Migration guide

Some of the modules in this collection have come from the ansible.windows collection or the community.windows collection. This document will go through some of the changes made to help ease the transition from the older modules to the ones in this collection.

Migrated Modules

The following modules have been migrated in some shape or form into this collection

  • ansible.windows.win_domain -> microsoft.ad.domain - details

  • ansible.windows.win_domain_controller -> microsoft.ad.domain_controller - details

  • ansible.windows.win_domain_membership -> microsoft.ad.membership - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_computer -> microsoft.ad.computer - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_group -> microsoft.ad.group - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_group_membership -> microsoft.ad.group - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_object_info -> microsoft.ad.object_info - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_ou -> microsoft.ad.ou - details

  • community.windows.win_domain_user -> microsoft.ad.user - details

While these modules are mostly drop in place compatible there are some breaking changes that need to be considered. See each module entry for more information.

Module win_domain

Migrated to microsoft.ad.domain.

There are no known breaking changes and should work as a drop in replacement. The reboot option has been added to have the module handle any reboots that are needed instead of a separate ansible.windows.win_reboot task. Due to the operations involved with promoting a domain controller, it is highly recommended to use this option.

Module win_domain_controller

Migrated to microsoft.ad.domain_controller.

The following options have been removed:

  • log_path - Creating a debug log of module actions is not supported

The reboot option has been added to have the module handle any reboots instead of a separate ansible.windows.win_reboot task. Due to the operations involved with promoting a domain controller, it is highly recommended to use this option.

Module win_domain_membership

Migrated to microsoft.ad.membership.

The following options have been removed:

  • log_path - Creating a debug log of module actions is not supported

The reboot option has been added to have the module handle any reboots instead of a separate ansible.windows.win_reboot task.

Module win_domain_computer

Migrated to microsoft.ad.computer.

The option dns_host_name is not required when state: present, the computer object is created without the dnsHostName LDAP attribute set if it is not defined.

The default for enabled is nothing, the group will still be enabled when created but it will use the existing status if the option is omitted.

The option ou is now named path to match the standard set by other modules.

The options offline_domain_join and odj_blob_path has been removed. Use the new module microsoft.ad.offline_join to generate the offline join blob. For example:

- name: create computer object
    name: MyComputer
    state: present
  register: computer_obj

- name: create offline blob
    identity: '{{ computer_obj.object_guid }}'
  when: computer_obj is changed
  register: offline_blob

- name: display offline blob
    var: offline_blob.blob
  when: computer_obj is changed

Module win_domain_group

Migrated to microsoft.ad.group.

The following options have changed:

  • attributes - changed format as outlined in Attributes guid

  • ignore_protection - Has been removed and state: absent will also remove objects regardless of the protection status

  • organizational_unit and ou - Have been removed, use path instead

  • protect - Has been renamed to protect_from_deletion and is now not needed to be unset for state: absent to remove the group

The return values for win_domain_group have also been simplified to only return:

  • distinguished_name - The Distinguished Name (DN) of the managed OU

  • object_guid - The Object GUID of the managed OU

  • sid - The Security Identifier of the managed user

All other return values have been removed, use microsoft.ad.object_info to get extra values if needed.

Module win_domain_group_membership

Migrated to microsoft.ad.group.

The functionality of this module has been merged with microsoft.ad.group. Use the members option to add, remove, or set to add, remove, or set group members respectively.

One change is win_domain_group_membership could specify the server to lookup the member using the SERVER\member-name format. This member format is not supported in microsoft.ad.group but since v1.6.0 of this collection the same can be achieved by using a dictionary as the member value. For example:

- name: Add a domain user/group from another Domain in the multi-domain forest to a domain group
    name: GroupinDomainAAA
    domain_server: DomainAAA.cloud
      - DomainBBB.cloud\UserInDomainBBB
    state: present

- name: Add a domain user/group from another Domain in the multi-domain forest to a domain group
    name: GroupinDomainAAA
    domain_server: DomainAAA.cloud
        - name: UserInDomainBBB
          server: DomainBBB.cloud
    state: present

See DN Lookup Attributes for more information.

Module win_domain_object_info

Migrated to microsoft.ad.object_info.

There are no known breaking changes and should work as a drop in replacement.

Module win_domain_ou

Migrated to microsoft.ad.ou.

The following options have changed:

  • protected - Has been renamed to protect_from_deletion and is now not needed to be unset for state: absent to remove the OU

  • recursive - Has been removed and state: absent will also remove objects recursively

  • filter - Has been removed, the name object refers to the OU name and identity can be used to select the OU by DistinguishedName or ObjectGUID if a rename or move is needed

  • properties - Has been removed, use the new attributes option

The return values for win_domain_ou have also been simplified to only return:

  • distinguished_name - The Distinguished Name (DN) of the managed OU

  • object_guid - The Object GUID of the managed OU

All other return values have been removed, use microsoft.ad.object_info to get extra values if needed.

Module win_domain_user

Migrated to microsoft.ad.user.

The following options have changed:

  • attributes - changed format as outlined in Attributes guid

  • delegates - changed format as outlined in Setting list values

  • groups - changed format as outlined in Setting list values

  • groups_action - has been removed in favour of the new groups format

  • groups_missing_behaviour - has been moved into the group dictionary value as missing_behaviour

  • spn- changed format as outlined in Setting list values

  • spn_action - has been removed in favour of the new spn format

  • state - No query option - use microsoft.ad.object_info instead

  • enabled - Does not default to true. Creating a new user without a password will use enabled=false but setting a password will use enabled=true

The groups_action and spn_action set value was renamed to align with common practice. The state=query functionality has been removed to simplify the module and favour microsoft.ad.object_info which is designed to return information about AD objects. The enabled default was removed to allow setting other attributes on an existing AD object without always having to specify enabled.

The return values for win_domain_user have also been simplified to only return:

  • distinguished_name - The Distinguished Name (DN) of the managed user

  • object_guid - The Object GUID of the managed user

  • sid - The Security Identifier of the managed user

All other return values have been removed, use microsoft.ad.object_info to get extra values if needed.