New in version 2.1.
- python >= 2.7
- azure == 2.0.0rc5
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
ad_user |
no | Active Directory username. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal. | ||
append_tags |
no | True | Use to control if tags field is canonical or just appends to existing tags. When canonical, any tags not found in the tags parameter will be removed from the object's metadata. | |
client_id |
no | Azure client ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. | ||
location |
no | resource_group location | Valid azure location. Defaults to location of the resource group. | |
name |
yes | Name of the network interface. | ||
open_ports |
no | When a default security group is created for a Linux host a rule will be added allowing inbound TCP connections to the default SSH port 22, and for a Windows host rules will be added allowing inbound access to RDP ports 3389 and 5986. Override the default ports by providing a list of open ports. | ||
os_type |
no | Linux |
Determines any rules to be added to a default security group. When creating a network interface, if no security group name is provided, a default security group will be created. If the os_type is 'Windows', a rule will be added allowing RDP access. If the os_type is 'Linux', a rule allowing SSH access will be added. |
password |
no | Active Directory user password. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal. | ||
private_ip_address |
no | Valid IPv4 address that falls within the specified subnet. | ||
private_ip_allocation_method |
no | Dynamic |
Specify whether or not the assigned IP address is permanent. NOTE: when creating a network interface specifying a value of 'Static' requires that a private_ip_address value be provided. You can update the allocation method to 'Static' after a dynamic private ip address has been assigned. |
profile |
no | Security profile found in ~/.azure/credentials file. | ||
public_ip |
no | True | When creating a network interface, if no public IP address name is provided a default public IP address will be created. Set to false, if you do not want a public IP address automatically created. | |
public_ip_address_name |
no | Name of an existing public IP address object to associate with the security group. aliases: public_ip_address, public_ip_name | ||
public_ip_allocation_method |
no | Dynamic |
If a public_ip_address_name is not provided, a default public IP address will be created. The allocation method determines whether or not the public IP address assigned to the network interface is permanent. |
resource_group |
yes | Name of a resource group where the network interface exists or will be created. | ||
secret |
no | Azure client secret. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. | ||
security_group_name |
no | Name of an existing security group with which to associate the network interface. If not provided, a default security group will be created. aliases: security_group | ||
state |
no | present |
Assert the state of the network interface. Use 'present' to create or update an interface and 'absent' to delete an interface. |
subnet_name |
no | Name of an existing subnet within the specified virtual network. Required when creating a network interface aliases: subnet | ||
subscription_id |
no | Your Azure subscription Id. | ||
tags |
no | Dictionary of string:string pairs to assign as metadata to the object. Metadata tags on the object will be updated with any provided values. To remove tags set append_tags option to false.
| ||
tenant |
no | Azure tenant ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. | ||
virtual_network_name |
no | Name of an existing virtual network with which the network interface will be associated. Required when creating a network interface. aliases: virtual_network |
- name: Create a network interface with minimal parameters azure_rm_networkinterface: name: nic001 resource_group: Testing virtual_network_name: vnet001 subnet_name: subnet001 - name: Create a network interface with private IP address only (no Public IP) azure_rm_networkinterface: name: nic001 resource_group: Testing virtual_network_name: vnet001 subnet_name: subnet001 public_ip: no - name: Create a network interface for use in a Windows host (opens RDP port) with custom RDP port azure_rm_networkinterface: name: nic002 resource_group: Testing virtual_network_name: vnet001 subnet_name: subnet001 os_type: Windows rdp_port: 3399 - name: Create a network interface using existing security group and public IP azure_rm_networkinterface: name: nic003 resource_group: Testing virtual_network_name: vnet001 subnet_name: subnet001 security_group_name: secgroup001 public_ip_address_name: publicip001 - name: Delete network interface azure_rm_networkinterface: resource_group: Testing name: nic003 state: absent
Common return values are documented here Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:
name | description | returned | type | sample |
state | The current state of the network interface. | always | dict | {'dns_settings': {'dns_servers': [], 'internal_fqdn': None, 'internal_dns_name_label': None, 'applied_dns_servers': []}, 'name': 'nic003', 'tags': None, 'primary': None, 'enable_ip_forwarding': False, 'etag': 'W/"be115a43-2148-4545-a324-f33ad444c926"', 'location': 'eastus2', 'mac_address': None, 'ip_configuration': {'private_ip_address': '', 'private_ip_allocation_method': 'Static', 'public_ip_address': {'id': '/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/publicip001', 'name': 'publicip001'}, 'name': 'default', 'subnet': {}}, 'provisioning_state': 'Succeeded', 'type': 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', 'id': '/subscriptions/XXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXX/resourceGroups/Testing/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic003', 'network_security_group': {}} |
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
This module is supported mainly by the community and is curated by core committers.
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