Collection version 9.1.0
A variety of Ansible content to help automate the management of AWS services.
Ansible (
Supported ansible-core versions:
2.15.0 or newer
Matrix room
: General usage and support questions.IRC channel
(Libera network): General usage and support questions.
Scenario Guide
Module Development Guidelines
Dynamic Inventory Plugin Guide
Plugin Index
These are the plugins in the collection:
autoscaling_group module – Create or delete AWS AutoScaling Groups (ASGs)
autoscaling_group_info module – Gather information about EC2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS
autoscaling_instance module – manage instances associated with AWS AutoScaling Groups (ASGs)
autoscaling_instance_info module – describe instances associated with AWS AutoScaling Groups (ASGs)
autoscaling_instance_refresh module – Start or cancel an EC2 Auto Scaling Group (ASG) instance refresh in AWS
autoscaling_instance_refresh_info module – Gather information about EC2 Auto Scaling Group (ASG) Instance Refreshes in AWS
aws_az_info module – Gather information about availability zones in AWS
aws_caller_info module – Get information about the user and account being used to make AWS calls
aws_region_info module – Gather information about AWS regions
backup_plan module – Manage AWS Backup Plans
backup_plan_info module – Describe AWS Backup Plans
backup_restore_job_info module – List information about backup restore jobs
backup_selection module – Create, delete and modify AWS Backup selection
backup_selection_info module – Describe AWS Backup Selections
backup_tag module – Manage tags on backup plan, backup vault, recovery point
backup_tag_info module – List tags on AWS Backup resources
backup_vault module – Manage AWS Backup Vaults
backup_vault_info module – Describe AWS Backup Vaults
cloudformation module – Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
cloudformation_info module – Obtain information about an AWS CloudFormation stack
cloudtrail module – manage CloudTrail create, delete, update
cloudtrail_info module – Gather information about trails in AWS Cloud Trail
cloudwatch_metric_alarm module – Create/update or delete AWS CloudWatch ‘metric alarms’
cloudwatch_metric_alarm_info module – Gather information about the alarms for the specified metric
cloudwatchevent_rule module – Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets
cloudwatchlogs_log_group module – create or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs
cloudwatchlogs_log_group_info module – Get information about log_group in CloudWatchLogs
cloudwatchlogs_log_group_metric_filter module – Manage CloudWatch log group metric filter
ec2_ami module – Create or destroy an image (AMI) in EC2
ec2_ami_info module – Gather information about EC2 AMIs
ec2_eip module – manages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses.
ec2_eip_info module – List EC2 EIP details
ec2_eni module – Create and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance
ec2_eni_info module – Gather information about EC2 ENI interfaces in AWS
ec2_import_image module – Manage AWS EC2 import image tasks
ec2_import_image_info module – Gather information about import virtual machine tasks
ec2_instance module – Create & manage EC2 instances
ec2_instance_info module – Gather information about ec2 instances in AWS
ec2_key module – Create or delete an EC2 key pair
ec2_key_info module – Gather information about EC2 key pairs in AWS
ec2_launch_template module – Manage EC2 launch templates
ec2_launch_template_info module – Gather information about launch templates and versions
ec2_metadata_facts module – Gathers facts (instance metadata) about remote hosts within EC2
ec2_placement_group module – Create or delete an EC2 Placement Group
ec2_placement_group_info module – List EC2 Placement Group(s) details
ec2_security_group module – Maintain an EC2 security group
ec2_security_group_info module – Gather information about EC2 security groups in AWS
ec2_snapshot module – Creates a snapshot from an existing volume
ec2_snapshot_info module – Gathers information about EC2 volume snapshots in AWS
ec2_spot_instance module – Request, stop, reboot or cancel spot instance
ec2_spot_instance_info module – Gather information about ec2 spot instance requests
ec2_tag module – Create and remove tags on ec2 resources
ec2_tag_info module – List tags on ec2 resources
ec2_transit_gateway module – Create and delete AWS Transit Gateways
ec2_transit_gateway_info module – Retrieve information about EC2 Transit Gateways in AWS
ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment module – Create and delete AWS Transit Gateway VPC attachments
ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_info module – describes AWS Transit Gateway VPC attachments
ec2_vol module – Create and attach a volume, return volume ID and device map
ec2_vol_info module – Gather information about EC2 volumes in AWS
ec2_vpc_dhcp_option module – Manages DHCP Options, and can ensure the DHCP options for the given VPC match what’s requested
ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_info module – Gather information about DHCP options sets in AWS
ec2_vpc_egress_igw module – Manage an AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway
ec2_vpc_egress_igw_info module – Gather information about AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway
ec2_vpc_endpoint module – Create and delete AWS VPC endpoints
ec2_vpc_endpoint_info module – Retrieves AWS VPC endpoints details using AWS methods
ec2_vpc_endpoint_service_info module – Retrieves AWS VPC endpoint service details
ec2_vpc_igw module – Manage an AWS VPC Internet gateway
ec2_vpc_igw_info module – Gather information about internet gateways in AWS
ec2_vpc_nacl module – create and delete Network ACLs
ec2_vpc_nacl_info module – Gather information about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC
ec2_vpc_nat_gateway module – Manage AWS VPC NAT Gateways
ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_info module – Retrieves AWS VPC Managed Nat Gateway details using AWS methods
ec2_vpc_net module – Configure AWS Virtual Private Clouds
ec2_vpc_net_info module – Gather information about EC2 VPCs in AWS
ec2_vpc_peering module – create, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs.
