Corrected an issue where inventory syncs using Rackspace credentials failed
Corrected an issue where the Host Events display provided different results depending on the version of Ansible used
Corrected an issue which caused an error when calling the Ansible yum module on ansible-1.9.4 (or newer)
Improved display for Ansible loops on the job detail page by recognizing new Ansible callback events (v2_runner_item_on_*)
Improved the efficiency of the stdout dump database migration for better memory handling
Updated the Boto release included with Tower to version 2.39.0
Version 2.4.4
Corrected an issue related to Ansible 2.0.0.x job callback events
Corrected an issue where YAML extra_vars were ignored when launching a job template
Corrected an issue where running scan jobs against Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 inventory failed
Corrected an issue where the Services tab was not populating in scan jobs on SLES 11 or RHEL 5
Corrected an issue with log output filtering
Corrected an issue where the Rackspace module had caching on by default
Corrected an issue where Tower was not working properly on Centos 7.2 with Python 2.7.5
Corrected an issue where OpenStack modules were not running correctly on systems with Python 2.7 (bumping shade and pyrax versions to allow Ansible 2.0 OpenStack modules to run correctly)
Corrected an issue where the setup/upgrade playbook failed if being run from Ansible 2.X
Ansible 2.0 OpenStack modules will not work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6.
Version 2.4.3
Added sample configurations for LDAP connection options and disable referrals by default, which corrects a problems with queries hanging with AD
Corrected an issue where the UI does not enable provisioning callbacks properly
Improved performance of user and group queries though better caching
Version 2.4.2
Corrected a problem with EC2 inventories which were not working correctly when instance filters were in use
Corrected an issue when accessing Tower using IE11 web browsers
Corrected an issue where clicking on a job in the activities stream did not show the correct job detail page
Corrected an issue where custom login information was not properly displayed at login
Corrected an issue with scan jobs against Amazon Linux machines throwing error messages instead of warnings
Corrected an API-related problem dealing with sparkline data which corrects the ordering of recent jobs as associated with job templates
Corrected an issue in the UI where cloud credentials associated with an inventory source were not being properly displayed
Corrected an issue where org admins did not have the proper permissions to delete project updates
Corrected several small UI issues
Version 2.4.1
Resolved a failure that, when not connected to the Internet (such as being behind a restrictive firewall), prevented Tower from functioning
Version 2.4.0
Added custom rebranding support
Added the ability to enable and disable basic authentication
Added support for authentication via SAML 2.0 servers, Google Apps, GitHub, and RADIUS
Added support for session limits
Added support for EC2 STS tokens
Added default schedules for system jobs on new installs
Added support to allow multiple scheduled system jobs
Added an example “request_tower_configuration.ps1” PowerShell for use with Tower’s provisioning callbacks
Added analytics and data collection for improving the UI experience of Ansible Tower
Changed the behavior of config.js handling and introduced support for the local_settings.json file for specific variable changes
Changed the way Job Templates work so that they launch using an extra variables hierarchy
Changed session timeout to be set in and no longer in the UI local_config.js file
Changed the local_config.js file to local_settings.json and made it more flexible to override configuration settings
Corrected some Tower features when using Ansible 2.0
Corrected an issue where ‘Overwrite’ in an inventory update would imply ‘Overwrite Variables’
Corrected an issue where Tower-cli ignored default answers when trying to launch a job with a survey
Corrected an issue that prevented LDAP logging from working correctly
Corrected an issue where Null errors were returned after deleting an Organization associated with a Custom Inventory Script with an Inventory
Incorporated a feature which adds an Auth-Token-Timeout to every responses that include a valid user-supplied token
Noted a known issue where using the strategies feature of Ansible 2.0 in Ansible Tower causes jobs to not display properly (support for the strategies feature will be added in a future release of Tower)
Removed the ability to delete the default set Organization for Basic-level license users
Version 2.3.1
Corrected an issue where PRoot being enabled caused jobs to fail on systems using SSH ControlPersist.
If Ansible’s Customer Support recommended that you disable PRoot to solve the failing jobs problem (setting AWX_PROOT_ENABLED=False), consult with Support to determine if re-enabling PRoot is appropriate for your particular use case.
