Webinars & Training
Basic Usage
Getting Started
Resources and Actions
Global Options
Generating a Personal Access Token
Working with OAuth2.0 Applications
OAuth2.0 Token Scoping
Session Authentication
Output Formatting
YAML Formatting
Human-Readable (Tabular) Formatting
Custom Formatting with jq
Colorized Output
Usage Examples
Verifying CLI Configuration
Printing the History of a Particular Job
Creating and Launching a Job Template
Updating a Job Template with Extra Vars
Importing an SSH Key
Reference Guide
awx activity_stream
awx activity_stream get
awx activity_stream list
awx ad_hoc_commands
awx ad_hoc_commands create
awx ad_hoc_commands delete
awx ad_hoc_commands get
awx ad_hoc_commands list
awx ad_hoc_commands stdout
awx applications
awx applications create
awx applications delete
awx applications get
awx applications list
awx applications modify
awx config
awx credential_input_sources
awx credential_input_sources create
awx credential_input_sources delete
awx credential_input_sources get
awx credential_input_sources list
awx credential_input_sources modify
awx credential_types
awx credential_types create
awx credential_types delete
awx credential_types get
awx credential_types list
awx credential_types modify
awx credentials
awx credentials create
awx credentials delete
awx credentials get
awx credentials list
awx credentials modify
awx export
awx groups
awx groups create
awx groups delete
awx groups get
awx groups list
awx groups modify
awx hosts
awx hosts create
awx hosts delete
awx hosts get
awx hosts list
awx hosts modify
awx import
awx instance_groups
awx instance_groups create
awx instance_groups delete
awx instance_groups get
awx instance_groups list
awx instance_groups modify
awx instances
awx instances get
awx instances list
awx instances modify
awx inventory
awx inventory create
awx inventory delete
awx inventory get
awx inventory list
awx inventory modify
awx inventory_scripts
awx inventory_scripts create
awx inventory_scripts delete
awx inventory_scripts get
awx inventory_scripts list
awx inventory_scripts modify
awx inventory_sources
awx inventory_sources associate
awx inventory_sources create
awx inventory_sources delete
awx inventory_sources disassociate
awx inventory_sources get
awx inventory_sources list
awx inventory_sources modify
awx inventory_sources update
awx inventory_updates
awx inventory_updates delete
awx inventory_updates get
awx inventory_updates list
awx inventory_updates stdout
awx job_events
awx job_events get
awx job_events list
awx job_templates
awx job_templates associate
awx job_templates create
awx job_templates delete
awx job_templates disassociate
awx job_templates get
awx job_templates launch
awx job_templates list
awx job_templates modify
awx jobs
awx jobs delete
awx jobs get
awx jobs list
awx jobs monitor
awx jobs stdout
awx labels
awx labels create
awx labels get
awx labels list
awx labels modify
awx login
awx me
awx metrics
awx notification_templates
awx notification_templates create
awx notification_templates delete
awx notification_templates get
awx notification_templates list
awx notification_templates modify
awx notifications
awx notifications get
awx notifications list
awx organizations
awx organizations associate
awx organizations create
awx organizations delete
awx organizations disassociate
awx organizations get
awx organizations list
awx organizations modify
awx ping
awx project_updates
awx project_updates delete
awx project_updates get
awx project_updates list
awx project_updates stdout
awx projects
awx projects associate
awx projects create
awx projects delete
awx projects disassociate
awx projects get
awx projects list
awx projects modify
awx projects update
awx roles
awx roles get
awx roles list
awx schedules
awx schedules create
awx schedules delete
awx schedules get
awx schedules list
awx schedules modify
awx settings
awx settings list
awx settings modify
awx system_job_templates
awx system_job_templates get
awx system_job_templates list
awx system_jobs
awx system_jobs delete
awx system_jobs get
awx system_jobs list
awx teams
awx teams create
awx teams delete
awx teams get
awx teams grant
awx teams list
awx teams modify
awx teams revoke
awx tokens
awx tokens create
awx tokens delete
awx tokens get
awx tokens list
awx tokens modify
awx unified_job_templates
awx unified_job_templates get
awx unified_job_templates list
awx unified_jobs
awx unified_jobs get
awx unified_jobs list
awx users
awx users create
awx users delete
awx users get
awx users grant
awx users list
awx users modify
awx users revoke
awx workflow_approvals
awx workflow_approvals create
awx workflow_approvals delete
awx workflow_approvals get
awx workflow_approvals list
awx workflow_job_nodes
awx workflow_job_nodes get
awx workflow_job_nodes list
awx workflow_job_template_nodes
awx workflow_job_template_nodes create
awx workflow_job_template_nodes delete
awx workflow_job_template_nodes get
awx workflow_job_template_nodes list
awx workflow_job_template_nodes modify
awx workflow_job_templates
awx workflow_job_templates associate
awx workflow_job_templates create
awx workflow_job_templates delete
awx workflow_job_templates disassociate
awx workflow_job_templates get
awx workflow_job_templates launch
awx workflow_job_templates list
awx workflow_job_templates modify
awx workflow_jobs
awx workflow_jobs delete
awx workflow_jobs get
awx workflow_jobs list
awx workflow_jobs monitor
Webinars & Training
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— AWX CLI Ansible Tower 3.8.3 documentation
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