constructed – Uses Jinja2 to construct vars and groups based on existing inventory¶
New in version 2.4.
Uses a YAML configuration file with a valid YAML or
extension to define var expressions and group conditionalsThe Jinja2 conditionals that qualify a host for membership.
The Jinja2 expressions are calculated and assigned to the variables
Only variables already available from previous inventories or the fact cache can be used for templating.
When strict is False, failed expressions will be ignored (assumes vars were missing).
# inventory.config file in YAML format
plugin: constructed
strict: False
var_sum: var1 + var2
# this variable will only be set if I have a persistent fact cache enabled (and have non expired facts)
# `strict: False` will skip this instead of producing an error if it is missing facts.
server_type: "ansible_hostname | regex_replace ('(.{6})(.{2}).*', '\\2')"
# simple name matching
webservers: inventory_hostname.startswith('web')
# using ec2 'tags' (assumes aws inventory)
development: "'devel' in (ec2_tags|list)"
# using other host properties populated in inventory
private_only: not (public_dns_name is defined or ip_address is defined)
# complex group membership
multi_group: (group_names | intersect(['alpha', 'beta', 'omega'])) | length >= 2
# this creates a group per distro (distro_CentOS, distro_Debian) and assigns the hosts that have matching values to it,
# using the default separator "_"
- prefix: distro
key: ansible_distribution
# the following examples assume the first inventory is from contrib/inventory/
# this creates a group per ec2 architecture and assign hosts to the matching ones (arch_x86_64, arch_sparc, etc)
- prefix: arch
key: ec2_architecture
# this creates a group per ec2 region like "us_west_1"
- prefix: ""
separator: ""
key: ec2_region
# this creates a common parent group for all ec2 availability zones
- key: ec2_placement
parent_group: all_ec2_zones
This inventory is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This inventory is maintained by the Ansible Community. [community]
If you notice any issues in this documentation, you can edit this document to improve it.
Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up.