ansible.builtin.meta module – Execute Ansible ‘actions’
This module is part of ansible-core
and included in all Ansible
installations. In most cases, you can use the short
module name
even without specifying the collections keyword.
However, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible.builtin.meta
for easy linking to the
module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have
the same module name.
Meta tasks are a special kind of task which can influence Ansible internal execution or state.
Meta tasks can be used anywhere within your playbook.
This module is also supported for Windows targets.
Parameter |
Comments |
This module takes a free form command, as a string. There is not an actual option named “free form”. See the examples!
Note that neither
Attribute |
Support |
Description |
Support: none |
Indicates this has a corresponding action plugin so some parts of the options can be executed on the controller |
Support: none |
Supports being used with the |
Support: none |
Is usable alongside become keywords |
Support: partial Some of the subactions ignore the host loop, see the description above for each specific action for the exceptions |
Forces a ‘global’ task that does not execute per host, this bypasses per host templating and serial, throttle and other loop considerations Conditionals will work as if This action will not work normally outside of lockstep strategies |
Support: partial Most of the subactions ignore the task loop, see the description above for each specific action for the exceptions |
These tasks ignore the |
Support: partial While these actions don’t modify the targets directly they do change possible states of the target within the run |
Can run in check_mode and return changed status prediction without modifying target, if not supported the action will be skipped. |
Support: partial Most options in this action do not use a connection, except |
Uses the target’s configured connection information to execute code on it |
Support: full |
This is a ‘core engine’ feature and is not implemented like most task actions, so it is not overridable in any way via the plugin system. |
Support: none |
Can be used in conjunction with delegate_to and related keywords |
Support: none |
Will return details on what has changed (or possibly needs changing in check_mode), when in diff mode |
Support: partial Only some options support conditionals and when they do they act ‘bypassing the host loop’, taking the values from first available host |
The action is not subject to conditional execution so it will ignore the |
Platforms: all |
Target OS/families that can be operated against |
Support: full |
Allows for the ‘tags’ keyword to control the selection of this action for execution |
Support: none |
Denotes if this action obeys until/retry/poll keywords |
will remove the persistent facts from ansible.builtin.set_fact usingcacheable=True
, but not the current host variable it creates for the current run.Skipping ansible.builtin.meta tasks with tags is not supported before Ansible 2.11.
See Also
See also
- ansible.builtin.assert
Asserts given expressions are true.
Fail with custom message.
# Example showing flushing handlers on demand, not at end of play
- ansible.builtin.template:
src: new.j2
dest: /etc/config.txt
notify: myhandler
- name: Force all notified handlers to run at this point, not waiting for normal sync points
ansible.builtin.meta: flush_handlers
# Example showing how to refresh inventory during play
- name: Reload inventory, useful with dynamic inventories when play makes changes to the existing hosts
cloud_guest: # this is fake module
name: newhost
state: present
- name: Refresh inventory to ensure new instances exist in inventory
ansible.builtin.meta: refresh_inventory
# Example showing how to clear all existing facts of targeted hosts
- name: Clear gathered facts from all currently targeted hosts
ansible.builtin.meta: clear_facts
# Example showing how to continue using a failed target
- name: Bring host back to play after failure
src: file
dest: /etc/file
remote_user: imightnothavepermission
- ansible.builtin.meta: clear_host_errors
# Example showing how to reset an existing connection
- ansible.builtin.user:
name: '{{ ansible_user }}'
groups: input
- name: Reset ssh connection to allow user changes to affect 'current login user'
ansible.builtin.meta: reset_connection
# Example showing how to end the play for specific targets
- name: End the play for hosts that run CentOS 6
ansible.builtin.meta: end_host
- ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
- ansible_distribution_major_version == '6'