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ansible.posix.mount module – Control active and configured mount points


This module is part of the ansible.posix collection (version 1.6.2).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix.

To use it in a playbook, specify: ansible.posix.mount.

New in ansible.posix 1.0.0


  • This module controls active and configured mount points in /etc/fstab.






Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly.


  • false ← (default)

  • true



Determines if the filesystem should be mounted on boot.

Only applies to Solaris and Linux systems.

For Solaris systems, true will set yes as the value of mount at boot in /etc/vfstab.

For Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD systems, false will add noauto to mount options in /etc/fstab.

To avoid mount option conflicts, if noauto specified in opts, mount module will ignore boot.

This parameter is ignored when state=ephemeral.


  • false

  • true ← (default)



Dump (see fstab(5)).

Note that if set to null and state=present, it will cease to work and duplicate entries will be made with subsequent runs.

Has no effect on Solaris systems or when used with state=ephemeral.

Default: "0"



File to use instead of /etc/fstab.

You should not use this option unless you really know what you are doing.

This might be useful if you need to configure mountpoints in a chroot environment.

OpenBSD does not allow specifying alternate fstab files with mount so do not use this on OpenBSD with any state that operates on the live filesystem.

This parameter defaults to /etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab on Solaris.

This parameter is ignored when state=ephemeral.



Filesystem type.

Required when state is present, mounted, or ephemeral.



Mount options (see fstab(5), or vfstab(4) on Solaris).



Do not log opts.


  • false ← (default)

  • true



Passno (see fstab(5)).

Note that if set to null and state=present, it will cease to work and duplicate entries will be made with subsequent runs.

Deprecated on Solaris systems. Has no effect when used with state=ephemeral.

Default: "0"


aliases: name

path / required

Path to the mount point (e.g. /mnt/files).

Before Ansible 2.3 this option was only usable as dest, destfile, and name.



Device (or NFS volume, or something else) to be mounted on path.

Required when state set to present, mounted, or ephemeral.

Ignored when state set to absent or unmounted.


string / required

If mounted, the device will be actively mounted and appropriately configured in fstab. If the mount point is not present, the mount point will be created.

If unmounted, the device will be unmounted without changing fstab.

present only specifies that the device is to be configured in fstab and does not trigger or require a mount.

ephemeral only specifies that the device is to be mounted, without changing fstab. If it is already mounted, a remount will be triggered. This will always return changed=true. If the mount point path has already a device mounted on, and its source is different than src, the module will fail to avoid unexpected unmount or mount point override. If the mount point is not present, the mount point will be created. The fstab is completely ignored. This option is added in version 1.5.0.

absent specifies that the mount point entry path will be removed from fstab and will also unmount the mounted device and remove the mount point. A mounted device will be unmounted regardless of src or its real source. absent does not unmount recursively, and the module will fail if multiple devices are mounted on the same mount point. Using absent with a mount point that is not registered in the fstab has no effect, use unmounted instead.

remounted specifies that the device will be remounted for when you want to force a refresh on the mount itself (added in 2.9). This will always return changed=true. If opts is set, the options will be applied to the remount, but will not change fstab. Additionally, if opts is set, and the remount command fails, the module will error to prevent unexpected mount changes. Try using mounted instead to work around this issue. remounted expects the mount point to be present in the fstab. To remount a mount point not registered in fstab, use ephemeral instead, especially with BSD nodes.

absent_from_fstab specifies that the device mount’s entry will be removed from fstab. This option does not unmount it or delete the mountpoint.


  • "absent"

  • "absent_from_fstab"

  • "mounted"

  • "present"

  • "unmounted"

  • "remounted"

  • "ephemeral"



  • As of Ansible 2.3, the name option has been changed to path as default, but name still works as well.

  • Using state=remounted with opts set may create unexpected results based on the existing options already defined on mount, so care should be taken to ensure that conflicting options are not present before hand.


# Before 2.3, option 'name' was used instead of 'path'
- name: Mount DVD read-only
    path: /mnt/dvd
    src: /dev/sr0
    fstype: iso9660
    opts: ro,noauto
    state: present

- name: Mount up device by label
    path: /srv/disk
    fstype: ext4
    state: present

- name: Mount up device by UUID
    path: /home
    src: UUID=b3e48f45-f933-4c8e-a700-22a159ec9077
    fstype: xfs
    opts: noatime
    state: present

- name: Unmount a mounted volume
    path: /tmp/mnt-pnt
    state: unmounted

- name: Remount a mounted volume
    path: /tmp/mnt-pnt
    state: remounted

# The following will not save changes to fstab, and only be temporary until
# a reboot, or until calling "state: unmounted" followed by "state: mounted"
# on the same "path"
- name: Remount a mounted volume and append exec to the existing options
    path: /tmp
    state: remounted
    opts: exec

- name: Mount and bind a volume
    path: /system/new_volume/boot
    src: /boot
    opts: bind
    state: mounted
    fstype: none

- name: Mount an NFS volume
    path: /mnt/shared_data
    opts: rw,sync,hard
    state: mounted
    fstype: nfs

- name: Mount NFS volumes with noauto according to boot option
    path: /mnt/shared_data
    opts: rw,sync,hard
    boot: false
    state: mounted
    fstype: nfs

- name: Mount ephemeral SMB volume
    src: //
    path: /mnt/smb_share
    opts: "rw,vers=3,file_mode=0600,dir_mode=0700,dom={{ ad_domain }},username={{ ad_username }},password={{ ad_password }}"
    opts_no_log: true
    fstype: cifs
    state: ephemeral


  • Ansible Core Team

  • Seth Vidal (@skvidal)