
3. Installing Ansible Tower

Tower can be installed in various ways by choosing the best mode for your environment and making any necessary modifications to the inventory file. For OpenShift-based deployments, refer to OpenShift Deployment and Configuration.

3.1. Tower Installation Scenarios

Tower can be installed using one of the following scenarios:

Single Machine:

  • As an integrated installation:
    • This is a single machine install of Tower - the web frontend, REST API backend, and database are all on a single machine. This is the standard installation of Tower. It also installs PostgreSQL from your OS vendor repository, and configures the Tower service to use that as its database.

  • With an external database (2 options available):
    • Tower with remote DB configuration: This installs the Tower server on a single machine and configures it to talk to a remote instance of PostgreSQL 10 as its database. This remote PostgreSQL can be a server you manage, or can be provided by a cloud service such as Amazon RDS.

    • Tower with a playbook install of a remote PostgreSQL system: This installs the Tower server on a single machine and installs a remote PostgreSQL database via the playbook installer (managed by Tower).


1). Tower will not configure replication or failover for the database that it uses, although Tower should work with any replication that you have. 2). The database server should be on the same network or in the same datacenter as the Tower server for performance reasons.

Settings available for a traditional Tower install:

  • pg_sslmode controls the SSL functions of the PostgreSQL client, i.e., how the Tower server connects to the database. It defaults to prefer, which means if the database server offers SSL, the client will use it. You can also set it to verify-full to enforce SSL with full verification of certificate trust.

  • web_server_ssl_cert and web_server_ssl_key allow the user to provide a certificate and key to be installed in the web server for the Tower UI and API. These must either both be provided or both be absent. If they are absent, a self-signed (untrusted) certificate will be generated at install time.

  • postgres_use_ssl (true/false) - controls whether the PostgreSQL server will be configured to require SSL. This only has any effect with an internal/embedded database (i.e. when the Tower install script is doing the deployment of the database server). It has no effect on an external database.

  • postgres_ssl_cert and postgres_ssl_key - must be supplied when postgres_use_ssl is true. These certificates should have a CN (or wildcard, subject alternate name, and so forth) that matches the hostname the Tower nodes will use to connect to the database server.

For OpenShift-based deployments, refer to OpenShift Deployment and Configuration.

High Availability Multi-Machine Cluster:

Tower can be installed in a high availability cluster mode. In this mode, multiple Tower nodes are installed and active. Any node can receive HTTP requests and all nodes can execute jobs.

  • A Clustered Tower setup must be installed with an external database (2 options available):
    • Tower with remote DB configuration: This installs the Tower server on a single machine and configures it to talk to a remote instance of PostgreSQL as its database. This remote PostgreSQL can be a server you manage, or can be provided by a cloud service such as Amazon RDS.

    • Tower with a playbook install of a remote PostgreSQL system: This installs the Tower server on a single machine and installs a remote PostgreSQL database via the playbook installer (managed by Tower).

  • For more information on configuring a clustered setup, refer to Clustering.


Running in a cluster setup requires any database that Tower uses to be external–PostgreSQL must be installed on a machine that is not one of the primary or secondary tower nodes. When in a redundant setup, the remote PostgreSQL version requirements is PostgreSQL 10.

3.2. Setting up the Inventory File

As you edit your inventory file, there are a few things you must keep in mind:

  • The contents of the inventory file should be defined in ./inventory, next to the ./ installer playbook.

  • For installations and upgrades: If you need to make use of external databases, you must ensure the database sections of your inventory file are properly setup. Edit this file and add your external database information before running the setup script.

  • For upgrading an existing cluster: When upgrading a cluster, you may decide that you want to also reconfigure your cluster to omit existing instances or instance groups. Omitting the instance or the instance group from the inventory file will not be enough to remove them from the cluster. In addition to omitting instances or instance groups from the inventory file, you must also deprovision instances or instance groups before starting the upgrade. Otherwise, omitted instances or instance groups will continue to communicate with the cluster, which can cause issues with tower services during the upgrade.

