Other Tools and Programs

The Ansible community uses a range of tools for working with the Ansible project. This is a list of some of the most popular of these tools.

If you know of any other tools that should be added, this list can be updated by clicking “Edit on GitHub” on the top right of this page.

Development tools

Tools for validating playbooks

  • Ansible Lint - a highly configurable linter for Ansible playbooks.

  • Ansible Review - an extension of Ansible Lint designed for code review.

  • Molecule - a testing framework for Ansible plays and roles.

  • yamllint - a command-line utility to check syntax validity including key repetition and indentation issues.

Other tools

  • Ansible cmdb - takes the output of Ansible’s fact gathering and converts it into a static HTML overview page containing system configuration information.

  • Ansible Inventory Grapher - visually displays inventory inheritance hierarchies and at what level a variable is defined in inventory.

  • Ansible Language Server - a server that implements language server protocol for Ansible.

  • Ansible Playbook Grapher - a command line tool to create a graph representing your Ansible playbook tasks and roles.

  • Ansible Shell - an interactive shell for Ansible with built-in tab completion for all the modules.

  • Ansible Silo - a self-contained Ansible environment by Docker.

  • Ansigenome - a command line tool designed to help you manage your Ansible roles.

  • antsibull-changelog - a changelog generator for Ansible collections.

  • antsibull-docs - generates docsites for collections and can validate collection documentation.

  • ARA - ARA Records Ansible playbooks and makes them easier to understand and troubleshoot with a reporting API, UI and CLI.

  • Awesome Ansible - a collaboratively curated list of awesome Ansible resources.

  • AWX - provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform includes code from AWX.

  • Mitogen for Ansible - uses the Mitogen library to execute Ansible playbooks in a more efficient way (decreases the execution time).

  • nanvault - a standalone tool to encrypt and decrypt files in the Ansible Vault format, featuring UNIX-style composability.

  • OpsTools-ansible - uses Ansible to configure an environment that provides the support of OpsTools, namely centralized logging and analysis, availability monitoring, and performance monitoring.

  • Steampunk Spotter - provides an Assisted Automation Writing tool that analyzes and offers recommendations for your Ansible Playbooks.

  • TD4A - a template designer for automation. TD4A is a visual design aid for building and testing jinja2 templates. It will combine data in yaml format with a jinja2 template and render the output.

  • PHP-Ansible - an object oriented Ansible wrapper for PHP.