homebrew_cask – Install/uninstall homebrew casks¶
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
python >= 2.6
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: present
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: absent
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: present
install_options: 'appdir=/Applications'
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: present
install_options: 'debug,appdir=/Applications'
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: present
accept_external_apps: True
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: absent
install_options: force
- homebrew_cask:
upgrade_all: true
- homebrew_cask:
name: alfred
state: upgraded
install_options: force
- homebrew_cask:
name: 1password
state: upgraded
greedy: True
- homebrew_cask:
name: wireshark
state: present
sudo_password: "{{ ansible_become_pass }}"
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by the Ansible Community. [community]
Indrajit Raychaudhuri (@indrajitr)
Daniel Jaouen (@danieljaouen)
Enric Lluelles (@enriclluelles)
If you notice any issues in this documentation, you can edit this document to improve it.