
1. Release Notes for Automation Controller Version 4.2.0


  • Graphical visualization of the automation topology to show the types of nodes, the links between them and their statuses


  • For VM-based installs, the controller will now automatically mount the system trust store in execution environments when jobs run

  • Log Format For API 4XX Errors field to the Logging settings form to allow customization of 4xx error messages that are produced when the API encounters an issue with a request

  • Ability to use labels with inventory

  • Ability to flag users as superusers and auditors in SAML integration

  • Support for expanding and collapsing plays and tasks in the job output UI

  • Filtering job output UI by multiple event types

  • Various default search filters to a number of list views

  • Top-level list of instances to now be visible in the UI

  • A pop-up message when a user copies a resource

  • Job Templates tab to Credentials and Inventories to view all the templates that use that particular credential or inventory


  • Controller to use Python 3.9

  • Django’s SESSION_COOKIE_NAME setting to a non-default value. Note, any external clients that previously used the sessionid cookie will need to change. Refer to Session Authentication for more detail.

  • Controller to support podman-style volume mount syntax in the Paths to expose to isolated jobs field of the Jobs Settings of the UI

  • Isolated path to be exposed in OCP/K8s as HostPath

  • Upgraded Django from version 2.2 to 3.2

  • Modified usage of ansible_facts on Advanced Search to add more flexibility to the usage of ansible_facts when creating a smart inventory

  • The controller node for a job running on an execution node now incurs a penalty of 1 unit of capacity to account for the system load that controlling a job incurs. This can be adjusted with the file-based setting AWX_CONTROL_NODE_TASK_IMPACT.

  • Project updates to always run in the controlplane instance group

  • Slack notifications to allow replying to a thread instead of just channels

  • UI performance to improve job output

  • Job status icons to be more accessible

  • Display of only usable inventories when launching a job

  • Browser tab to show more information about which page the user is currently viewing

  • Controller to now load variables after job template extra variables to prevent overriding the meta variables injected into each job run


  • The concept of “committed capacity” from Instance Groups due to the removal of RabbitMQ

  • Inventory source option to Update on project update - this field updates the inventory source if its project pulled a new revision. In the future, when updating an inventory source, the controller shall automatically run project updates if the project itself is set to Update on launch.


  • Case sensitivity around hostcount