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Managing z/OS UNIX hosts with Ansible

Ansible can connect to IBM z/OS UNIX System Services to bring your Ansible Automation strategy to IBM z/OS. This enables development and operations automation on IBM Z through a seamless, unified workflow orchestration with configuration management, provisioning, and application deployment with Ansible.

Ansible and z/OS UNIX System Services

UNIX System Services can support the required dependencies for an Ansible managed node including running Python and spawning interactive shell processes through SSH connections. Ansible can target UNIX System Services nodes to modify files, directories, and so on, through ansible.builtin modules. Further, anything that one can do by typing command(s) into the UNIX System Services shell can be captured and automated in an Ansible playbook.

The z/OS landscape

While most systems process files in two modes - binary or text encoded in UTF-8, IBM z/OS including UNIX System Services features an additional third mode - text encoded in EBCDIC. Ansible has provisions to handle binary data and UTF-8 encoded textual data, but not EBCDIC encoded data. This is not necessarily a limitation, it simply requires additional tasks that convert files to and from their original encodings. It is up to the Ansible user managing z/OS UNIX nodes to understand the nature of the files in their automation.

The type (binary or text) and encoding of files can be stored in file “tags”. File tags is a z/OS UNIX System Services concept (part of Enhanced ASCII) designed to distinguish binary files from UTF-8 encoded text files and EBCDIC-encoded text files.

Default behavior for an un-tagged file or stream is determined by the program, for example, IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python defaults to the UTF-8 encoding.

Ansible modules will not read or recognize file tags. It is up to the user to determine the nature of remote data and tag it appropriately. Data sent to remote z/OS UNIX hosts through Ansible is, by default, encoded in UTF-8 and not tagged. Tagging a file is achievable with an additional task using the ansible.builtin.command module.

- name: Tag my_file.txt as UTF-8.
  ansible.builtin.command: chtag -tc iso8859-1 my_file.txt

The z/OS shell available on z/OS UNIX System Services defaults to an EBCDIC encoding for un-tagged data streams. Ansible sends untagged UTF-8 encoded textual data to the z/OS shell which expects untagged data to be encoded in EBCDIC. This mismatch in data encodings can be resolved by setting the PYTHONSTDINENCODING environment variable, which causes the pipe used by Python to be tagged with the specified encoding. File and pipe tags can be used with automatic conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC, but only programs on z/OS UNIX which are aware of tags will use them.

Using ansible.builtin modules with z/OS UNIX

The ansible.builtin modules operate under the assumption that all textual data (files and pipes/streams) is UTF-8 encoded. On z/OS, since textual data (file or stream) is sometimes encoded in EBCDIC and sometimes in UTF-8, special care must be taken to identify the correct encoding of target data.

Here are some notes / pro-tips when using the ansible.builtin modules with z/OS UNIX. This is by no means a comprehensive list. Before using any Ansible modules, you must first Configure the remote environment.

  • ansible.builtin.command /

    The command and shell modules are excellent for automating tasks for which command line solutions already exist. The thing to keep in mind when using these modules is that depending on the system configuration, the z/OS shell (/bin/sh) may return output in EBCDIC. The LE environment variable configurations will correctly convert streams if they are tagged and return readable output to Ansible. However, some command line programs may return output in UTF-8 and not tag the pipe. In this case, the autoconversion may incorrectly assume output is in EBCDIC and attempt to convert it and yield unreadable data. If the source encoding is known, you can use the module’s capability to chain commands together through pipes, and pipe the output to iconv. In this example, you may need to select other encodings for the ‘to’ and ‘from’ that represent your file encodings. "some_pgm | iconv -f ibm-1047 -t iso8859-1"
  • ansible.builtin.raw

    The raw module, by design, ignores all remote environment settings. However, z/OS UNIX System Services managed nodes require some base configurations. To use this module with UNIX System Services, configure the minimum environment variables as a chain of export statements before the desired command.

    ansible.builtin.raw: |
        export _BPXK_AUTOCVT: "ON" ;
        export _TAG_REDIR_ERR: "txt" ;
        export _TAG_REDIR_IN: "txt" ;
        export _TAG_REDIR_OUT: "txt" ;
        echo "hello world!"

    Alternatively, consider using the ansible.builtin.command or modules mentioned above, which set up the configured remote environment for each task.

  • ansible.builtin.copy / ansible.builtin.fetch

    The ansible.builtin modules will NOT automatically tag files, nor will existing file tags be honored nor preserved. You can treat files as binaries when running copy/fetch operations, there is no issue in terms of data integrity, but remember to restore the file tag once the file is returned to z/OS UNIX, as tags are not preserved. Use the command module to set the file tag:

    - name: Tag my_file.txt as UTF-8.
      ansible.builtin.command: chtag -tc iso8859-1 my_file.txt
  • ansible.builtin.blockinfile / ansible.builtin.lineinfile

    These modules process all data in UTF-8. Ensure target files are UTF-8 encoded beforehand and re-tag the files afterwards.

