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Maintainer responsibilities

An Ansible collection maintainer is a contributor trusted by the community who makes significant and regular contributions to the project and who has shown themselves as a specialist in the related area. Collection maintainers have extended permissions in the collection scope.

Ansible collection maintainers provide feedback, responses, or actions on pull requests or issues to the collection(s) they maintain in a reasonably timely manner. They can also update the contributor guidelines for that collection, in collaboration with the Ansible community team and the other maintainers of that collection.

In general, collection maintainers:

Multiple maintainers can divide responsibilities among each other.

How to become a maintainer

A person interested in becoming a maintainer and satisfying the requirements may either self-nominate or be nominated by another maintainer.

To nominate a candidate, create a GitHub issue in the relevant collection repository. If there is no response, the repository is not actively maintained, or the current maintainers do not have permissions to add the candidate, Create a topic in the Ansible community forum.

Communicating as a collection maintainer

Maintainers are highly encouraged to subscribe to the “Changes impacting collection contributors and maintainers” GitHub repo and the Bullhorn newsletter. If you have something important to announce through the newsletter (for example, recent releases), see the Bullhorn to learn how.

Collection contributors and maintainers can also communicate through:

  • Real-time chats and forum topics appropriate to their collection, or if none exists, the general community and developer chat channels.

  • Collection project boards, issues, and GitHub discussions in corresponding repositories.

  • Contributor Summits and Ansible community days.

  • Ansiblefest and local meetups.

See Communicating with the Ansible community for more details on these communication channels.

Establishing working group communication

Working groups depend on efficient communication. Project maintainers can use the following techniques to establish communication for working groups:

  • Find an existing forum group or working group that is similar to your project and join the conversation.

  • Request a new working group for your project.

  • Create a public chat for your working group or ask in the forum for help.

  • Provide working group details and links to chat rooms in the contributor section of your project

  • Encourage contributors to join the forum group and chat.

See the Communication guide to learn more about real-time chat.

Community Topics

The Community and the Steering Committee asynchronously discuss and vote on the community topics which impact the whole project or its parts including collections and packaging.

Share your opinion and vote on the topics to help the community make the best decisions.

Contributor Summits

The quarterly Ansible Contributor Summit is a global event that provides our contributors a great opportunity to meet each other, communicate, share ideas, and see that there are other real people behind the messages on Matrix or Libera Chat IRC, or GitHub. This gives a sense of community. Watch the Bullhorn newsletter for information when the next contributor summit, invite contributors you know, and take part in the event together.

Weekly community Matrix/IRC meetings

The Community and the Steering Committee come together at weekly meetings in the #ansible-community Libera.Chat IRC channel or in the bridged room on Matrix to discuss important project questions. Join us! Here is our schedule.

Expanding the collection community


If you discover good ways to expand a community or make it more robust, edit this section with your ideas to share with other collection maintainers.

Here are some ways you can expand the community around your collection:

  • Give newcomers a positive first experience.

  • Invite contributors to join forum groups and real-time chats related to your project.

  • Have good documentation with guidelines for new contributors.

  • Make people feel welcome personally and individually.

  • Use labels to show easy fixes and leave non-critical easy fixes to newcomers and offer to mentor them.

  • Be responsive in issues, PRs and other communication.

  • Conduct PR days regularly.

  • Maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards behavior violating the Community Code of Conduct.

  • Put information about how people can register code of conduct violations in your README and CONTRIBUTING files.

  • Include quick ways contributors can help and other documentation in your README.

  • Add and keep updated the CONTRIBUTORS and MAINTAINERS files.

  • Create a pinned issue to announce that the collection welcomes new maintainers and contributors.

  • Look for new maintainers among active contributors.

  • Announce that your collection welcomes new maintainers.

  • Take part and congratulate new maintainers in Contributor Summits.

Encouraging new contributors

Easy-fix items are the best way to attract and mentor new contributors. You should triage incoming issues to mark them with labels such as easyfix, waiting_on_contributor, and docs. where appropriate. Do not fix these trivial non-critical bugs yourself. Instead, mentor a person who wants to contribute.

For some easy-fix issues, you could ask the issue reporter whether they want to fix the issue themselves providing the link to a quick start guide for creating PRs.

Conduct pull request days regularly. You could plan PR days, for example, on the last Friday of every month when you and other maintainers go through all open issues and pull requests focusing on old ones, asking people if you can help, and so on. If there are pull requests that look abandoned (for example, there has been no response on your help offers since the previous PR day), announce that anyone else interested can complete the pull request.

Promote active contributors satisfying requirements to maintainers. Revise contributors’ activity regularly.

If your collection found new maintainers, announce that fact in the Bullhorn newsletter and during the next Contributor Summit congratulating and thanking them for the work done. You can mention all the people promoted since the previous summit. Remember to invite the other maintainers to the Summit in advance.

Some other general guidelines to encourage contributors:

  • Welcome the author and thank them for the issue or pull request.

  • If there is a non-crucial easy-fix bug reported, politely ask the author to fix it themselves providing a link to Creating your first collection pull request.

  • When suggesting changes, try to use questions, not statements.

  • When suggesting mandatory changes, do it as politely as possible providing documentation references.

  • If your suggestion is optional or a matter of personal preference, please say it explicitly.

  • When asking for adding tests or for complex code refactoring, say that the author is welcome to ask for clarifications and help if they need it.

  • If somebody suggests a good idea, mention it or put a thumbs up.

  • After merging, thank the author and reviewers for their time and effort.

See the Review checklist for collection PRs for a list of items to check before you merge a PR.

Maintaining good collection documentation

Maintainers look after the collection documentation to ensure it matches the Ansible documentation style guide. This includes keeping the following documents accurate and updated regularly:

A good README includes a description of the collection, a link to the Community Code of Conduct, and details on how to contribute or a pointer to the CONTRIBUTING file. If your collection is a part of Ansible (shipped with Ansible package), highlight that fact at the top of the collection’s README.

The CONTRIBUTING file includes all the details or links to the details on how a new or continuing contributor can contribute to this collection. The CONTRIBUTING file should include:

  • Information or links to new contributor guidelines, such as a quick start on opening PRs.

  • Information or links to contributor requirements, such as unit and integration test requirements.

You can optionally include a CONTRIBUTORS and MAINTAINERS file to list the collection contributors and maintainers.