以下の一覧は、Ansible Tower 3.6.2 に対する追加、変更および修正の概要を示しています。
Added a command to generate a new SECRET_KEY
and rekey the database
Removed the guest user from the optionally-configured RabbitMQ admin interface (CVE-2019-19340)
Fixed slow queries for /api/v2/instances
and /api/v2/instance_groups
when smart inventories are used
Fixed assorted issues with preserving permissions in the Ansible Tower backup playbook (CVE-2019-19341)
Fixed a partial password disclosure when special characters existed in the RabbitMQ password (CVE-2019-19342)
Fixed hang in error handling for source control checkouts
Fixed an error on subsequent job runs that override the branch of a project on an instance that did not have a prior project checkout
Fixed an issue where supervisord would not shut down correctly
Fixed an issue where jobs launched in isolated or container groups would incorrectly timeout
Fixed link to instance groups documentation in the user interface
Fixed retrieval of Red Hat subscription data when running in OpenShift
Fixed editing of inventory on Workflow templates
Fixed multiple issues with OAuth2 token cleanup system jobs
Fixed custom email notifications for workflow approve and deny
Updated SAML implementation to automatically log if authorization exists
Updated AngularJS to 1.7.9 for CVE-2019-10768
Updated installer to not install PostgreSQL server on all nodes
Updated bundled installer to contain both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and 8 builds
旧版のリリースノートおよびその他の参照資料については、『Ansible Tower Release Notes』を参照してください。