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Ansible Tower Administration Guide v3.8.6
1. Tower Licensing, Updates, and Support
1.1. Support
1.2. Trial / Evaluation
1.3. Subscription Types
1.4. Node Counting in Licenses
1.5. Attaching Subscriptions
1.6. Tower Component Licenses
2. Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Tower
3. Custom Inventory Scripts
3.1. Writing Inventory Scripts
4. Inventory File Importing
4.1. Custom Dynamic Inventory Scripts
4.2. SCM Inventory Source Fields
5. Multi-Credential Assignment
5.1. Background
5.2. Important Changes
5.3. Launch Time Considerations
5.4. Multi-Vault Credentials
6. Management Jobs
6.1. Removing Old Activity Stream Data
6.2. Cleanup Expired OAuth2 Tokens
6.3. Cleanup Expired Sessions
6.4. Removing Old Job History
7. Clustering
7.1. Setup Considerations
7.2. Install and Configure
7.3. Status and Monitoring via Browser API
7.4. Instance Services and Failure Behavior
7.5. Job Runtime Behavior
7.6. Deprovision Instances
8. OpenShift Deployment and Configuration
8.1. Tower and OpenShift Basics
8.2. Configuration Options
8.3. Basic Configuration
8.4. Resource Requests and Request Planning
8.5. Database Configuration and Usage
8.6. Backup and Restore
8.7. Upgrading
8.8. Migrating
8.9. Build custom virtual environments
8.10. Configure TLS with Ansible Tower OpenShift Installer
9. Execution Environments
9.1. Instance Groups
9.2. Container Groups
10. Tower Logfiles
11. Tower Logging and Aggregation
11.1. Loggers
11.2. Set Up Logging with Tower
11.3. Troubleshooting Logging with Tower
12. Metrics
12.1. Set up Prometheus
13. Secret handling and connection security
13.1. Secret Handling
13.2. Connection Security
14. Security Best Practices
14.1. General best practices
14.2. Understand the architecture of Ansible and Tower
14.3. Granting access
14.4. Available resources
15. Resource Profiling
15.1. Enable resource profiling
16. The
16.1. Inventory Import
16.2. Cleanup of old data
16.3. Cluster management
16.4. Token and session management
16.5. Analytics gathering
17. Tower Configuration
17.1. Authentication
17.2. Jobs
17.3. System
17.4. User Interface
17.5. License
18. Bubblewrap functionality and variables
19. Token-Based Authentication
19.1. Managing OAuth 2 Applications and Tokens
19.2. Using OAuth 2 Token System for Personal Access Tokens (PAT)
19.3. Application Functions
19.4. Application Token Functions
20. Setting up Social Authentication
20.1. Google OAuth2 Settings
20.2. GitHub OAuth2 Settings
20.3. Organization and Team Mapping
21. Setting up Enterprise Authentication
21.1. Azure Active Directory (AD)
21.2. LDAP Authentication
21.3. RADIUS Authentication Settings
21.4. SAML Authentication Settings
21.5. TACACS+ Authentication Settings
22. Setting up LDAP Authentication
22.1. Referrals
22.2. Enabling Logging for LDAP
22.3. LDAP Organization and Team Mapping
23. Changing the Default Timeout for Authentication
24. User Authentication with Kerberos
24.1. AD and Kerberos Credentials
24.2. Working with Kerberos Tickets
25. Working with Session Limits
26. Backing Up and Restoring Tower
26.1. Backup/Restore Playbooks
26.2. Backup and Restoration Considerations
26.3. Backup and Restore for Clustered Environments
27. Using Custom Logos in Ansible Tower
28. Usability Analytics and Data Collection
28.1. Automation Analytics
28.2. Details of data collection
29. Troubleshooting Tower
29.1. Error logs
29.2. sosreport
29.3. Problems connecting to your host
29.4. Unable to login to Tower via HTTP
29.5. WebSockets port for live events not working
29.6. Problems running a playbook
29.7. Problems when running a job
29.8. Playbooks aren’t showing up in the “Job Template” drop-down
29.9. Playbook stays in pending
29.10. Cancel a Tower job
29.11. Reusing an external database causes installations to fail
29.12. Private EC2 VPC Instances in Tower Inventory
29.13. Troubleshooting “Error: provided hosts list is empty”
30. Tower Tips and Tricks
30.1. Using the Tower CLI Tool
30.2. Changing the Tower Admin Password
30.3. Creating a Tower Admin from the commandline
30.4. Setting up a jump host to use with Tower
30.5. View Ansible outputs for JSON commands when using Tower
30.6. Locate and configure the Ansible configuration file
30.7. View a listing of all ansible_ variables
30.8. The ALLOW_JINJA_IN_EXTRA_VARS variable
30.9. Using virtualenv with Ansible Tower
30.10. Configuring the
hostname for notifications
30.11. Launching Jobs with curl
30.12. Dynamic Inventory and private IP addresses
30.13. Filtering instances returned by the dynamic inventory sources in Tower
30.14. Using an unreleased module from Ansible source with Tower
30.15. Using callback plugins with Tower
30.16. Connecting to Windows with winrm
30.17. Importing existing inventory files and host/group vars into Tower
31. Postface
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— Ansible Tower Administration Guide v3.8.6
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