vmware.vmware_rest.vcenter_ovf_libraryitem module – Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance


This module is part of the vmware.vmware_rest collection (version 2.3.1).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install vmware.vmware_rest. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see Requirements for details.

To use it in a playbook, specify: vmware.vmware_rest.vcenter_ovf_libraryitem.

New in vmware.vmware_rest 2.0.0


  • Creates a library item in content library from a virtual machine or virtual appliance. <p> This {@term operation} creates a library item in content library whose content is an OVF package derived from a source virtual machine or virtual appliance, using the supplied create specification. The OVF package may be stored as in a newly created library item or in an in an existing library item. For an existing library item whose content is updated by this {@term operation}, the original content is overwritten. Meta data such as name and description is not updated for the exisitng library item. </p>


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • vSphere 7.0.2 or greater

  • python >= 3.6

  • aiohttp






Client-generated token used to retry a request if the client fails to get a response from the server. If the original request succeeded, the result of that request will be returned, otherwise the operation will be retried.



Information used to create the OVF package from the source virtual machine or virtual appliance. Required with state=[‘present’]

Valid attributes are:

  • name (str): Name to use in the OVF descriptor stored in the library item. ([‘present’])

  • description (str): Description to use in the OVF descriptor stored in the library item. ([‘present’])

  • flags (list): Flags to use for OVF package creation. The supported flags can be obtained using {@link ExportFlag#list}. ([‘present’])



Specification of how the OVF package should be deployed to the target. Required with state=[‘deploy’]

Valid attributes are:

  • name (str): Name assigned to the deployed target virtual machine or virtual appliance. ([‘deploy’])

  • annotation (str): Annotation assigned to the deployed target virtual machine or virtual appliance. ([‘deploy’])

  • accept_all_EULA (bool): Whether to accept all End User License Agreements. ([‘deploy’])

This key is required with [‘deploy’].

  • network_mappings (dict): Specification of the target network to use for sections of type ovf:NetworkSection in the OVF descriptor. The key in the {@term map} is the section identifier of the ovf:NetworkSection section in the OVF descriptor and the value is the target network to be used for deployment. ([‘deploy’])

  • storage_mappings (dict): Specification of the target storage to use for sections of type vmw:StorageGroupSection in the OVF descriptor. The key in the {@term map} is the section identifier of the ovf:StorageGroupSection section in the OVF descriptor and the value is the target storage specification to be used for deployment. ([‘deploy’])

  • storage_provisioning (str): The disk_provisioning_type defines the virtual disk provisioning types that can be set for a disk on the target platform. ([‘deploy’])

  • Accepted values:

  • eagerZeroedThick

  • thick

  • thin

  • storage_profile_id (str): Default storage profile to use for all sections of type vmw:StorageSection in the OVF descriptor. ([‘deploy’])

  • locale (str): The locale to use for parsing the OVF descriptor. ([‘deploy’])

  • flags (list): Flags to be use for deployment. The supported flag values can be obtained using {@link ImportFlag#list}. ([‘deploy’])

  • additional_parameters (list): Additional OVF parameters that may be needed for the deployment. Additional OVF parameters may be required by the OVF descriptor of the OVF package in the library item. Examples of OVF parameters that can be specified through this field include, but are not limited to: <ul> <li>{@link DeploymentOptionParams}</li> <li>{@link ExtraConfigParams}</li> <li>{@link IpAllocationParams}</li> <li>{@link PropertyParams}</li> <li>{@link ScaleOutParams}</li> <li>{@link VcenterExtensionParams}</li> </ul> ([‘deploy’])

  • default_datastore_id (str): Default datastore to use for all sections of type vmw:StorageSection in the OVF descriptor. ([‘deploy’])



Identifier of the content library item containing the OVF package to be deployed. Required with state=[‘deploy’, ‘filter’]



added in vmware.vmware_rest 2.1.0

Timeout settings for client session.

The maximal number of seconds for the whole operation including connection establishment, request sending and response.

The default value is 300s.



Identifier of the virtual machine or virtual appliance to use as the source. Required with state=[‘present’]

Valid attributes are:

  • type (str): Type of the deployable resource. ([‘present’])

This key is required with [‘present’].

