ansible.utils.ipsubnet filter – This filter can be used to manipulate network subnets in several ways.


This filter plugin is part of the ansible.utils collection (version 2.10.3).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils.

To use it in a playbook, specify: ansible.utils.ipsubnet.

New in ansible.utils 2.5.0


  • This filter can be used to manipulate network subnets in several ways.

Keyword parameters

This describes keyword parameters of the filter. These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following example: input | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...).





The second argument of the ipsubnet() filter is an index number; by specifying it you can get a new subnet

with the specified index.



You can provide query as 1st argument.

To check if a given string is a subnet, pass it through the filter without any arguments. If the given string is an IP address, it will be converted into a subnet. If you specify a subnet size as the first parameter of the ipsubnet() filter, and the subnet size is smaller than the current one, you will get the number of subnets a given subnet can be split into.

Default: ""


string / required

subnets or individual address or any other values input for ipsubnet plugin


#### examples
# Ipsubnet filter plugin with different queries.
    address: ''
    subnet: ''
    ipv6_address: '2001:4860:4860::8888'
    ipv6_subnet: '2600:1f1c:1b3:8f00::/56'
      # If the given string is an IP address, it will be converted into a subnet.
      - name: convert IP address to subnet
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet }}"

      # check if a given string is a subnet
      - name: check if a given string is a subnet
          msg: "{{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet }}"

      # Get the number of subnets a given subnet can be split into.
      - name: Get the number of subnets a given subnet can be split into.
          msg: "{{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20) }}"

      # Get a new subnet with the specified index.
      - name: Get a 1st subnet
          msg: "{{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, 0) }}"

      # Get a new subnet with the specified index.
      - name: Get a last subnet
          msg: "{{ subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20, -1) }}"

      # Get a new subnet with the specified index.
      - name: Get first IPv6 subnet that has prefix length /120
          msg: "{{ ipv6_subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(120, 0) }}"

      # Get a new subnet with the specified index.
      - name: Get last subnet that has prefix length /120
          msg: "{{ ipv6_subnet | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(120, -1) }}"

      # If you specify an IP address instead of a subnet, and give a subnet size as the first argument, the ipsubnet() |
      # filter will instead return the biggest subnet that contains that given IP address.
      - name: Get biggest subnet that contains that given IP address.
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(20) }}"

      # Get smaller and smaller subnets by specifying an index number as a second argument
      - name: Get 1st smaller subnet by specifying 0 as index number
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, 0) }}"

      # Get smaller and smaller subnets by specifying an index number as a second argument
      - name: Get last subnet
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(18, -1) }}"

      # By specifying another subnet as a second argument, if the second subnet includes the first, you can determine |
      # the rank of the first subnet in the second.
      - name: The rank of the IP in the subnet (the IP is the 36870nth /32 of the subnet)
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet(subnet) }}"

      # By specifying another subnet as a second argument, if the second subnet includes the first, you can determine |
      # the rank of the first subnet in the second.
      - name:  The rank in the /24 that contain the address
          msg: "{{ address | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}"

      # By specifying another subnet as a second argument, if the second subnet includes the first, you can determine |
      # the rank of the first subnet in the second.
      - name:  An IP with the subnet in the first /30 in a /24
          msg: "{{ '' | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}"

      # By specifying another subnet as a second argument, if the second subnet includes the first, you can determine |
      # the rank of the first subnet in the second.
      - name: The fifth subnet /30 in a /24
          msg: "{{ '' | ansible.utils.ipsubnet('') }}"

# PLAY [Ipsubnet filter plugin with different queries.] ****************************************************************
# TASK [convert IP address to subnet] *************************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:10
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [check if a given string is a subnet] ******************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:15
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [Get the number of subnets a given subnet can be split into.] ******************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:20
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": "16"
# }
# TASK [Get a 1st subnet] *************************************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:25
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [Get a last subnet] ************************************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:30
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [Get biggest subnet that contains that given IP address.] **********************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:35
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [Get 1st smaller subnet by specifying 0 as index number] ***********************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:40
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [Get last subnet] **************************************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:45
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": ""
# }
# TASK [The rank of the IP in the subnet (the IP is the 36870nth /32 of the subnet)] **************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:50
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": "36870"
# }
# TASK [The rank in the /24 that contain the address] *********************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:55
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": "6"
# }
# TASK [An IP with the subnet in the first /30 in a /24] ******************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:60
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": "1"
# }
# TASK [he fifth subnet /30 in a /24] *************************************************************************
# task path: /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/playbooks/test_ipsubnet.yaml:65
# Loading collection ansible.utils from /Users/amhatre/ansible-collections/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/utils
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": "5"
# }

Return Value





Returns values valid for a particular query.

Returned: success


  • Ashwini Mhatre (@amhatre)


Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up.