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Online is a French hosting company mainly known for providing bare-metal servers named Dedibox. Check it out:

Dynamic inventory for Online resources

Ansible has a dynamic inventory plugin that can list your resources.

  1. Create a YAML configuration such as online_inventory.yml with this content:

  2. Set your ONLINE_TOKEN environment variable with your token.

    You need to open an account and log into it before you can get a token. You can find your token at the following page:

  3. You can test that your inventory is working by running:

    $ ansible-inventory -v -i online_inventory.yml --list
  4. Now you can run your playbook or any other module with this inventory:

    $ ansible all -i online_inventory.yml -m ping
    sd-96735 | SUCCESS => {
        "changed": false,
        "ping": "pong"