  • id (str): Identifier of the deployable resource. ([‘present’])

This key is required with [‘present’].




  • "deploy"

  • "filter"

  • "present" ← (default)


dictionary / required

Specification of the target content library and library item. This parameter is mandatory.

Valid attributes are:

  • library_id (str): Identifier of the library in which a new library item should be created. This field is not used if the #library_item_id field is specified. ([‘present’])

  • library_item_id (str): Identifier of the library item that should be should be updated. ([‘present’])

  • resource_pool_id (str): Identifier of the resource pool to which the virtual machine or virtual appliance should be attached. ([‘deploy’, ‘filter’])

This key is required with [‘deploy’, ‘filter’].

  • host_id (str): Identifier of the target host on which the virtual machine or virtual appliance will run. The target host must be a member of the cluster that contains the resource pool identified by {@link #resourcePoolId}. ([‘deploy’, ‘filter’])

  • folder_id (str): Identifier of the vCenter folder that should contain the virtual machine or virtual appliance. The folder must be virtual machine folder. ([‘deploy’, ‘filter’])


string / required

The hostname or IP address of the vSphere vCenter

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_HOST will be used instead.


string / required

The vSphere vCenter password

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_PASSWORD will be used instead.



You can use this optional parameter to set the location of a log file.

This file will be used to record the HTTP REST interaction.

The file will be stored on the host that run the module.

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of

environment variable VMWARE_REST_LOG_FILE will be used instead.


string / required

The vSphere vCenter username

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_USER will be used instead.



Allows connection when SSL certificates are not valid. Set to false when certificates are not trusted.

If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS will be used instead.


  • false

  • true ← (default)



  • Tested on vSphere 7.0.2


- name: Create a VM
      cluster: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.cluster_moid', '/my_dc/host/my_cluster') }}"
      datastore: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.datastore_moid', '/my_dc/datastore/rw_datastore') }}"
      folder: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.folder_moid', '/my_dc/vm') }}"
      resource_pool: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.resource_pool_moid', '/my_dc/host/my_cluster/Resources') }}"
    name: test_vm1
    guest_OS: RHEL_7_64
    hardware_version: VMX_11
      hot_add_enabled: true
      size_MiB: 1024
  register: my_vm

- name: Create a content library pointing on a NFS share
    name: my_library_on_nfs
    description: automated
      published: true
      authentication_method: NONE
    - storage_uri: nfs://datastore.test/srv/share/content-library
      type: OTHER
    state: present
  register: nfs_lib

- name: Export the VM as an OVF on the library
    session_timeout: 2900
      type: VirtualMachine
      id: '{{ my_vm.id }}'
      library_id: '{{ nfs_lib.id }}'
      name: golden_image
      description: an OVF example
      flags: []
    state: present
  register: ovf_item

- name: Get the list of items of the NFS library
    library_id: '{{ nfs_lib.id }}'
  register: lib_items

- name: Create a new VM from the OVF
    ovf_library_item_id: '{{ (lib_items.value|selectattr("name", "equalto", "golden_image")|first).id }}'
    state: deploy
      resource_pool_id: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.resource_pool_moid', '/my_dc/host/my_cluster/Resources') }}"
      name: my_vm_from_ovf
      accept_all_EULA: true
      storage_provisioning: thin

- name: Create a new VM from the OVF and specify the host and folder
    ovf_library_item_id: '{{ (lib_items.value|selectattr("name", "equalto", "golden_image")|first).id }}'
    state: deploy
      resource_pool_id: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.resource_pool_moid', '/my_dc/host/my_cluster/Resources') }}"
      folder_id: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.folder_moid', '/my_dc/vm') }}"
      host_id: "{{ lookup('vmware.vmware_rest.host_moid', '/my_dc/host/my_cluster/esxi1.test/test_vm1') }}"
      name: my_vm_from_ovf_on_a_host
      accept_all_EULA: true
      storage_provisioning: thin

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:





Create a new VM from the OVF and specify the host and folder

Returned: On success

Sample: {"error": {"errors": [], "information": [], "warnings": []}, "resource_id": {"id": "vm-1078", "type": "VirtualMachine"}, "succeeded": 1}


  • Ansible Cloud Team (@ansible-collections)