community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_firewall – Manage cloud firewalls within DigitalOcean
This plugin is part of the community.digitalocean collection (version 1.13.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.digitalocean
To use it in a playbook, specify: community.digitalocean.digital_ocean_firewall
New in version 1.1.0: of community.digitalocean
Parameter |
Comments |
List of droplet ids to be assigned to the firewall |
Firewall rules specifically targeting inbound network traffic into DigitalOcean |
The ports on which traffic will be allowed, single, range, or all |
Network protocol to be accepted. Choices:
Dictionary of locations from which inbound traffic will be accepted |
List of strings containing the IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, IPv4 CIDRs, and/or IPv6 CIDRs to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of integers containing the IDs of the Droplets to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of strings containing the IDs of the Load Balancers to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of strings containing the names of Tags corresponding to groups of Droplets to which the Firewall will allow traffic |
Name of the firewall rule to create or manage |
DigitalOcean OAuth token. There are several other environment variables which can be used to provide this value. i.e., - ‘DO_API_TOKEN’, ‘DO_API_KEY’, ‘DO_OAUTH_TOKEN’ and ‘OAUTH_TOKEN’ |
Firewall rules specifically targeting outbound network traffic from DigitalOcean |
Dictionary of locations from which outbound traffic will be allowed |
List of strings containing the IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, IPv4 CIDRs, and/or IPv6 CIDRs to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of integers containing the IDs of the Droplets to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of strings containing the IDs of the Load Balancers to which the firewall will allow traffic |
List of strings containing the names of Tags corresponding to groups of Droplets to which the Firewall will allow traffic |
The ports on which traffic will be allowed, single, range, or all |
Network protocol to be accepted. Choices:
Assert the state of the firewall rule. Set to ‘present’ to create or update and ‘absent’ to remove. Choices:
List of tags to be assigned to the firewall |
The timeout in seconds used for polling DigitalOcean’s API. Default: 30 |
If set to This should only set to Choices:
# Allows tcp connections to port 22 (SSH) from specific sources
# Allows tcp connections to ports 80 and 443 from any source
# Allows outbound access to any destination for protocols tcp, udp and icmp
# The firewall rules will be applied to any droplets with the tag "sample"
- name: Create a Firewall named my-firewall
name: my-firewall
state: present
- protocol: "tcp"
ports: "22"
addresses: [""]
droplet_ids: ["my_droplet_id_1", "my_droplet_id_2"]
load_balancer_uids: ["my_lb_id_1", "my_lb_id_2"]
tags: ["tag_1", "tag_2"]
- protocol: "tcp"
ports: "80"
addresses: ["", "::/0"]
- protocol: "tcp"
ports: "443"
addresses: ["", "::/0"]
- protocol: "tcp"
ports: "1-65535"
addresses: ["", "::/0"]
- protocol: "udp"
ports: "1-65535"
addresses: ["", "::/0"]
- protocol: "icmp"
ports: "1-65535"
addresses: ["", "::/0"]
droplet_ids: []
tags: ["sample"]
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
DigitalOcean firewall resource Returned: success Sample: {“created_at”: “2020-08-11T18:41:30Z”, “droplet_ids”: [], “id”: “7acd6ee2-257b-434f-8909-709a5816d4f9”, “inbound_rules”: [{“ports”: “443”, “protocol”: “tcp”, “sources”: {“addresses”: [“”], “droplet_ids”: [“my_droplet_id_1”, “my_droplet_id_2”], “load_balancer_uids”: [“my_lb_id_1”, “my_lb_id_2”], “tags”: [“tag_1”, “tag_2”]}}, {“ports”: “80”, “protocol”: “tcp”, “sources”: {“addresses”: [“”, “::/0”]}}, {“ports”: “443”, “protocol”: “tcp”, “sources”: {“addresses”: [“”, “::/0”]}}], “name”: “my-firewall”, “outbound_rules”: [{“destinations”: {“addresses”: [“”, “::/0”]}, “ports”: “1-65535”, “protocol”: “tcp”}, {“destinations”: {“addresses”: [“”, “::/0”]}, “ports”: “1-65535”, “protocol”: “udp”}, {“destinations”: {“addresses”: [“”, “::/0”]}, “ports”: “1-65535”, “protocol”: “icmp”}], “pending_changes”: [], “status”: “succeeded”, “tags”: [“sample”]} |
Anthony Bond (@BondAnthony)
Lucas Basquerotto (@lucasbasquerotto)