fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ports module – Managed-switch port list.
This module is part of the fortinet.fortimanager collection (version 2.9.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install fortinet.fortimanager
To use it in a playbook, specify: fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_switchcontroller_managedswitch_ports
New in fortinet.fortimanager 2.0.0
This module is able to configure a FortiManager device.
Examples include all parameters and values which need to be adjusted to data sources before usage.
Parameter |
Comments |
The token to access FortiManager without using username and password. |
The parameter (adom) in requested url. |
Only set to True when module schema diffs with FortiManager API structure, module continues to execute without validating parameters. Choices:
Enable/Disable logging for task. Choices:
Authenticate Ansible client with forticloud API access token. |
Deprecated, please use “managed_switch” |
The parameter (managed-switch) in requested url. |
The overridden method for the underlying Json RPC request. Choices:
The rc codes list with which the conditions to fail will be overriden. |
The rc codes list with which the conditions to succeed will be overriden. |
The directive to create, update or delete an object. Choices:
The top level parameters set. |
Access mode of the port. Choices:
(list) ACL groups on this port. |
LACP member select mode. Choices:
Enable/Disable allow ARP monitor. Choices:
(list or str) Configure switch port tagged vlans |
Enable/disable all defined vlans on this port. Choices:
Trusted or untrusted dynamic ARP inspection. Choices:
Authenticated port. |
Enable/disable Link Aggregation Group Choices:
Description for port. |
Dhcp snoop option82 override. |
Circuit ID string. |
Remote ID string. |
DHCP snooping option 82 VLAN. |
Enable/disable allowance of DHCP with option-82 on untrusted interface. Choices:
Trusted or untrusted DHCP-snooping interface. Choices:
Configure discard mode for port. Choices:
Dot1x enable. Choices:
DSL policy configuration. |
Enable/disable this interface as an edge port, bridging connections between workstations and/or computers. Choices:
Encrypted port. |
(list) Configure export tag |
(list) Export managed-switch port to a tenant VDOM. |
(list) Switch controller export port to pool-list. |
Switch controller export port to pool-list. |
LACP fallback port. |
FEC capable. |
State of forward error correction. Choices:
Fgt peer device name. |
Fgt peer port name. |
Fiber port. |
Flags. |
Period over which flap events are calculated |
Number of stage change events needed within flap-duration. |
Flap guard disabling protection |
Enable/disable flap guard. Choices:
Flow control direction. Choices:
Fortilink port. |
(list) ACLs on this port. |
Set IGMP snooping mode for the physical port interface. Choices:
Enable/disable flooding of IGMP reports to this interface when igmp-snooping enabled. Choices:
Enable/disable flooding of IGMP reports to this interface when igmp-snooping enabled. Choices:
Enable/disable flooding of IGMP snooping traffic to this interface. Choices:
(list or str) Tag |
Enable/disable IP source guard. Choices:
Isl local trunk name. |
Isl peer device name. |
Isl peer device sn. |
Isl peer port name. |
End Link Aggregation Control Protocol Choices:
Limit the number of dynamic MAC addresses on this Port |
Link status. Choices:
LLDP port TLV profile. |
LLDP transmit and receive status. Choices:
Enable/disable logging for dynamic MAC address events. Choices:
Enable/disable loop-guard on this interface, an STP optimization used to prevent network loops. Choices:
