fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_wtpprofile module – Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms.
This module is part of the fortinet.fortimanager collection (version 2.9.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install fortinet.fortimanager
To use it in a playbook, specify: fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_wtpprofile
New in fortinet.fortimanager 2.0.0
This module is able to configure a FortiManager device.
Examples include all parameters and values which need to be adjusted to data sources before usage.
Parameter |
Comments |
The token to access FortiManager without using username and password. |
The parameter (adom) in requested url. |
Only set to True when module schema diffs with FortiManager API structure, module continues to execute without validating parameters. Choices:
Enable/Disable logging for task. Choices:
Authenticate Ansible client with forticloud API access token. |
The overridden method for the underlying Json RPC request. Choices:
The rc codes list with which the conditions to fail will be overriden. |
The rc codes list with which the conditions to succeed will be overriden. |
The directive to create, update or delete an object. Choices:
The adom to lock for FortiManager running in workspace mode, the value can be global and others including root. |
The maximum time in seconds to wait for other user to release the workspace lock. Default: |
The top level parameters set. |
Is factory setting. Choices:
(list) Remote authentication server for admin user. |
Enable/disable local admin authentication restriction when remote authenticator is up and running Choices:
Control management access to the managed WTP, FortiAP, or AP. Choices:
Country in which this WTP, FortiAP or AP will operate Choices:
Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs Choices:
AP local configuration profile name. |
Bluetooth Low Energy profile name. |
Bonjour profile name. |
Comment. |
Enable/disable FortiAP console login access Choices:
Enable/disable CAPWAP control message data channel offload. Choices:
Deny mac list. |
ID. |
A WiFi device with this MAC address is denied access to this WTP, FortiAP or AP. |
Enable/disable data channel DTLS in kernel. Choices:
WTP data channel DTLS policy Choices:
Enable/disable use of energy efficient Ethernet on WTP. Choices:
Esl ses dongle. |
ESL SES-imagotag APC address type Choices:
FQDN of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller |
IP address of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller |
Port of ESL SES-imagotag Access Point Controller |
ESL SES-imagotag dongle coexistence level Choices:
Compliance levels for the ESL solution integration Choices:
ESL SES-imagotag dongle channel Choices:
ESL SES-imagotag dongle output power Choices:
Enable/disable ESL SES-imagotag Serial Communication Daemon Choices:
Enable/disable TLS certificate verification Choices:
Enable/disable TLS certificate verification Choices:
Enable/disable station/VAP/radio extension information. Choices:
Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels Choices:
Enable/disable client load balancing during roaming to avoid roaming delay Choices:
Minimum received signal strength indicator |
Threshold value for AP handoff. |
Set to allow indoor/outdoor-only channels under regulatory rules Choices:
Select how to prevent IP fragmentation for CAPWAP tunneled control and data packets Choices:
Lan. |
LAN port 1 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 1 to SSID. |
LAN port 2 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 2 to SSID. |
LAN port 3 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 3 to SSID. |
LAN port 4 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 4 to SSID. |
LAN port 5 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 5 to SSID. |
LAN port 6 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 6 to SSID. |
LAN port 7 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 7 to SSID. |
LAN port 8 mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port 8 to SSID. |
ESL port mode. Choices:
Bridge ESL port to SSID. |
LAN port mode. Choices:
Bridge LAN port to SSID. |
Lbs. |
Enable/disable AeroScout Real Time Location Service Choices:
Use BSSID or board MAC address as AP MAC address in AeroScout AP messages Choices:
Enable/disable compounded AeroScout tag and MU report Choices:
Enable/disable AeroScout Mobile Unit Choices:
AeroScout MU mode dilution factor |
AeroScout MU mode timeout |
IP address of AeroScout server. |
AeroScout server UDP listening port. |
Set BLE Real Time Location Service Choices:
Time that measurements should be accumulated in seconds |
(list) Tags and asset addrgrp list to be reported. |
Tags and asset UUID list 1 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 2 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 3 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 4 to be reported |
Select the protocol to report Measurements, Advertising Data, or Location Data to Cloud Server. Choices:
Time between reporting accumulated measurements in seconds |
FQDN of BLE Real Time Location Service |
Path of BLE Real Time Location Service |
Port of BLE Real Time Location Service |
Access Token of BLE Real Time Location Service |
Enable/disable Ekahau blink mode Choices:
WiFi frame MAC address or WiFi Tag. |
IP address of Ekahau RTLS Controller |
Ekahau RTLS Controller |
Enable/disable FortiPresence to monitor the location and activity of WiFi clients even if they dont connect to thi… Choices:
Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting BLE devices. Choices:
FortiPresence report transmit frequency |
FortiPresence server UDP listening port |
FortiPresence project name |
Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting rogue APs. Choices:
(list) FortiPresence secret password |
