netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host_detail – Expands the host information from santricity_host lookup


This plugin is part of the netapp_eseries.santricity collection (version 1.1.0).

To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install netapp_eseries.santricity.

To use it in a playbook, specify: netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host_detail.


  • Expands the host information from santricity_host lookup to include system and port information


Parameter Choices/Defaults Configuration Comments
list / elements=string / required
List of dictionaries containing "stdout_lines" which is a list of iqn/wwpns for each expected_hosts from the results of the santricity_host lookup plugin.
Register the results from the shell module that is looped over each host in expected_hosts. The command issued should result in a newline delineated list of iqns, nqns, or wwpns.
list / elements=string / required
E-Series storage array inventory, hostvars[inventory_hostname].
Run na_santricity_facts prior to calling
list / elements=string / required
The registered results from the setup module from each expected_hosts, hosts_info['results'].
Collected results from the setup module for each expected_hosts from the results of the santricity_host lookup plugin.
string / required
Storage system interface protocol (iscsi, sas, fc, ib-iser, ib-srp, nvme_ib, or nvme_roce)


  • Nathan Swartz