Loop-guard timeout |
Port/Trunk MAC. |
Matched interface tags in the dynamic port policy. |
Matched child policy in the dynamic port policy. |
Maximum size of LAG bundle |
Maximum tolerant missed heartbeats. |
Enable/disable flooding of IGMP snooping traffic to this interface. Choices:
Enable/disable multi-chassis link aggregation Choices:
Mclag icl port. |
Media type. |
Port behavior after it withdraws because of loss of control packets. Choices:
(list) Aggregated LAG bundle interfaces. |
Minimum size of LAG bundle |
LACP mode Choices:
P2p port. |
Packet sampling rate |
Enable/disable packet sampling on this interface. Choices:
Configure ingress pause metering rate, in kbps |
Resume threshold for resuming traffic on ingress port. Choices:
Powered device capable. |
PoE capable. |
Poe max power. |
PoE mode IEEE 802. |
Configure PoE port mode. Choices:
Configure PoE port power. Choices:
Configure PoE port priority. Choices:
Enable/disable PoE pre-standard detection. Choices:
Poe standard. |
Enable/disable PoE status. Choices:
Switch port name. |
Port number. |
Switch port name. |
Switch controller dynamic port policy from available options. |
Port prefix type. |
Switch controller authentication policy to apply to this managed switch from available options. |
Algorithm for aggregate port selection. Choices:
(list) PTP policy configuration. |
Enable/disable PTP policy on this FortiSwitch port. Choices:
(list) ‘802.’ |
Switch controller QoS policy from available options. |
Restricted auth port. |
Enable/disable inter-operability with rapid PVST on this interface. Choices:
SFlow sample direction. Choices:
SFlow sampler counter polling interval |
SFlow sampler sample rate |
Enable/disable sFlow protocol on this interface. Choices:
Switch port speed; default and available settings depend on hardware. Choices:
Switch port speed mask. |
Stacking port. |
Switch port admin status Choices:
Enable or disable sticky-mac on the interface. Choices:
Switch controller storm control policy from available options. |
Enable/disable STP BPDU guard on this interface. Choices:
BPDU Guard disabling protection |
Enable/disable STP root guard on this interface. Choices:
Enable/disable Spanning Tree Protocol Choices:
Switch id. |
Trunk member. |
Interface type Choices:
(list or str) Configure switch port untagged vlans |
Virtualized switch port. |
Assign switch ports to a VLAN. |
The adom to lock for FortiManager running in workspace mode, the value can be global and others including root. |
The maximum time in seconds to wait for other user to release the workspace lock. Default: |
Starting in version 2.4.0, all input arguments are named using the underscore naming convention (snake_case). Please change the arguments such as “var-name” to “var_name”. Old argument names are still available yet you will receive deprecation warnings. You can ignore this warning by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
Running in workspace locking mode is supported in this FortiManager module, the top level parameters workspace_locking_adom and workspace_locking_timeout help do the work.
To create or update an object, use state present directive.
To delete an object, use state absent directive.
Normally, running one module can fail when a non-zero rc is returned. you can also override the conditions to fail or succeed with parameters rc_failed and rc_succeeded
- name: Example playbook (generated based on argument schema)
hosts: fortimanagers
connection: httpapi
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
ansible_httpapi_port: 443
- name: Managed-switch port list.
