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Google Cloud Platform Guide


Ansible + Google have been working together on a set of auto-generated Ansible modules designed to consistently and comprehensively cover the entirety of the Google Cloud Platform.

Ansible contains modules for managing Google Cloud Platform resources, including creating instances, controlling network access, working with persistent disks, managing load balancers, and a lot more.

These new modules can be found under a new consistent name scheme “gcp_*” (Note: gcp_target_proxy and gcp_url_map are legacy modules, despite the “gcp_*” name. Please use gcp_compute_target_proxy and gcp_compute_url_map instead).

Additionally, the gcp_compute inventory plugin can discover all GCE instances and make them automatically available in your Ansible inventory.

You may see a collection of other GCP modules that do not conform to this naming convention. These are the original modules primarily developed by the Ansible community. You will find some overlapping functionality such as with the the “gce” module and the new “gcp_compute_instance” module. Either can be used, but you may experience issues trying to use them together.

While the community GCP modules are not going away, Google is investing effort into the new “gcp_*” modules. Google is committed to ensuring the Ansible community has a great experience with GCP and therefore recommends that begin adopting these new modules if possible.


The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) modules require both the requests and the google-auth libraries to be installed.

$ pip install requests google-auth


It’s easy to create a GCP account with credentials for Ansible. You have multiple options to get your credentials - here are two of the most common options:

  • Service Accounts (Recommended): Use JSON service accounts with specific permissions.
  • Machine Accounts: Use the permissions associated with the GCP Instance you’re using Ansible on.

For the following examples, we’ll be using service account credentials.

To work with the GCP modules, you’ll first need to get some credentials in the JSON format:

  1. Create a Service Account
  2. Download JSON credentials

Once you have your credentials, there are two different ways to provide them to Ansible:

  • by specifying them directly as module parameters
  • by setting environment variables

Providing Credentials as Module Parameters

For the GCE modules you can specify the credentials as arguments:

  • auth_kind: type of authentication being used (choices: machineaccount, serviceaccount, application)
  • service_account_email: email associated with the project
  • service_account_file: path to the JSON credentials file
  • project: id of the project
  • scopes: The specific scopes that you want the actions to use.

For example, to create a new IP address using the gcp_compute_address module, you can use the following configuration:

- name: Create IP address
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no

    service_account_file: /home/my_account.json
    project: my-project
    auth_kind: serviceaccount


   - name: Allocate an IP Address
         state: present
         name: 'test-address1'
         region: 'us-west1'
         project: "{{ project }}"
         auth_kind: "{{ auth_kind }}"
         service_account_file: "{{ service_account_file }}"
         scopes: "{{ scopes }}"

Providing Credentials as Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables before running Ansible in order to configure your credentials:


GCE Dynamic Inventory

The best way to interact with your hosts is to use the gcp_compute inventory plugin, which dynamically queries GCE and tells Ansible what nodes can be managed.

To use the gcp_compute inventory plugin, create a file that ends in .gcp.yml file in your root directory. The gcp_compute inventory script takes in the same authentication information as any module.

Here’s an example of a valid inventory file:

plugin: gcp_compute
auth_kind: serviceaccount
service_account_file: /home/alexstephen/my_account.json

Executing ansible-inventory --list -i <filename>.gcp.yml will create a list of GCP instances that are ready to be configured using Ansible.

Create an instance

The full range of GCP modules provide the ability to create a wide variety of GCP resources with the full support of the entire GCP API.

The following playbook creates a GCE Instance. This instance relies on a GCP network and a Disk. By creating the Disk and Network separately, we can give as much detail as necessary about how we want the disk and network formatted. By registering a Disk/Network to a variable, we can simply insert the variable into the instance task. The gcp_compute_instance module will figure out the rest.

- name: Create an instance
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local
      project: my-project
      auth_kind: serviceaccount
      service_account_file: /home/my_account.json
      zone: "us-central1-a"
      region: "us-central1"

   - name: create a disk
         name: 'disk-instance'
         size_gb: 50
         source_image: 'projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/family/ubuntu-1604-lts'
         zone: "{{ zone }}"
         project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
         auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
         service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
         state: present
     register: disk
   - name: create a network
         name: 'network-instance'
         project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
         auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
         service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
         state: present
     register: network
   - name: create a address
         name: 'address-instance'
         region: "{{ region }}"
         project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
         auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
         service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
         state: present
     register: address
   - name: create a instance
         state: present
         name: test-vm
         machine_type: n1-standard-1
           - auto_delete: true
             boot: true
             source: "{{ disk }}"
             - network: "{{ network }}"
                 - name: 'External NAT'
                   nat_ip: "{{ address }}"
                   type: 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT'
         zone: "{{ zone }}"
         project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
         auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
         service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
     register: instance

    - name: Wait for SSH to come up
      wait_for: host={{ instance.address }} port=22 delay=10 timeout=60

    - name: Add host to groupname
      add_host: hostname={{ instance.address }} groupname=new_instances

- name: Manage new instances
  hosts: new_instances
  connection: ssh
  sudo: True
    - base_configuration
    - production_server

Note that use of the “add_host” module above creates a temporary, in-memory group. This means that a play in the same playbook can then manage machines in the ‘new_instances’ group, if so desired. Any sort of arbitrary configuration is possible at this point.

For more information about Google Cloud, please visit the Google Cloud website.