Review checklist for collection PRs

Use this section as a checklist reminder of items to review when you review a collection PR.

Reviewing bug reports

When users report bugs, verify the behavior reported. Remember always to be kind with your feedback.

  • Did the user make a mistake in the code they put in the Steps to Reproduce issue section? We often see user errors reported as bugs.

  • Did the user assume an unexpected behavior? Ensure that the related documentation is clear. If not, the issue is useful to help us improve documentation.

  • Is there a minimal reproducer? If not, ask the reporter to reduce the complexity to help pinpoint the issue.

  • Is the issue a consequence of a misconfigured environment?

  • If it seems to be a real bug, does the behavior still exist in the most recent release or the development branch?

  • Reproduce the bug, or if you do not have a suitable infrastructure, ask other contributors to reproduce the bug.

Reviewing suggested changes

When reviewing PRs, verify that the suggested changes do not:

  • Unnecessarily break backward compatibility.

  • Bring more harm than value.

  • Introduce non-idempotent solutions.

  • Duplicate already existing features (inside or outside the collection).

  • Violate the Ansible development conventions.

Other standards to check for in a PR include:

  • A pull request MUST NOT contain a mix of bug fixes and new features that are not tightly related. If yes, ask the author to split the pull request into separate PRs.

  • If the pull request is not a documentation fix, it must include a changelog fragment. Check the format carefully as follows:

  • New modules and plugins (that are not jinja2 filter and test plugins) do not need changelog fragments.

  • For jinja2 filter and test plugins, check out the special syntax for changelog fragments.

  • The changelog content contains useful information for end users of the collection.

  • This is typically the next minor release, sometimes the next major release. For example: if 2.7.5 is the current release, the next minor release will be 2.8.0, and the next major release will be 3.0.0).

  • FQCNs are used for extends_documentation_fragment:, unless the author is referring to doc_fragments from ansible-core.

  • New features have corresponding examples in the EXAMPLES block.

  • Return values are documented in the RETURN block.

Review tests in the PR

Review the following if tests are applicable and possible to implement for the changes included in the PR:

  • Where applicable, the pull request has Integration tests and Unit Tests.

  • All changes are covered. For example, a bug case or a new option separately and in sensible combinations with other options.

  • Integration tests cover check_mode if supported.

  • Integration tests check the actual state of the system, not only what the module reports. For example, if the module actually changes a file, check that the file was changed by using the ansible.builtin.stat module..

  • Integration tests check return values, if applicable.

Review for merge commits and breaking changes

  • The pull request does not contain merge commits. See the GitHub warnings at the bottom of the pull request. If merge commits are present, ask the author to rebase the pull request branch.

  • If the pull request contains breaking changes, ask the author and the collection maintainers if it really is needed, and if there is a way not to introduce breaking changes. If breaking changes are present, they MUST only appear in the next major release and MUST NOT appear in a minor or patch release. The only exception is breaking changes caused by security fixes that are absolutely necessary to fix the security issue.