  • For clustered installations: If you are creating a clustered setup, you must replace localhost with the hostname or IP address of all instances. All nodes/instances must be able to reach any others using this hostname or address. In other words, you cannot use the localhost ansible_connection=local on one of the nodes AND all of the nodes should use the same format for the host names.

    Therefore, this will not work:

    localhost ansible_connection=local

    Instead, use these formats:




  • For all standard installations: When performing an installation, you must supply any necessary passwords in the inventory file.


Changes made to the installation process now require that you fill out all of the password fields in the inventory file. If you need to know where to find the values for these they should be:

admin_password='' <— Tower local admin password

pg_password='' <—- Found in /etc/tower/conf.d/


Do not use special characters in pg_password as it may cause the setup to fail.

Example Inventory file

  • For provisioning new nodes: When provisioning new nodes add the nodes to the inventory file with all current nodes, make sure all passwords are included in the inventory file.

  • For upgrading a single node: When upgrading, be sure to compare your inventory file to the current release version. It is recommended that you keep the passwords in here even when performing an upgrade.

Example Single Node Inventory File

localhost ansible_connection=local






Do not use special characters in pg_password as it may cause the setup to fail.

Example Multi Node Cluster Inventory File








Do not use special characters in pg_password as it may cause the setup to fail.

Example Inventory file for an external existing database

[tower] ansible_connection=local






Do not use special characters in pg_password as it may cause the setup to fail.

Example Inventory file for external database which needs installation

[tower] ansible_connection=local






Do not use special characters in pg_password as it may cause the setup to fail.

Once any necessary changes have been made, you are ready to run ./


Root access to the remote machines is required. With Ansible, this can be achieved in different ways:

  • ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=”your_password_here” inventory host or group variables

  • ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=”path_to_your_keyfile.pem” inventory host or group variables


  • ANSIBLE_SUDO=True ./ (Only applies to Ansible 2.7)

The DEFAULT_SUDO Ansible configuration parameter was removed in Ansible 2.8, which causes the ANSIBLE_SUDO=True ./ method of privilege escalation to no longer work. For more information on become plugins, refer to Understanding Privilege Escalation and the list of become plugins.

3.3. The Setup Playbook


Ansible Tower 3.0 simplifies installation and removes the need to run ./configure/ as part of the installation setup. Users of older versions should follow the instructions available in the v.2.4.5 (or earlier) releases of the Tower Documentation available at:

The Tower setup playbook script uses the inventory file and is invoked as ./ from the path where you unpacked the Tower installer tarball.

root@localhost:~$ ./

The setup script takes the following arguments:

  • -h – Show this help message and exit

  • -i INVENTORY_FILE – Path to Ansible inventory file (default: inventory)

  • -e EXTRA_VARS – Set additional Ansible variables as key=value or YAML/JSON (i.e. -e bundle_install=false forces an online installation)

  • -b – Perform a database backup in lieu of installing

  • -r – Perform a database restore in lieu of installing (a default restore path is used unless EXTRA_VARS are provided with a non-default path, as shown in the code example below)

./ -e 'restore_backup_file=/path/to/nondefault/location' -r


Please note that a issue was discovered in Tower 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 that prevented proper system backups and restorations.

If you need to back up or restore your Tower v3.0.0 or v3.0.1 installation, use the v3.0.2 installer to do so.

After calling ./ with the appropriate parameters, Tower is installed on the appropriate machines as has been configured. Setup installs Tower from RPM or Deb packages using repositories hosted on

Once setup is complete, use your web browser to access the Tower server and view the Tower login screen. Your Tower server is accessible from port 80 ( but will redirect to port 443 so 443 needs to be available also.

Login form

If the installation of Tower fails and you are a customer who has purchased a valid license for Ansible Tower, please contact Ansible via the Red Hat Customer portal at

3.4. Changing the Password

Once installed, if you log into the Tower instance via SSH, the default admin password is provided in the prompt. You can then change it with the following command (as root or as AWX user):

awx-manage changepassword admin

After that, the password you have entered will work as the admin password in the web UI.