community.mongodb.mongodb lookup – lookup info from MongoDB
This lookup plugin is part of the community.mongodb collection (version 1.7.9).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.mongodb
You need further requirements to be able to use this lookup plugin,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.mongodb.mongodb
New in community.mongodb 1.0.0
The ``MongoDB`` lookup runs the *find()* command on a given *collection* on a given *MongoDB* server.
The result is a list of jsons, so slightly different from what PyMongo returns. In particular, *timestamps* are converted to epoch integers.
The below requirements are needed on the local controller node that executes this lookup.
pymongo >= 2.4 (python library)
Keyword parameters
This describes keyword parameters of the lookup. These are the values key1=value1
, key2=value2
and so on in the following
examples: lookup('community.mongodb.mongodb', key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)
and query('community.mongodb.mongodb', key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)
Parameter |
Comments |
Name of the collection which the query will be made |
Can be any valid MongoDB connection string, supporting authentication, replica sets, etc. More info at Default: |
Name of the database which the query will be made |
Extra connection parameters that to be sent to pymongo.MongoClient Check the example to see how to connect to mongo using an SSL certificate. All possible parameters are here: Default: |
Criteria of the output Default: |
How many results should be shown |
Fields you want returned Default: |
How many results should be skipped |
Sorting rules. Please use the strings Check the example for more information. Default: |
Please check for more details.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
#mandatory parameters
database: 'local'
collection: "startup_log"
connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
# connection_string: "mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017/"
# extra_connection_parameters: { "ssl" : True , "ssl_certfile": /etc/self_signed_certificate.pem" }
#optional query parameters, we accept any parameter from the normal mongodb query.
# filter: { "hostname": "u18" }
projection: { "pid": True , "_id" : False , "hostname" : True }
skip: 0
limit: 1
sort: [ [ "startTime" , "ASCENDING" ] , [ "age", "DESCENDING" ] ]
- debug: msg="The PID from MongoDB is {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters ).pid }}"
- debug: msg="The HostName from the MongoDB server is {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters ).hostname }}"
- debug: msg="Mongo DB is stored at {{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters_inline )}}"
database: 'local'
collection: "startup_log"
connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
limit: 1
projection: { "": True }
# lookup syntax, does the same as below
- debug: msg="The hostname is {{ item.hostname }} and the pid is {{ }}"
loop: "{{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters, wantlist=True) }}"
# query syntax, does the same as above
- debug: msg="The hostname is {{ item.hostname }} and the pid is {{ }}"
loop: "{{ query('mongodb', mongodb_parameters) }}"
- name: "Raw output from the mongodb lookup (a json with pid and hostname )"
debug: msg="{{ lookup('mongodb', mongodb_parameters) }}"
- name: "Yet another mongodb query, now with the parameters on the task itself"
debug: msg="pid={{}} hostname={{item.hostname}} version={{ item.buildinfo.version }}"
- database: 'local'
collection: "startup_log"
connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
limit: 1
projection: { "pid": True , "hostname": True , "buildinfo.version": True }
# Please notice this specific query may result more than one result. This is expected
- name: "Shows the whole output from mongodb"
debug: msg="{{ item }}"
- database: 'local'
collection: "startup_log"
connection_string: "mongodb://localhost/"
Return Value
Key |
Description |
a list of JSONs with the results of the MongoDB query. Returned: success |