
1. Automation Controller Version 4.2.1 发行注记

Automation Controller fixes:

  • Node alias is now saved when job template is changed in the workflow

  • Improved error messages in the API job_explanation field for specific error scenarios, (e.g., runner worker process is killed), or certain failure scenarios (e.g., shutdown)

  • Fixed the Task Manager to fully account for the job's control process capacity for jobs running in container groups

  • Fixed a few bugs that caused delays in task processing by adding the following file-based settings:
    • JOB_WAITING_GRACE_PERIOD increases the threshold for marking jobs stuck in the "waiting" status as failed

    • CLUSTER_NODE_MISSED_HEARTBEAT_TOLERANCE to allow the heartbeat to be more tolerant to clock skew and other problems

    • K8S_POD_REAPER_GRACE_PERIOD to allow more time before pod cleanup executes its last attempt to delete pods used by jobs

    • TASK_MANAGER_TIMEOUT to allow more time in the unlikely event that the Task Manager fails to finish normally

  • Jobs no longer fail for nested submodules in an SCM (git) project and the .git folder will be omitted

  • Added more logs to help debug database connectivity problems and cluster resource limits

  • Removed the current_user cookie which was not used by the UI

  • Updated controller to send FQCN data for tasks to analytics

  • Fixed the metrics endpoint (/api/v2/metrics) to no longer produce erroneous 500 errors

  • Added remove_superuser and remove_system_auditors to the SAML user attribute map

  • Added the ability to allow multiple values in the SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_USER_FLAGS_BY_ATTR.is_*_[value|role] settings

  • Unwanted Galaxy credentials are no longer added to the Organization while logging in through SAML

  • awx-cli now allows for multiple --extra_vars parameters

  • Receptor no longer fails in FIPS mode

  • If an OCP node's record is deleted (either by the awx-manage command or by the heartbeat task), it will re-register itself

  • Upgrading and changing node_type from execution to control or hybrid no longer causes cleanup errors

Execution Environment fixes:

None for this release

Automation Controller UI fixes:

  • The controller UI properly displays job output when strategy: free is set in the playbook

  • Fixed the pagination displays within the main lists, i.e., Resources (Job Templates, Projects, Inventory), Access (Organization, Users, Teams, Notifications), and Administration (Instance Groups, Execution Environments)

  • Fixed the Job Output to properly follow and scroll; and improved the Page Up/Page Down button behavior

  • Fixed the controller UI to now be able to filter by multiple labels

  • Large workflow templates no longer cause browsers to crash when linking nodes near the end of the template

  • Fixed the approval node "Deny" to no longer run the subsequent workflow nodes

  • Forks information no longer missing in running job details

  • Upon saving a schedule, the date chooser no longer changes to the day before the selected date

  • References to Ansible Tower are replaced with Automation Controller throughout the UI, including tooltips where documentation is referenced

  • Corrected translations for the Japanese Subscription settings screen

Installation fixes specific to Automation Controller:

None for this release