FortiPresence server IP address. |
FortiPresence server address type Choices:
FQDN of FortiPresence server. |
Enable/disable FortiPresence finding and reporting unassociated stations. Choices:
Enable/disable PoleStar BLE NAO Track Real Time Location Service Choices:
Time that measurements should be accumulated in seconds |
Tags and asset addrgrp list to be reported. |
Tags and asset UUID list 1 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 2 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 3 to be reported |
Tags and asset UUID list 4 to be reported |
Select the protocol to report Measurements, Advertising Data, or Location Data to NAO Cloud. Choices:
Time between reporting accumulated measurements in seconds |
FQDN of PoleStar Nao Track Server |
Path of PoleStar Nao Track Server |
Port of PoleStar Nao Track Server |
Access Token of PoleStar Nao Track Server. |
Enable/disable client station locating services for all clients, whether associated or not Choices:
(list or str) Recurring firewall schedules for illuminating LEDs on the FortiAP. |
Enable/disable use of LEDs on WTP Choices:
Enable/disable Link Layer Discovery Protocol Choices:
(list) Set the managed WTP, FortiAP, or APs administrator password. |
Change or reset the administrator password of a managed WTP, FortiAP or AP Choices:
Maximum number of stations |
Platform. |
Local platform str. |
Enable/disable use of one radio for dedicated dual-band scanning to detect RF characterization and wireless threat… Choices:
Configure operation mode of 5G radios Choices:
WTP, FortiAP or AP platform type. Choices:
Set the WTP, FortiAP, or APs PoE mode. Choices:
Radio 1. |
Enable/disable airtime fairness Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs Choices:
MAC address to monitor. |
Sniffer buffer size |
Channel on which to operate the sniffer |
Channel bandwidth for sniffer. Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames Choices:
Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning |
The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference Choices:
The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
The target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm. |
WiFi band that Radio 1 operates on. Choices:
WiFi 5G band type. Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed |
Beacon interval. |
BSS color value for this 11ax radio |
BSS color mode for this 11ax radio Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum number of Voice over WLAN |
(list) Selected list of wireless radio channels. |
Channel bandwidth Choices:
Channel bandwidth extension Choices:
Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. Choices:
Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning Choices:
Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment Choices:
Network Coverage Factor Choices:
Delivery Traffic Indication Map |
Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation |
Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels Choices:
Iperf test protocol Choices:
Iperf service port number. |
Maximum number of stations |
Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients |
Configure radio MIMO mode Choices:
Mode of radio 1. Choices:
Optional antenna used on FAP Choices:
Optional antenna gain in dBi |
Radio power level as a percentage of the maximum transmit power |
Set radio effective isotropic radiated power Choices:
Radio EIRP power in dBm |
Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Radio id. |
Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS |
BSSID for WiFi network. |
CA certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication Choices:
Client certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. |
Identification string from the captive portal login form. |
(list) Password for captive portal authentication. |
Success identification on the page after a successful login. |
Website the client is trying to access. |
Username for captive portal authentication. |
Select WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE EAP Method Choices:
(list) Passphrase for WiFi network connection. |
Private key for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
(list) Password for private key file for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
SAM report interval |
Select WiFi network security type Choices:
SAM test server IP address or domain name. |
SAM test server domain name. |
SAM test server IP address. |
Select SAM server type Choices:
SSID for WiFi network. |
Select SAM test type Choices:
Username for WiFi network connection. |
Use either the short guard interval Choices:
Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. Choices:
Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. Choices:
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP Choices:
(list or str) Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points |
Wireless Intrusion Detection System |
Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio Choices:
Radio 2. |
Enable/disable airtime fairness Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs Choices:
MAC address to monitor. |
Sniffer buffer size |
Channel on which to operate the sniffer |
Channel bandwidth for sniffer. Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames Choices:
Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning |
The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference Choices:
The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
The target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm. |
WiFi band that Radio 2 operates on. Choices:
WiFi 5G band type. Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed |
Beacon interval. |
BSS color value for this 11ax radio |
BSS color mode for this 11ax radio Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum number of Voice over WLAN |
(list) Selected list of wireless radio channels. |
