
1. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform controller Licensing, Updates, and Support

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform controller ("Automation Controller") is a software product provided as part of an annual Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform subscription entered into between you and Red Hat, Inc. ("Red Hat").

Ansible 是一个开源软件项目,它使用 GNU General Public License version 3 的使用许可证。详细信息包括在 Ansible 源代码中:

You must have valid subscriptions attached before installing the Ansible Automation Platform. See 附加订阅 for detail.

1.1. 支持

红帽为付费的 Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 用户提供支持。

如果您或您的公司为 Ansible Automation Platform 购买了订阅服务,您可以联络支持团队(。如需了解更多与您的 Ansible Automation Platform 订阅相关的信息,请参阅 订阅类型。如需了解包括在 Ansible Automation Platform 订阅中的服务信息,请参阅

1.2. 试用/评估

虽然 automation controller 需要一个有效的许可证方可运行,但它的测试版本的许可证是免费的。

  • 您可以通过 获得 Red Hat Ansible Automation 试用版本的许可证。

  • Support is not included in a trial license or during an evaluation of the automation controller software.

1.3. 订阅类型

做为一个年度订阅,Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 有不同级别的支持,受支持的机器数量也会不同。

所有订阅级别包括常规的 automation controller 更新和版本,Ansible 以及平台的其他组件。

如需更多信息,请通过红帽客户门户网站联络 Ansible: or at

1.4. 许可证中的节点计数

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform controller license defines the number of Managed Nodes that can be managed as part of a Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform subscription. A typical license will say ‘License Count: 500’, which sets the maximum number of Managed Nodes at 500.


1.5. 附加订阅

You must have valid subscriptions attached before installing the Ansible Automation Platform. Attaching an Ansible Automation Platform subscription enables Automation Hub repositories. A valid subscription needs to be attached to the Automation Hub node only. Other nodes do not need to have a valid subscription/pool attached, even if the [automationhub] group is blank, given this is done at the repos_el role level and that this role is run on both [default] and [automationhub] hosts.

要获得您的 Ansible Automation Platform 订阅的 pool_id

#subscription-manager list --available --all | grep "Ansible Automation Platform" -B 3 -A 6


Subscription Name: Red Hat Ansible Automation, Premium (5000 Managed Nodes)
Provides: Red Hat Ansible Engine
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
SKU: MCT3695
Contract: ********
Pool ID: ********************
Provides Management: No
Available: 4999
Suggested: 1


#subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_id>

如果正确完成此操作,并且所有节点都附加了 Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform,则可以正确地找到 Automation Hub 仓库。


#subscription-manager list --consumed


#subscription-manager remove --pool=<pool_id>

1.6. Ansible Automation Platform Component Licenses

要查看 automation controller 中包含组件的许可证信息,请参阅 /usr/share/doc/automation-controller-<version>/README,其中的 <version> 代表您安装的 automation controller 版本。

要查看特定的许可证,请参考 /usr/share/doc/automation-controller-<version>/*.txt,其中 * 代表您需要了解的许可证文件名称。