  • ansible.builtin.script

    The built in script module copies a local script file to a temp file on the remote target and runs it. The issue that z/OS UNIX System Services targets run into is that when the underlying z/OS shell attempts to read the script file, since the file does not get tagged as UTF-8 text, the shell assumes that the file is encoded in EBCDIC, and fails to correctly read or run the script. One work-around is to manually copy local files to managed nodes (ansible.builtin.copy ) and convert or tag files (with the ansible.builtin.command module). With this work-around, some of the conveniences of the script module are lost, such as automatically cleaning up the script file once it is run, but it is trivial to perform those steps as additional playbook tasks.

    - name: Copy local script file to remote node.
        src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/local/scripts/"
        dest: /u/ibmuser/scripts/
    - name: Tag remote script file.
      ansible.builtin.command: "chtag -tc ISO8859-1 /u/ibmuser/scripts/"
    - name: Run script.
      ansible.builtin.command: "/u/ibmuser/scripts/"

    Another work-around is to store local script files in EBCDIC. They may be unreadable on the ansible control node, but they will copy correctly to z/OS UNIX System Services targets in EBCDIC, and the script will run. This approach takes advantage of the built-in conveniences of the script module, but managing unreadable EBCDIC files locally makes maintaining those script files more difficult.

Configure the remote environment

Certain Language Environment (LE) configurations enable automatic encoding conversion and automatic file tagging functionality required by Python on z/OS UNIX systems (IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python ).

Include the following configurations when setting the remote environment for any z/OS UNIX managed nodes:


_TAG_REDIR_IN: "txt"

Ansible can be configured with remote environment variables in these options:

  • inventory - inventory.yml, group_vars/all.yml, or host_vars/all.yml

  • playbook - environment variable at top of playbook.

  • block or task - environment key word.

For more details, see Setting the remote environment.

Configure the remote Python interpreter

Ansible requires a Python interpreter to run most modules on the remote host, and it checks for Python at the ‘default’ path /usr/bin/python.

On z/OS UNIX, the Python3 interpreter (from IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python) is often installed to a different path, typically something like: /usr/lpp/cyp/v3r12/pyz.

The path to the Python interpreter can be configured with the Ansible inventory variable ansible_python_interpreter. For example:

zos1 ansible_python_interpreter:/usr/lpp/cyp/v3r12/pyz

When the path to the Python interpreter is not found in the default location on the target host, an error containing the following message may result: /usr/bin/python: FSUM7351 not found

For more details, see: How do I handle not having a Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python on a remote machine?.

Configure the remote shell

The z/OS UNIX System Services managed node includes several shells. Currently the only supported shell is the z/OS Shell located in path /bin/sh. To configure which shell the Ansible control node uses on the target node, set inventory variable ansible_shell_executable. For example:

zos1 ansible_shell_executable=/bin/sh

Enable Ansible pipelining

Enable ANSIBLE_PIPELINING in the ansible.cfg file.

When Ansible pipelining is enabled, Ansible passes any module code to the remote target node through Python’s stdin pipe and runs it in all in a single call rather than copying data to temporary files first and then reading from those files. For more details on pipelining, see: Pipelining.

Enabling this behavior is encouraged because Python will tag its pipes with the proper encoding, so there is less chance of encountering encoding errors. Further, using Python stdin pipes is more performant than file I/O.

Include the following in the environment for any tasks performed on z/OS UNIX managed nodes.


When Ansible pipelining is enabled but the PYTHONSTDINENCODING property is not correctly set, the following error may result. Note, the hex '\x81' below may vary depending on the source causing the error:

SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\\x81' in file <stdin> on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details

Unreadable characters

Seeing unreadable characters in playbook output is most typically an EBCDIC encoding mix up. Double check that the remote environment is set up properly. Also check the expected file encodings, both on the remote node and the control node. ansible.builtin modules will assume all textual data is UTF-8 encoded, while z/OS UNIX may be using EBCDIC. On many z/OS UNIX systems, the default encoding for untagged files is EBCDIC. This variation in default settings can easily lead to data being misinterpreted with the wrong encoding, whether that is failing to auto convert EBCDIC to UTF-8 or erroneously attempting to convert data that is already in UTF-8.

Using z/OS as a control node

The z/OS operating system currently cannot be configured to run as an Ansible control node. z/OS UNIX System Services interface also cannot be configured to run as an Ansible control node, despite being POSIX-compliant.

There are options available on the IBM Z platform to use it as a control node:

  • IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)

  • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM zSystems and LinuxONE

  • Linux on IBM Z