在 /var/log/tower/
callback_receiver.log: captures callback receiver logs that handles callback events when running ansible jobs.
dispatcher.log: 捕获控制器分配程序 worker 服务的日志消息。
job_lifecycle.log: captures details of the job run, whether it is blocked, and what condition is blocking it.
management_playbooks.log: 捕获管理 playbook 运行的日志,隔离作业运行如复制元数据等。
rsyslog.err: 在向它们发送日志时捕获 rsyslog 错误信息验证。
task_system.log: - captures the logs of tasks that the controller is running in the background, such as adding cluster instances and logs related to information gathering/processing for analytics, etc.
tower.log: captures the log messages such as runtime errors that occur when the job is executed.
tower_rbac_migrations.log: captures the logs for rbac database migration or upgrade.
tower_system_tracking_migrations.log: captures the logs the controller system tracking migration or upgrade.
wsbroadcast.log: 捕获控制器节点上的 websocket 连接的日志。
isolated_manager.log: captures logs associated with isolated nodes.
在 /var/log/supervisor/
awx-callback-receiver.log: 捕获在运行 ansible 作业时,由 supervisord 管理的回调接收器日志。
awx-daphne.log: 捕获 WebUI 的 Websocket 通讯的日志。
awx-dispatcher.log: 捕获在将任务分配给控制器实例时发生的日志,比如在运行作业时。
awx-rsyslog.log: 捕获 rsyslog 服务的日志。
awx-uwsgi.log: 捕获与 uWSGI 相关的日志,它是一个应用服务器。
awx-wsbroadcast.log: 捕获控制器使用的 websocket 服务的日志。
failure-event-handler.stderr.log: 捕获 /usr/bin/failure-event-handler supervisord 的子进程的标准错误。
SupervisorD.log: 捕获与 Supervisord 本身相关的日志。
The /var/log/supervisor/
directory includes stdout
files for all services as well.
You can expect the following log paths to be generated by services used by Tower (and the Ansible Automation Platform):
"Mooving around: Consolidated logfiles for easier access!"
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