Kubernetes and OpenShift Guide

Modules for interacting with the Kubernetes (K8s) and OpenShift API are under development, and can be used in preview mode. To use them, review the requirements, and then follow the installation and use instructions.


To use the modules, you’ll need the following:

Installation and use

The Kubernetes modules are part of the Ansible Kubernetes collection.

To install the collection, run the following:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes

Next, include it in a playbook, as follows:

- hosts: localhost
  - name: Create a pod
      state: present
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          name: "utilitypod-1"
          namespace: default
            app: galaxy
          - name: utilitypod
            image: busybox

Authenticating with the API

By default the OpenShift Rest Client will look for ~/.kube/config, and if found, connect using the active context. You can override the location of the file using the``kubeconfig`` parameter, and the context, using the context parameter.

Basic authentication is also supported using the username and password options. You can override the URL using the host parameter. Certificate authentication works through the ssl_ca_cert, cert_file, and key_file parameters, and for token authentication, use the api_key parameter.

To disable SSL certificate verification, set verify_ssl to false.

Filing issues

If you find a bug or have a suggestion regarding modules, please file issues at Ansible Kubernetes collection. If you find a bug regarding OpenShift client, please file issues at OpenShift REST Client issues.