Channel bandwidth Choices:
Channel bandwidth extension Choices:
Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. Choices:
Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning Choices:
Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment Choices:
Network Coverage Factor Choices:
Delivery Traffic Indication Map |
Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation |
Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels Choices:
Iperf test protocol Choices:
Iperf service port number. |
Maximum number of stations |
Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients |
Configure radio MIMO mode Choices:
Mode of radio 2. Choices:
Optional antenna used on FAP Choices:
Optional antenna gain in dBi |
Radio power level as a percentage of the maximum transmit power |
Set radio effective isotropic radiated power Choices:
Radio EIRP power in dBm |
Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Radio id. |
Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS |
BSSID for WiFi network. |
CA certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication Choices:
Client certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. |
Identification string from the captive portal login form. |
(list) Password for captive portal authentication. |
Success identification on the page after a successful login. |
Website the client is trying to access. |
Username for captive portal authentication. |
Select WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE EAP Method Choices:
(list) Passphrase for WiFi network connection. |
Private key for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
(list) Password for private key file for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
SAM report interval |
Select WiFi network security type Choices:
SAM test server IP address or domain name. |
SAM test server domain name. |
SAM test server IP address. |
Select SAM server type Choices:
SSID for WiFi network. |
Select SAM test type Choices:
Username for WiFi network connection. |
Use either the short guard interval Choices:
Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. Choices:
Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. Choices:
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP Choices:
(list or str) Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points |
Wireless Intrusion Detection System |
Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio Choices:
Radio 3. |
Enable/disable airtime fairness Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs Choices:
MAC address to monitor. |
Sniffer buffer size |
Channel on which to operate the sniffer |
Channel bandwidth for sniffer. Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames Choices:
Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning |
The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference Choices:
The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
The target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm. |
WiFi band that Radio 3 operates on. Choices:
WiFi 5G band type. Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed |
Beacon interval. |
BSS color value for this 11ax radio |
BSS color mode for this 11ax radio Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum number of Voice over WLAN |
(list) Selected list of wireless radio channels. |
Channel bandwidth Choices:
Channel bandwidth extension Choices:
Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. Choices:
Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning Choices:
Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment Choices:
Network Coverage Factor Choices:
Delivery Traffic Indication Map |
Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation |
Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels Choices:
Iperf test protocol Choices:
Iperf service port number. |
Maximum number of stations |
Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients |
Configure radio MIMO mode Choices:
Mode of radio 3. Choices:
Optional antenna used on FAP Choices:
Optional antenna gain in dBi |
Radio power level as a percentage of the maximum transmit power |
Set radio effective isotropic radiated power Choices:
Radio EIRP power in dBm |
Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Radio id. |
Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS |
BSSID for WiFi network. |
CA certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication Choices:
Client certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. |
Identification string from the captive portal login form. |
(list) Password for captive portal authentication. |
Success identification on the page after a successful login. |
Website the client is trying to access. |
Username for captive portal authentication. |
Select WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE EAP Method Choices:
(list) Passphrase for WiFi network connection. |
Private key for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
(list) Password for private key file for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
SAM report interval |
Select WiFi network security type Choices:
SAM test server IP address or domain name. |
SAM test server domain name. |
SAM test server IP address. |
Select SAM server type Choices:
SSID for WiFi network. |
Select SAM test type Choices:
Username for WiFi network connection. |
Use either the short guard interval Choices:
Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. Choices:
Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. Choices:
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP Choices:
(list or str) Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points |
Wireless Intrusion Detection System |
Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio Choices:
Radio 4. |
Enable/disable airtime fairness Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable AP handoff of clients to other APs Choices:
MAC address to monitor. |
Sniffer buffer size |
Channel on which to operate the sniffer |
Channel bandwidth for sniffer. Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi control frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi data frame Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management Beacon frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management other frames Choices:
Enable/disable sniffer on WiFi management probe frames Choices:
Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning |
The upper bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
Enable/disable automatic power-level adjustment to prevent co-channel interference Choices:
The lower bound of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm |
The target of automatic transmit power adjustment in dBm. |
WiFi band that Radio 3 operates on. Choices:
WiFi 5G band type. Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum bandwidth capacity allowed |
Beacon interval. |
BSS color value for this 11ax radio |
BSS color mode for this 11ax radio Choices:
Enable/disable WiFi multimedia Choices:
Maximum number of Voice over WLAN |
(list) Selected list of wireless radio channels. |
Channel bandwidth Choices:
Channel bandwidth extension Choices:
Enable/disable measuring channel utilization. Choices:
Enable/disable allowing both HT20 and HT40 on the same radio Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Enable/disable Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning Choices:
Enable/disable dynamic radio mode assignment Choices:
Network Coverage Factor Choices:
Delivery Traffic Indication Map |
Maximum packet size that can be sent without fragmentation |
Enable/disable frequency handoff of clients to other channels Choices:
Iperf test protocol Choices:
Iperf service port number. |
Maximum number of stations |
Maximum expected distance between the AP and clients |
Configure radio MIMO mode Choices:
Mode of radio 3. Choices:
Optional antenna used on FAP Choices:
Optional antenna gain in dBi |
Radio power level as a percentage of the maximum transmit power |
Set radio effective isotropic radiated power Choices:
Radio EIRP power in dBm |
Enable client power-saving features such as TIM, AC VO, and OBSS etc. Choices:
Enable/disable 802. Choices:
Radio id. |
Maximum packet size for RTS transmissions, specifying the maximum size of a data packet before RTS/CTS |
BSSID for WiFi network. |
CA certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Enable/disable Captive Portal Authentication Choices:
Client certificate for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
Failure identification on the page after an incorrect login. |
Identification string from the captive portal login form. |
(list) Password for captive portal authentication. |
Success identification on the page after a successful login. |
Website the client is trying to access. |
Username for captive portal authentication. |
Select WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE EAP Method Choices:
(list) Passphrase for WiFi network connection. |
Private key for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
(list) Password for private key file for WPA2/WPA3-ENTERPRISE. |
SAM report interval |
Select WiFi network security type Choices:
SAM test server IP address or domain name. |
SAM test server domain name. |
SAM test server IP address. |
Select SAM server type Choices:
SSID for WiFi network. |
Select SAM test type Choices:
Username for WiFi network connection. |
Use either the short guard interval Choices:
Enable/disable spectrum analysis to find interference that would negatively impact wireless performance. Choices:
Packet transmission optimization options including power saving, aggregation limiting, retry limiting, etc. Choices:
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Virtual Access Point |
Configure method for assigning SSIDs to this FortiAP Choices:
(list or str) Manually selected list of Virtual Access Points |
Wireless Intrusion Detection System |
Enable/disable zero wait DFS on radio Choices:
Enable/disable SNMP for the WTP, FortiAP, or AP Choices:
Split tunneling acl. |
Destination IP and mask for the split-tunneling subnet. |
ID. |
Enable/disable automatically adding local subnetwork of FortiAP to split-tunneling ACL Choices:
Split tunneling ACL path is local/tunnel. Choices:
System log server configuration profile name. |
Downlink CAPWAP tunnel MTU |
Uplink CAPWAP tunnel MTU |
Enable/disable UNII-4 5Ghz band channels Choices:
Enable/disable USB port of the WTP Choices:
Set WAN port authentication mode Choices:
Enable/disable WAN port 802. Choices:
WAN port 802. Choices:
(list) Set WAN port 802. |
Set WAN port 802. |
Enable/disable using a WAN port as a LAN port. Choices:
Starting in version 2.4.0, all input arguments are named using the underscore naming convention (snake_case). Please change the arguments such as “var-name” to “var_name”. Old argument names are still available yet you will receive deprecation warnings. You can ignore this warning by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
Running in workspace locking mode is supported in this FortiManager module, the top level parameters workspace_locking_adom and workspace_locking_timeout help do the work.
To create or update an object, use state present directive.
To delete an object, use state absent directive.
Normally, running one module can fail when a non-zero rc is returned. you can also override the conditions to fail or succeed with parameters rc_failed and rc_succeeded
- name: Example playbook (generated based on argument schema)
hosts: fortimanagers
connection: httpapi
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
ansible_httpapi_port: 443
- name: Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms.
# bypass_validation: false
workspace_locking_adom: <value in [global, custom adom including root]>
workspace_locking_timeout: 300
# rc_succeeded: [0, -2, -3, ...]
# rc_failed: [-2, -3, ...]
adom: <your own value>
state: present # <value in [present, absent]>
- "https"
- "ssh"
- "snmp"
- "http"
- "telnet"
ap_country: <value in [AL, DZ, AR, ...]>
ble_profile: <string>
comment: <string>
- "ebp-frame"
- "aeroscout-tag"
- "ap-list"
- "sta-list"
- "sta-cap-list"
- "stats"
- "aeroscout-mu"
- "sta-health"
- "spectral-analysis"
id: <integer>
mac: <string>
dtls_in_kernel: <value in [disable, enable]>
- "clear-text"
- "dtls-enabled"
- "ipsec-vpn"
- "ipsec-sn-vpn"
energy_efficient_ethernet: <value in [disable, enable]>
ext_info_enable: <value in [disable, enable]>
handoff_roaming: <value in [disable, enable]>
handoff_rssi: <integer>
handoff_sta_thresh: <integer>
- "tcp-mss-adjust"
- "icmp-unreachable"
led_schedules: <list or string>
led_state: <value in [disable, enable]>
lldp: <value in [disable, enable]>
login_passwd: <list or string>
login_passwd_change: <value in [no, yes, default]>
max_clients: <integer>
name: <string>
poe_mode: <value in [auto, 8023af, 8023at, ...]>
dest_ip: <string>
id: <integer>
split_tunneling_acl_local_ap_subnet: <value in [disable, enable]>
split_tunneling_acl_path: <value in [tunnel, local]>
tun_mtu_downlink: <integer>
tun_mtu_uplink: <integer>
wan_port_mode: <value in [wan-lan, wan-only]>
snmp: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
apcfg_profile: <string>
frequency_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
port_esl_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port_esl_ssid: <string>
port_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port_ssid: <string>
port1_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port1_ssid: <string>
port2_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port2_ssid: <string>
port3_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port3_ssid: <string>
port4_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port4_ssid: <string>
port5_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port5_ssid: <string>
port6_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port6_ssid: <string>
port7_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port7_ssid: <string>
port8_mode: <value in [offline, bridge-to-wan, bridge-to-ssid, ...]>
port8_ssid: <string>
aeroscout: <value in [disable, enable]>
aeroscout_ap_mac: <value in [bssid, board-mac]>
aeroscout_mmu_report: <value in [disable, enable]>
aeroscout_mu: <value in [disable, enable]>
aeroscout_mu_factor: <integer>
aeroscout_mu_timeout: <integer>
aeroscout_server_ip: <string>
aeroscout_server_port: <integer>
ekahau_blink_mode: <value in [disable, enable]>
ekahau_tag: <string>
erc_server_ip: <string>
erc_server_port: <integer>
fortipresence: <value in [disable, enable, enable2, ...]>
fortipresence_ble: <value in [disable, enable]>
fortipresence_frequency: <integer>
fortipresence_port: <integer>
fortipresence_project: <string>
fortipresence_rogue: <value in [disable, enable]>
fortipresence_secret: <list or string>
fortipresence_server: <string>
fortipresence_unassoc: <value in [disable, enable]>
station_locate: <value in [disable, enable]>
fortipresence_server_addr_type: <value in [fqdn, ipv4]>
fortipresence_server_fqdn: <string>
polestar: <value in [disable, enable]>
polestar_accumulation_interval: <integer>
polestar_asset_addrgrp_list: <string>
polestar_asset_uuid_list1: <string>
polestar_asset_uuid_list2: <string>
polestar_asset_uuid_list3: <string>
polestar_asset_uuid_list4: <string>
polestar_protocol: <value in [WSS]>
polestar_reporting_interval: <integer>
polestar_server_fqdn: <string>
polestar_server_path: <string>
polestar_server_port: <integer>
polestar_server_token: <string>
ble_rtls: <value in [none, polestar, evresys]>
ble_rtls_accumulation_interval: <integer>
ble_rtls_asset_addrgrp_list: <list or string>
ble_rtls_asset_uuid_list1: <string>
ble_rtls_asset_uuid_list2: <string>
ble_rtls_asset_uuid_list3: <string>
ble_rtls_asset_uuid_list4: <string>
ble_rtls_protocol: <value in [WSS]>
ble_rtls_reporting_interval: <integer>
ble_rtls_server_fqdn: <string>
ble_rtls_server_path: <string>
ble_rtls_server_port: <integer>
ble_rtls_server_token: <string>
ddscan: <value in [disable, enable]>
mode: <value in [dual-5G, single-5G]>
type: <value in [30B-50B, 60B, 80CM-81CM, ...]>
_local_platform_str: <string>
airtime_fairness: <value in [disable, enable]>
amsdu: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_addr: <string>
ap_sniffer_bufsize: <integer>
ap_sniffer_chan: <integer>
ap_sniffer_ctl: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_data: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_high: <integer>
auto_power_level: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_low: <integer>
auto_power_target: <string>
band: <value in [802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, ...]>
band_5g_type: <value in [5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low]>
bandwidth_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
bandwidth_capacity: <integer>
beacon_interval: <integer>
bss_color: <integer>
call_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
call_capacity: <integer>
channel: <list or string>
channel_bonding: <value in [disable, enable, 80MHz, ...]>
channel_utilization: <value in [disable, enable]>
coexistence: <value in [disable, enable]>
darrp: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma_sensitivity: <value in [low, medium, high]>
dtim: <integer>
frag_threshold: <integer>
max_clients: <integer>
max_distance: <integer>
mode: <value in [disabled, ap, monitor, ...]>
power_level: <integer>
- "tim"
- "ac-vo"
- "no-obss-scan"
- "no-11b-rate"
- "client-rate-follow"
protection_mode: <value in [rtscts, ctsonly, disable]>
radio_id: <integer>
rts_threshold: <integer>
short_guard_interval: <value in [disable, enable]>
spectrum_analysis: <value in [disable, enable, scan-only]>
- "disable"
- "power-save"
- "aggr-limit"
- "retry-limit"
- "send-bar"
vap_all: <value in [disable, enable, tunnel, ...]>
vap1: <string>
vap2: <string>
vap3: <string>
vap4: <string>
vap5: <string>
vap6: <string>
vap7: <string>
vap8: <string>
vaps: <list or string>
wids_profile: <string>
zero_wait_dfs: <value in [disable, enable]>
frequency_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
iperf_protocol: <value in [udp, tcp]>
iperf_server_port: <integer>
power_mode: <value in [dBm, percentage]>
power_value: <integer>
sam_bssid: <string>
sam_captive_portal: <value in [disable, enable]>
sam_password: <list or string>
sam_report_intv: <integer>
sam_security_type: <value in [open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise, ...]>
sam_server: <string>
sam_ssid: <string>
sam_test: <value in [ping, iperf]>
sam_username: <string>
arrp_profile: <string>
bss_color_mode: <value in [auto, static]>
sam_cwp_failure_string: <string>
sam_cwp_match_string: <string>
sam_cwp_password: <list or string>
sam_cwp_success_string: <string>
sam_cwp_test_url: <string>
sam_cwp_username: <string>
sam_server_fqdn: <string>
sam_server_ip: <string>
sam_server_type: <value in [ip, fqdn]>
d80211d: <value in [disable, enable]>
optional_antenna: <value in [none, FANT-04ABGN-0606-O-N, FANT-04ABGN-1414-P-N, ...]>
mimo_mode: <value in [default, 1x1, 2x2, ...]>
optional_antenna_gain: <string>
sam_ca_certificate: <string>
sam_client_certificate: <string>
sam_eap_method: <value in [tls, peap, both]>
sam_private_key: <string>
sam_private_key_password: <list or string>
channel_bonding_ext: <value in [320MHz-1, 320MHz-2]>
d80211mc: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_chan_width: <value in [320MHz, 240MHz, 160MHz, ...]>
airtime_fairness: <value in [disable, enable]>
amsdu: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_addr: <string>
ap_sniffer_bufsize: <integer>
ap_sniffer_chan: <integer>
ap_sniffer_ctl: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_data: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_high: <integer>
auto_power_level: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_low: <integer>
auto_power_target: <string>
band: <value in [802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, ...]>
band_5g_type: <value in [5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low]>
bandwidth_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
bandwidth_capacity: <integer>
beacon_interval: <integer>
bss_color: <integer>
call_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
call_capacity: <integer>
channel: <list or string>
channel_bonding: <value in [disable, enable, 80MHz, ...]>
channel_utilization: <value in [disable, enable]>
coexistence: <value in [disable, enable]>
darrp: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma_sensitivity: <value in [low, medium, high]>
dtim: <integer>
frag_threshold: <integer>
max_clients: <integer>
max_distance: <integer>
mode: <value in [disabled, ap, monitor, ...]>
power_level: <integer>
- "tim"
- "ac-vo"
- "no-obss-scan"
- "no-11b-rate"
- "client-rate-follow"
protection_mode: <value in [rtscts, ctsonly, disable]>
radio_id: <integer>
rts_threshold: <integer>
short_guard_interval: <value in [disable, enable]>
spectrum_analysis: <value in [disable, enable, scan-only]>
- "disable"
- "power-save"
- "aggr-limit"
- "retry-limit"
- "send-bar"
vap_all: <value in [disable, enable, tunnel, ...]>
vap1: <string>
vap2: <string>
vap3: <string>
vap4: <string>
vap5: <string>
vap6: <string>
vap7: <string>
vap8: <string>
vaps: <list or string>
wids_profile: <string>
zero_wait_dfs: <value in [disable, enable]>
frequency_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
iperf_protocol: <value in [udp, tcp]>
iperf_server_port: <integer>
power_mode: <value in [dBm, percentage]>
power_value: <integer>
sam_bssid: <string>
sam_captive_portal: <value in [disable, enable]>
sam_password: <list or string>
sam_report_intv: <integer>
sam_security_type: <value in [open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise, ...]>
sam_server: <string>
sam_ssid: <string>
sam_test: <value in [ping, iperf]>
sam_username: <string>
arrp_profile: <string>
bss_color_mode: <value in [auto, static]>
sam_cwp_failure_string: <string>
sam_cwp_match_string: <string>
sam_cwp_password: <list or string>
sam_cwp_success_string: <string>
sam_cwp_test_url: <string>
sam_cwp_username: <string>
sam_server_fqdn: <string>
sam_server_ip: <string>
sam_server_type: <value in [ip, fqdn]>
d80211d: <value in [disable, enable]>
optional_antenna: <value in [none, FANT-04ABGN-0606-O-N, FANT-04ABGN-1414-P-N, ...]>
mimo_mode: <value in [default, 1x1, 2x2, ...]>
optional_antenna_gain: <string>
sam_ca_certificate: <string>
sam_client_certificate: <string>
sam_eap_method: <value in [tls, peap, both]>
sam_private_key: <string>
sam_private_key_password: <list or string>
channel_bonding_ext: <value in [320MHz-1, 320MHz-2]>
d80211mc: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_chan_width: <value in [320MHz, 240MHz, 160MHz, ...]>
airtime_fairness: <value in [disable, enable]>
amsdu: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_addr: <string>
ap_sniffer_bufsize: <integer>
ap_sniffer_chan: <integer>
ap_sniffer_ctl: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_data: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_high: <integer>
auto_power_level: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_low: <integer>
auto_power_target: <string>
band: <value in [802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, ...]>
band_5g_type: <value in [5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low]>
bandwidth_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
bandwidth_capacity: <integer>
beacon_interval: <integer>
bss_color: <integer>
call_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
call_capacity: <integer>
channel: <list or string>
channel_bonding: <value in [80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz, ...]>
channel_utilization: <value in [disable, enable]>
coexistence: <value in [disable, enable]>
darrp: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma_sensitivity: <value in [low, medium, high]>
dtim: <integer>
frag_threshold: <integer>
max_clients: <integer>
max_distance: <integer>
mode: <value in [disabled, ap, monitor, ...]>
power_level: <integer>
- "tim"
- "ac-vo"
- "no-obss-scan"
- "no-11b-rate"
- "client-rate-follow"
protection_mode: <value in [rtscts, ctsonly, disable]>
radio_id: <integer>
rts_threshold: <integer>
short_guard_interval: <value in [disable, enable]>
spectrum_analysis: <value in [disable, enable, scan-only]>
- "disable"
- "power-save"
- "aggr-limit"
- "retry-limit"
- "send-bar"
vap_all: <value in [disable, enable, tunnel, ...]>
vap1: <string>
vap2: <string>
vap3: <string>
vap4: <string>
vap5: <string>
vap6: <string>
vap7: <string>
vap8: <string>
vaps: <list or string>
wids_profile: <string>
zero_wait_dfs: <value in [disable, enable]>
frequency_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
iperf_protocol: <value in [udp, tcp]>
iperf_server_port: <integer>
power_mode: <value in [dBm, percentage]>
power_value: <integer>
sam_bssid: <string>
sam_captive_portal: <value in [disable, enable]>
sam_password: <list or string>
sam_report_intv: <integer>
sam_security_type: <value in [open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise, ...]>
sam_server: <string>
sam_ssid: <string>
sam_test: <value in [ping, iperf]>
sam_username: <string>
arrp_profile: <string>
bss_color_mode: <value in [auto, static]>
sam_cwp_failure_string: <string>
sam_cwp_match_string: <string>
sam_cwp_password: <list or string>
sam_cwp_success_string: <string>
sam_cwp_test_url: <string>
sam_cwp_username: <string>
sam_server_fqdn: <string>
sam_server_ip: <string>
sam_server_type: <value in [ip, fqdn]>
d80211d: <value in [disable, enable]>
optional_antenna: <value in [none, FANT-04ABGN-0606-O-N, FANT-04ABGN-1414-P-N, ...]>
mimo_mode: <value in [default, 1x1, 2x2, ...]>
optional_antenna_gain: <string>
sam_ca_certificate: <string>
sam_client_certificate: <string>
sam_eap_method: <value in [tls, peap, both]>
sam_private_key: <string>
sam_private_key_password: <list or string>
channel_bonding_ext: <value in [320MHz-1, 320MHz-2]>
d80211mc: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_chan_width: <value in [320MHz, 240MHz, 160MHz, ...]>
airtime_fairness: <value in [disable, enable]>
amsdu: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_addr: <string>
ap_sniffer_bufsize: <integer>
ap_sniffer_chan: <integer>
