Communicating with the Ansible community

Code of Conduct

All communication and interactions in the Ansible Community are governed by our Community Code of Conduct. Please read and understand it!


The Ansible Community Forum is a single starting point for questions and help, development discussions, events, and much more. Register to join the community. Search by categories and tags to find interesting topics or start a new one; subscribe only to topics you need!

Take a look at the forum groups and join ones that match your interests. In most cases, joining a forum group automatically subscribes you to related posts.

Want to create a group? Request it in the forum topic.

Real-time chat

For real-time interactions, conversations in the Ansible community happen over two chat protocols: Matrix (recommended) and IRC. The main Matrix and IRC channels exchange messages. This means you can choose whichever protocol you prefer for the main channels.


Although you can choose either Matrix or IRC, please take into account that many Ansible communities use only Matrix.

Join a channel any time to ask questions, participate in a Working Group meeting, or just say hello.

Ansible community on Matrix

To join the community using Matrix, you need two things:

The Ansible community maintains its own Matrix homeserver at, however, public registration is currently unavailable.

Matrix chat supports:

  • persistence (when you log on, you see all messages since you last logged off)

  • edits (Let you fix typos and so on. NOTE Each edit you make on Matrix re-sends the message to IRC. Please try to avoid multiple edits!)

  • replies to individual users

  • reactions/emojis

  • bridging to IRC

  • no line limits

  • images

The room links in the General channels or the Working groups list will take you directly to the relevant rooms.

If there is no appropriate room for your community, please create it.

For more information, see the community-hosted Matrix FAQ.

You can add Matrix shields to your repository’s using the shield in the community-topics repository as a template.

Ansible community on IRC

The Ansible community maintains several IRC channels on To join the community using IRC, you need one thing:

  • an IRC client

IRC chat supports:

  • no persistence (you only see messages when you are logged on unless you add a bouncer)

  • simple text interface

  • bridging from Matrix

Our IRC channels may require you to register your IRC nickname. If you receive an error when you connect or when posting a message, see’s Nickname Registration guide for instructions. To find all ansible specific channels on the network, use the following command in your IRC client:

/msg alis LIST #ansible* -min 5

as described in the docs.

Our channels record history on the Matrix side. The channel history can be viewed in a browser - all channels will report an appropriate link to in their Chanserv entrymsg upon joining the room. Alternatively, a URL of the form {IRC channel name} will also work, for example - for the #ansible-docs channel it would be

General channels

The clickable links will take you directly to the relevant Matrix room in your browser; room/channel information is also given for use in other clients:

Working group-specific channels

Many of the working groups have dedicated chat channels. See the Working groups for more information.

Regional and Language-specific channels

Meetings on chat

The Ansible community holds regular meetings on various topics on Matrix/IRC, and anyone who is interested is invited to participate. For more information about Ansible meetings, consult the meeting schedule and agenda page.

Working groups

Working Groups are a way for Ansible community members to self-organize around particular topics of interest.

Our community working groups are represented in Matrix rooms and Forum groups. See those links for a complete list of communications channels.

Many of them meet in chat. If you want to get involved in a working group, join the Matrix room or IRC channel where it meets or comment on the agenda.

Forming a new working group

The basic components of a working group are:

  • Group name and charter (why the group exists).

  • Registered real-time chat channel.

  • Group of users (at least two!) who will be driving the agenda of the working group.

  • Dedicated forum group.

The basic responsibilities of a working group are:

  • Follow the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Be responsive on your real-time chat channel.

  • Be responsive on the forum in related topics.

  • Report semi-regularly on the cool stuff that your working group is working on.

  • Keep your forum group information updated.

Requesting a working group

Anyone can request to start a Working Group, for any reason.

If you need only a Forum group, request it in the forum topic.

If you also need a real-time chat channel, you can request one.

Requesting a community collection repository

Working groups are often built around Ansible community collections. You can use a repository under your organization or request one under ansible-collections on the forum by creating a topic in the Project Discussions category and the coll-repo-request tag.

Ansible Community Topics

The Ansible Community Steering Committee uses the Forum to asynchronously discuss with the Community and vote on Community topics.

Create a new topic if you want to discuss an idea that impacts any of the following:

See the Community topics workflow to learn more.

Ansible Automation Platform support questions

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is a subscription that contains support, certified content, and tooling for Ansible including content management, a controller, UI and REST API.

If you have a question about Ansible Automation Platform, visit Red Hat support rather than using a chat channel or the general project mailing list.

The Bullhorn

The Bullhorn is our newsletter for the Ansible contributor community. You can get Bullhorn updates from the Forum.

If you have any questions or content you would like to share, you are welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix<>, and mention `newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue.

Read past issues of the Bullhorn.

Asking questions over email


This form of communication is deprecated. Consider using the Forum instead.

Your first post to the mailing list will be moderated (to reduce spam), so please allow up to a day or so for your first post to appear.

  • Ansible Announce list is a read-only list that shares information about new releases of Ansible, and also rare infrequent event information, such as announcements about an upcoming AnsibleFest, which is our official conference series. Worth subscribing to!

  • Ansible AWX List is for Ansible AWX

  • Ansible Development List is for questions about developing Ansible modules (mostly in Python), fixing bugs in the Ansible Core code, asking about prospective feature design, or discussions about extending Ansible or features in progress.

  • Ansible Outreach List help with promoting Ansible and Ansible Meetups

  • Ansible Project List is for sharing Ansible tips, answering questions about playbooks and roles, and general user discussion.

  • Molecule Discussions is designed to aid with the development and testing of Ansible roles with Molecule.

The Ansible mailing lists are hosted on Google, but you do not need a Google account to subscribe. To subscribe to a group from a non-Google account, send an email to the subscription address requesting the subscription. For example: