community.libvirt.virt_pool – Manage libvirt storage pools¶
This plugin is part of the community.libvirt collection (version 1.0.0).
To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.libvirt
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.libvirt.virt_pool
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
python >= 2.6
# Define a new storage pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: define
name: vms
xml: '{{ lookup("template", "pool/dir.xml.j2") }}'
# Build a storage pool if it does not exist
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: build
name: vms
# Start a storage pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: create
name: vms
# List available pools
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: list_pools
# Get XML data of a specified pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: get_xml
name: vms
# Stop a storage pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: destroy
name: vms
# Delete a storage pool (destroys contents)
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: delete
name: vms
# Undefine a storage pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: undefine
name: vms
# Gather facts about storage pools
# Facts will be available as 'ansible_libvirt_pools'
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: facts
# Gather information about pools managed by 'libvirt' remotely using uri
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
command: info
uri: '{{ item }}'
with_items: '{{ libvirt_uris }}'
register: storage_pools
# Ensure that a pool is active (needs to be defined and built first)
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
state: active
name: vms
# Ensure that a pool is inactive
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
state: inactive
name: vms
# Ensure that a given pool will be started at boot
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
autostart: yes
name: vms
# Disable autostart for a given pool
- community.libvirt.virt_pool:
autostart: no
name: vms
Maciej Delmanowski (@drybjed)