. Scheduling
16.6. Surveys
16.7. Launch a Job Template
16.8. Copy a Job Template
16.9. Scan Job Templates
16.10. Fact Caching
16.11. Utilizing Cloud Credentials
16.12. Provisioning Callbacks
16.13. Extra Variables
17. Job Slicing
17.1. Job slice considerations
17.2. Job slice execution behavior
17.3. Search job slices
18. Workflows
18.1. Workflow scenarios and considerations
18.2. Extra Variables
18.3. Workflow States
18.4. Role-Based Access Controls
19. Workflow Job Templates
19.1. Create a Workflow Template
19.2. Work with Permissions
19.3. Work with Notifications
19.4. View Completed Jobs
19.5. Work with Schedules
19.6. Surveys
19.7. Workflow Visualizer
19.8. Launch a Workflow Template
19.9. Copy a Workflow Template
19.10. Extra Variables
20. Instance Groups
20.1. Create an instance group
21. Jobs
21.1. Job Details - Inventory Sync
21.2. Job Details - SCM
21.3. Job Details - Playbook Run
21.4. Ansible Tower Capacity Determination and Job Impact
22. Notifications
22.1. Notifier Hierarchy
22.2. Workflow
22.3. Create a Notification Template
22.4. Notification Types
22.5. Configuring the
23. Schedules
23.1. Add a new schedule
24. Setting up an Insights Project
24.1. Create Insights Credential
24.2. Create an Insights Project
24.3. Create Insights Inventory
24.4. Create a Scan Project
24.5. Create a Scan Job Template
24.6. Remediate Insights Inventory
25. Best Practices
25.1. Use Source Control
25.2. Ansible file and directory structure
25.3. Use Dynamic Inventory Sources
25.4. Variable Management for Inventory
25.5. Autoscaling
25.6. Larger Host Counts
25.7. Continuous integration / Continuous Deployment
26. Security
26.1. Playbook Access and Information Sharing
26.2. Role-Based Access Controls
26.3. Function of roles: editing and creating
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— Ansible Tower User Guide v3.5.3
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