New in version 1.5.
- python >= 2.6
- boto
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
access_logs (added in 2.0) |
no | None | An associative array of access logs configuration settings (see example) | |
aws_access_key |
no | AWS access key. If not set then the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY or EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used. aliases: ec2_access_key, access_key | ||
aws_secret_key |
no | AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, or EC2_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used. aliases: ec2_secret_key, secret_key | ||
connection_draining_timeout (added in 1.8) |
no | Wait a specified timeout allowing connections to drain before terminating an instance | ||
cross_az_load_balancing (added in 1.8) |
no | no |
Distribute load across all configured Availability Zones |
ec2_url |
no | Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by default the module will use EC2 endpoints). Ignored for modules where region is required. Must be specified for all other modules if region is not used. If not set then the value of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used. | ||
health_check |
no | None | An associative array of health check configuration settings (see example) | |
idle_timeout (added in 2.0) |
no | ELB connections from clients and to servers are timed out after this amount of time | ||
instance_ids (added in 2.1) |
no | List of instance ids to attach to this ELB | ||
listeners |
no | List of ports/protocols for this ELB to listen on (see example) | ||
name |
yes | The name of the ELB | ||
profile (added in 1.6) |
no | Uses a boto profile. Only works with boto >= 2.24.0. | ||
purge_instance_ids (added in 2.1) |
no | Purge existing instance ids on ELB that are not found in instance_ids | ||
purge_listeners |
no | True | Purge existing listeners on ELB that are not found in listeners | |
purge_subnets (added in 1.7) |
no | Purge existing subnet on ELB that are not found in subnets | ||
purge_zones |
no | Purge existing availability zones on ELB that are not found in zones | ||
region |
no | The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of the AWS_REGION or EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used. See aliases: aws_region, ec2_region | ||
scheme (added in 1.7) |
no | internet-facing | The scheme to use when creating the ELB. For a private VPC-visible ELB use 'internal'. | |
security_group_ids (added in 1.6) |
no | None | A list of security groups to apply to the elb | |
security_group_names (added in 2.0) |
no | None | A list of security group names to apply to the elb | |
security_token (added in 1.6) |
no | AWS STS security token. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN or EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN environment variable is used. aliases: access_token | ||
state |
yes |
Create or destroy the ELB | |
stickiness (added in 2.0) |
no | An associative array of stickiness policy settings. Policy will be applied to all listeners ( see example ) | ||
subnets (added in 1.7) |
no | None | A list of VPC subnets to use when creating ELB. Zones should be empty if using this. | |
tags (added in 2.1) |
no | An associative array of tags. To delete all tags, supply an empty dict. | ||
validate_certs (added in 1.5) |
no | yes |
When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for boto versions >= 2.6.0. |
wait (added in 2.1) |
no |
When specified, Ansible will check the status of the load balancer to ensure it has been successfully removed from AWS. | |
wait_timeout (added in 2.1) |
no | 60 | Used in conjunction with wait. Number of seconds to wait for the elb to be terminated. A maximum of 600 seconds (10 minutes) is allowed. | |
zones |
no | List of availability zones to enable on this ELB |
# Note: None of these examples set aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, or region. # It is assumed that their matching environment variables are set. # Basic provisioning example (non-VPC) - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: present zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 proxy_protocol: True - protocol: https load_balancer_port: 443 instance_protocol: http # optional, defaults to value of protocol setting instance_port: 80 # ssl certificate required for https or ssl ssl_certificate_id: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/company/servercerts/ProdServerCert" # Internal ELB example - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-vpc" scheme: internal state: present instance_ids: - i-abcd1234 purge_instance_ids: true subnets: - subnet-abcd1234 - subnet-1a2b3c4d listeners: - protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 # Configure a health check and the access logs - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: present zones: - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 health_check: ping_protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp ping_port: 80 ping_path: "/index.html" # not required for tcp or ssl response_timeout: 5 # seconds interval: 30 # seconds unhealthy_threshold: 2 healthy_threshold: 10 access_logs: interval: 5 # minutes (defaults to 60) s3_location: "my-bucket" # This value is required if access_logs is set s3_prefix: "logs" # Ensure ELB is gone - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: absent # Ensure ELB is gone and wait for check (for default timeout) - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: absent wait: yes # Ensure ELB is gone and wait for check with timeout value - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: absent wait: yes wait_timeout: 600 # Normally, this module will purge any listeners that exist on the ELB # but aren't specified in the listeners parameter. If purge_listeners is # false it leaves them alone - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: present zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 purge_listeners: no # Normally, this module will leave availability zones that are enabled # on the ELB alone. If purge_zones is true, then any extraneous zones # will be removed - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "test-please-delete" state: present zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 purge_zones: yes # Creates a ELB and assigns a list of subnets to it. - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb state: present name: 'New ELB' security_group_ids: 'sg-123456, sg-67890' region: us-west-2 subnets: 'subnet-123456,subnet-67890' purge_subnets: yes listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 # Create an ELB with connection draining, increased idle timeout and cross availability # zone load balancing - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "New ELB" state: present connection_draining_timeout: 60 idle_timeout: 300 cross_az_load_balancing: "yes" region: us-east-1 zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 # Create an ELB with load balancer stickiness enabled - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "New ELB" state: present region: us-east-1 zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 stickiness: type: loadbalancer enabled: yes expiration: 300 # Create an ELB with application stickiness enabled - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "New ELB" state: present region: us-east-1 zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 stickiness: type: application enabled: yes cookie: SESSIONID # Create an ELB and add tags - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "New ELB" state: present region: us-east-1 zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 tags: Name: "New ELB" stack: "production" client: "Bob" # Delete all tags from an ELB - local_action: module: ec2_elb_lb name: "New ELB" state: present region: us-east-1 zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1d listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 80 tags: {}
or EC2_URL
can be typically be used to specify the AWS region, when required, but this can also be configured in the boto config fileThis module is flagged as stableinterface which means that the maintainers for this module guarantee that no backward incompatible interface changes will be made.
This module is supported mainly by the community and is curated by core committers.
For more information on what this means please read Module Support
For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, Helping Testing PRs and Developing Modules.