ap_sniffer_ctl: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_data: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_beacon: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_other: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_mgmt_probe: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_high: <integer>
auto_power_level: <value in [disable, enable]>
auto_power_low: <integer>
auto_power_target: <string>
band: <value in [802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, ...]>
band_5g_type: <value in [5g-full, 5g-high, 5g-low]>
bandwidth_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
bandwidth_capacity: <integer>
beacon_interval: <integer>
bss_color: <integer>
call_admission_control: <value in [disable, enable]>
call_capacity: <integer>
channel: <list or string>
channel_bonding: <value in [80MHz, 40MHz, 20MHz, ...]>
channel_utilization: <value in [disable, enable]>
coexistence: <value in [disable, enable]>
darrp: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma: <value in [disable, enable]>
drma_sensitivity: <value in [low, medium, high]>
dtim: <integer>
frag_threshold: <integer>
max_clients: <integer>
max_distance: <integer>
mode: <value in [ap, monitor, sniffer, ...]>
power_level: <integer>
- "tim"
- "ac-vo"
- "no-obss-scan"
- "no-11b-rate"
- "client-rate-follow"
protection_mode: <value in [rtscts, ctsonly, disable]>
radio_id: <integer>
rts_threshold: <integer>
short_guard_interval: <value in [disable, enable]>
spectrum_analysis: <value in [disable, enable, scan-only]>
- "disable"
- "power-save"
- "aggr-limit"
- "retry-limit"
- "send-bar"
vap_all: <value in [disable, enable, tunnel, ...]>
vap1: <string>
vap2: <string>
vap3: <string>
vap4: <string>
vap5: <string>
vap6: <string>
vap7: <string>
vap8: <string>
vaps: <list or string>
wids_profile: <string>
zero_wait_dfs: <value in [disable, enable]>
frequency_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_handoff: <value in [disable, enable]>
iperf_protocol: <value in [udp, tcp]>
iperf_server_port: <integer>
power_mode: <value in [dBm, percentage]>
power_value: <integer>
sam_bssid: <string>
sam_captive_portal: <value in [disable, enable]>
sam_password: <list or string>
sam_report_intv: <integer>
sam_security_type: <value in [open, wpa-personal, wpa-enterprise, ...]>
sam_server: <string>
sam_ssid: <string>
sam_test: <value in [ping, iperf]>
sam_username: <string>
arrp_profile: <string>
bss_color_mode: <value in [auto, static]>
sam_cwp_failure_string: <string>
sam_cwp_match_string: <string>
sam_cwp_password: <list or string>
sam_cwp_success_string: <string>
sam_cwp_test_url: <string>
sam_cwp_username: <string>
sam_server_fqdn: <string>
sam_server_ip: <string>
sam_server_type: <value in [ip, fqdn]>
d80211d: <value in [disable, enable]>
optional_antenna: <value in [none, FANT-04ABGN-0606-O-N, FANT-04ABGN-1414-P-N, ...]>
mimo_mode: <value in [default, 1x1, 2x2, ...]>
optional_antenna_gain: <string>
sam_ca_certificate: <string>
sam_client_certificate: <string>
sam_eap_method: <value in [tls, peap, both]>
sam_private_key: <string>
sam_private_key_password: <list or string>
channel_bonding_ext: <value in [320MHz-1, 320MHz-2]>
d80211mc: <value in [disable, enable]>
ap_sniffer_chan_width: <value in [320MHz, 240MHz, 160MHz, ...]>
console_login: <value in [disable, enable]>
apc_addr_type: <value in [fqdn, ip]>
apc_fqdn: <string>
apc_ip: <string>
apc_port: <integer>
coex_level: <value in [none]>
compliance_level: <value in [compliance-level-2]>
esl_channel: <value in [0, 1, 2, ...]>
output_power: <value in [a, b, c, ...]>
scd_enable: <value in [disable, enable]>
tls_cert_verification: <value in [disable, enable]>
tls_fqdn_verification: <value in [disable, enable]>
indoor_outdoor_deployment: <value in [platform-determined, outdoor, indoor]>
syslog_profile: <string>
wan_port_auth: <value in [none, 802.1x]>
wan_port_auth_methods: <value in [all, EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, ...]>
wan_port_auth_password: <list or string>
wan_port_auth_usrname: <string>
_is_factory_setting: <value in [disable, enable, ext]>
unii_4_5ghz_band: <value in [disable, enable]>
bonjour_profile: <string>
wan_port_auth_macsec: <value in [disable, enable]>
usb_port: <value in [disable, enable]>
admin_auth_tacacs_: <list or string>
admin_restrict_local: <value in [disable, enable]>
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
The result of the request. Returned: always |
The full url requested. Returned: always Sample: |
The status of api request. Returned: always Sample: |
The api response. Returned: always |
The descriptive message of the api response. Returned: always Sample: |
The information of the target system. Returned: always |
The status the request. Returned: always Sample: |
Warning if the parameters used in the playbook are not supported by the current FortiManager version. Returned: complex |