ec2_vpc_peering_info module – Retrieves AWS VPC Peering details using AWS methods
ec2_vpc_route_table module – Manage route tables for AWS Virtual Private Clouds
ec2_vpc_route_table_info module – Gather information about ec2 VPC route tables in AWS
ec2_vpc_subnet module – Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds
ec2_vpc_subnet_info module – Gather information about EC2 VPC subnets in AWS
ec2_vpc_vgw module – Create and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways
ec2_vpc_vgw_info module – Gather information about virtual gateways in AWS
ec2_vpc_vpn module – Create, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections
ec2_vpc_vpn_info module – Gather information about EC2 VPN Connections in AWS
elb_application_lb module – Manage an Application Load Balancer
elb_application_lb_info module – Gather information about Application Load Balancers in AWS
elb_classic_lb module – Creates, updates or destroys an Amazon ELB
elb_classic_lb_info module – Gather information about EC2 Classic Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
iam_access_key module – Manage AWS IAM User access keys
iam_access_key_info module – fetch information about AWS IAM User access keys
iam_group module – Manage AWS IAM groups
iam_instance_profile module – manage IAM instance profiles
iam_instance_profile_info module – gather information on IAM instance profiles
iam_managed_policy module – Manage User Managed IAM policies
iam_mfa_device_info module – List the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user
iam_password_policy module – Update an IAM Password Policy
iam_policy module – Manage inline IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
iam_policy_info module – Retrieve inline IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
iam_role module – Manage AWS IAM roles
iam_role_info module – Gather information on IAM roles
iam_user module – Manage AWS IAM users
iam_user_info module – Gather IAM user(s) facts in AWS
kms_key module – Perform various KMS key management tasks
kms_key_info module – Gather information about AWS KMS keys
lambda module – Manage AWS Lambda functions
lambda_alias module – Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases
lambda_event module – Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings
lambda_execute module – Execute an AWS Lambda function
lambda_info module – Gathers AWS Lambda function details
lambda_layer module – Creates an AWS Lambda layer or deletes an AWS Lambda layer version
lambda_layer_info module – List lambda layer or lambda layer versions
lambda_policy module – Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda policy statements.
rds_cluster module – rds_cluster module
rds_cluster_info module – Obtain information about one or more RDS clusters
rds_cluster_param_group module – Manage RDS cluster parameter groups
rds_cluster_param_group_info module – Describes the properties of specific RDS cluster parameter group
rds_cluster_snapshot module – Manage Amazon RDS snapshots of DB clusters
rds_engine_versions_info module – Describes the properties of specific versions of DB engines
rds_global_cluster_info module – Obtain information about Aurora global database clusters
rds_instance module – Manage RDS instances
rds_instance_info module – obtain information about one or more RDS instances
rds_instance_param_group module – manage RDS parameter groups
rds_instance_param_group_info module – Describes the RDS parameter group.
rds_instance_snapshot module – Manage Amazon RDS instance snapshots
rds_option_group module – Manages the creation, modification, deletion of RDS option groups
rds_option_group_info module – rds_option_group_info module
rds_snapshot_info module – obtain information about one or more RDS snapshots
rds_subnet_group module – manage RDS database subnet groups
route53 module – add or delete entries in Amazons Route 53 DNS service
route53_health_check module – Manage health checks in Amazons Route 53 DNS service
route53_info module – Retrieves Route 53 details using AWS methods
route53_zone module – add or delete Route 53 zones
s3_bucket module – Manage S3 buckets in AWS, DigitalOcean, Ceph, Walrus, FakeS3 and StorageGRID
s3_bucket_info module – Lists S3 buckets in AWS
s3_object module – Manage objects in S3
s3_object_info module – Gather information about objects in S3
sts_assume_role module – Assume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials
Callback Plugins
aws_resource_actions callback – summarizes all “resource:actions” completed
Inventory Plugins
aws_ec2 inventory – EC2 inventory source
aws_rds inventory – RDS instance inventory source
Lookup Plugins
aws_account_attribute lookup – Look up AWS account attributes
aws_collection_constants lookup – expose various collection related constants
aws_service_ip_ranges lookup – Look up the IP ranges for services provided in AWS such as EC2 and S3.
secretsmanager_secret lookup – Look up secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager
ssm_parameter lookup – gets the value for a SSM parameter or all parameters under a path
See also
List of collections with docs hosted here.