# bypass_validation: false
workspace_locking_adom: <value in [global, custom adom including root]>
workspace_locking_timeout: 300
# rc_succeeded: [0, -2, -3, ...]
# rc_failed: [-2, -3, ...]
adom: <your own value>
managed_switch: <your own value>
state: present # <value in [present, absent]>
allowed_vlans: <list or string>
allowed_vlans_all: <value in [disable, enable]>
arp_inspection_trust: <value in [untrusted, trusted]>
bundle: <value in [disable, enable]>
description: <string>
dhcp_snoop_option82_trust: <value in [disable, enable]>
dhcp_snooping: <value in [trusted, untrusted]>
discard_mode: <value in [none, all-untagged, all-tagged]>
edge_port: <value in [disable, enable]>
igmp_snooping: <value in [disable, enable]>
igmps_flood_reports: <value in [disable, enable]>
igmps_flood_traffic: <value in [disable, enable]>
lacp_speed: <value in [slow, fast]>
learning_limit: <integer>
lldp_profile: <string>
lldp_status: <value in [disable, rx-only, tx-only, ...]>
loop_guard: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
loop_guard_timeout: <integer>
max_bundle: <integer>
mclag: <value in [disable, enable]>
member_withdrawal_behavior: <value in [forward, block]>
members: <list or string>
min_bundle: <integer>
mode: <value in [static, lacp-passive, lacp-active]>
poe_pre_standard_detection: <value in [disable, enable]>
poe_status: <value in [disable, enable]>
port_name: <string>
port_owner: <string>
port_security_policy: <string>
port_selection_criteria: <value in [src-mac, dst-mac, src-dst-mac, ...]>
qos_policy: <string>
sample_direction: <value in [rx, tx, both]>
sflow_counter_interval: <integer>
sflow_sample_rate: <integer>
sflow_sampler: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
stp_bpdu_guard: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
stp_bpdu_guard_timeout: <integer>
stp_root_guard: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
stp_state: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
type: <value in [physical, trunk]>
untagged_vlans: <list or string>
vlan: <string>
export_to_pool_flag: <integer>
mac_addr: <string>
packet_sample_rate: <integer>
packet_sampler: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
sticky_mac: <value in [disable, enable]>
storm_control_policy: <string>
dot1x_enable: <value in [disable, enable]>
max_miss_heartbeats: <integer>
access_mode: <value in [normal, nac, dynamic, ...]>
ip_source_guard: <value in [disable, enable]>
mclag_icl_port: <integer>
p2p_port: <integer>
aggregator_mode: <value in [bandwidth, count]>
rpvst_port: <value in [disabled, enabled]>
flow_control: <value in [disable, tx, rx, ...]>
media_type: <string>
pause_meter: <integer>
pause_meter_resume: <value in [25%, 50%, 75%]>
trunk_member: <integer>
fec_capable: <integer>
fec_state: <value in [disabled, cl74, cl91, ...]>
matched_dpp_intf_tags: <string>
matched_dpp_policy: <string>
port_policy: <string>
status: <value in [down, up]>
dsl_profile: <string>
flap_duration: <integer>
flap_rate: <integer>
flap_timeout: <integer>
flapguard: <value in [disable, enable]>
interface_tags: <list or string>
poe_max_power: <string>
poe_standard: <string>
igmp_snooping_flood_reports: <value in [disable, enable]>
mcast_snooping_flood_traffic: <value in [disable, enable]>
link_status: <value in [down, up]>
poe_mode_bt_cabable: <integer>
poe_port_mode: <value in [ieee802-3af, ieee802-3at, ieee802-3bt]>
poe_port_power: <value in [normal, perpetual, perpetual-fast]>
poe_port_priority: <value in [critical-priority, high-priority, low-priority, ...]>
acl_group: <list or string>
circuit_id: <string>
remote_id: <string>
vlan_name: <string>
fortiswitch_acls: <list or integer>
isl_peer_device_sn: <string>
authenticated_port: <integer>
encrypted_port: <integer>
ptp_status: <value in [disable, enable]>
restricted_auth_port: <integer>
allow_arp_monitor: <value in [disable, enable]>
export_to: <list or string>
export_to_pool: <list or string>
fallback_port: <string>
fgt_peer_device_name: <string>
fgt_peer_port_name: <string>
fiber_port: <integer>
flags: <integer>
fortilink_port: <integer>
isl_local_trunk_name: <string>
isl_peer_device_name: <string>
isl_peer_port_name: <string>
poe_capable: <integer>
port_number: <integer>
port_prefix_type: <integer>
ptp_policy: <list or string>
speed: <value in [auto, 10full, 10half, ...]>
speed_mask: <integer>
stacking_port: <integer>
switch_id: <string>
virtual_port: <integer>
export_tags: <list or string>
log_mac_event: <value in [disable, enable]>
pd_capable: <integer>
qnq: <list or string>
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
The result of the request. Returned: always |
The full url requested. Returned: always Sample: |
The status of api request. Returned: always Sample: |
The api response. Returned: always |
The descriptive message of the api response. Returned: always Sample: |
The information of the target system. Returned: always |
The status the request. Returned: always Sample: |
Warning if the parameters used in the playbook are not supported by the current FortiManager version. Returned: complex |