Version 2.3
Added support for bundled installations
Added improvements for preflight free disk space check
Added Ansible installation support where the Ansible Tower installer now attempts to install Ansible as part of the installation process
Corrected an issue where launching a JT with a Survey attached failed if you had survey data types other than “text” or “text area”
Corrected an issue where scan jobs fail on large file scans
Corrected an issue where projects were not included in system backups
Corrected an issue where downloading stdout in text format would return JSON instead
Corrected an issue where downloading stdout in text format would incorrectly escape characters
Corrected a performance issue when accessing jobs and job_templates
Version 2.2.2
Corrected an issue where unicode credential passwords caused migrations to fail
Corrected a performance issue when Tower redacts sensitive data from job output
Version 2.2.1
Fixed performance issues when job stdout was very large
Corrected an issue where stdout display in Tower would fail on some unicode output
Corrected an issue where EC2 inventory sync would fail if instances had blank tags
Corrected an issue where jobs would not cancel properly on user cancellation (applies to EL6 platforms where PRoot was enabled by default)
Corrected an issue when restoring a Tower database backup to a remote PostgreSQL database
Added support for newer OpenSSH private key format
Fixed display of Tower version in ‘About Tower’
Fixed links to Ansible Github repository in dynamic inventory online help
Version 2.2
Added System Tracking job scan (available for Enterprise and Premium licenses only)
Simplified Dashboard and Interface with new Setup Menu
Added inventory support for OpenStack
Added data cleanup and snapshot retention scheduling
Added Ansible Galaxy integration
Added support for Remote Command Execution
Added Status widget for easily viewing the 10 most recent jobs run on a job template
Added integration for easier backups and restorations into the Tower setup playbook
Adjusted dates to display in the user’s locale format
Simplified password/passphrase entry
Added more configurable verbosity levels for job templates
Assorted other bugfixes and enhancements
API change: Formatting of extra_vars attached to Job Template records is preserved. Previously, YAML would be converted to JSON and returned as JSON. In 2.2.0 and newer, YAML is returned as YAML with formatting and comments preserved, and JSON is returned as JSON.
Version 2.1.4
Corrected Tower’s Live Events feature, again. Really.
Version 2.1.3
Corrected an issue where Tower Live Events would attempt to endlessly reconnect
Corrected issues when running with Ansible
Version 2.1.2
Corrected multiple issues with Tower’s Live Events feature
Corrected an issue where Tower would become stuck if a job was killed due to memory exhaustion
Improved the response time of Project queries
Corrected an error that caused users to be unable to relaunch jobs
Version 2.1.1
Multi-tenancy security enabled by default for new installs
Added support for setting VPC id for RDS instances to EC2 dynamic inventory
Added the ability for organization admins to create surveys
Added support for scheduling of custom inventory scripts
Corrected an error when parsing extra_vars as YAML
Corrected an error when configuring a remote database
Added EULA agreement when updating license
Corrected the sending of live events in some cases
Corrected a potential XSS issue
Version 2.1
New simplified Portal Mode view for users, access at
New surveys on job templates allow easy prompting of users for job
Tower can now use an external PostgreSQL instance as the Tower
database, including Amazon’s RDS
Added support for active/passive High Availability Tower
Custom dynamic inventory scripts can be pasted in using the admin
user menu
Limit Amazon EC2 inventory imports into Tower based on tags, keys,
and more
Tower data cleanup jobs can now be scheduled and run directly from
the Tower interface versus logging into the Tower instance
The /etc/awx Tower configuration directory has moved to /etc/tower
Non-admin api users must now use the /launch endpoint for a job
template and can no longer call a job’s /start endpoint directly.
Corrected a potential CSRF issue when using the REST API graphical
Version 2.0.4
Corrected a privilege escalation related to user account levels
Version 2.0.2
Further corrections for job execution with certain 0mq library
Changes to AMI license logic to allow bring-your-own-license usage
Version 2.0.1
Corrected a job execution issue due to 0mq library versions on
certain platforms
Reduced logfile verbosity and retention for some Tower
Adjusted setup playbook for the release of EPEL 7
Version 2.0
New dashboard that provides at-a-glance status of your Ansible
Completely redesigned job status page featuring real-time playbook
output and progress updates
Added support for multiple new cloud providers - Azure, Google
Compute Engine, and VMware vSphere
New user interface look and feel
Integrated monitoring support for checking the health of your
Tower install
Tower now requires a license to run. 10 machine free licenses, as
well as free large trial licenses, are available at
Support added for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS 7
Upgrades will reuse password information, not requiring reentry in
‘group_vars/all’ of setup playbook
Many assorted improvements and fixes
Version 1.4.12
Corrected an issue handling Unicode output from ansible-playbook
Corrected an issue displaying job details for some jobs
Version 1.4.11
Performance improvements to inventory import and deletion
Groups UI under inventory tab is now paginated
Updated UI options for moving and copying groups (and host
Added the ability to optionally prompt for job variables when
launching jobs to the job template detail pages
Version 1.4.10
Correctly handle schedule creation when browser timezone cannot be
Corrected pagination on job_events page.
Version 1.4.9
Corrected a provisioning callback issue on Enterprise Linux.
Added a sample provisioning callback script.
Various backend and UI improvements.
Version 1.4.8
Scheduling for Jobs, SCM updates, and Inventory synchronization
has been added. The UI for each of these objects has changed to
accommodate this new scheduling feature.
The jobs page has been overhauled to show completed, active,
queued, and scheduled jobs.
Inventory and project synchronization jobs are now also shown
on the jobs page.