junipernetworks.junos.junos_interfaces – Junos Interfaces resource module
This plugin is part of the junipernetworks.junos collection (version 2.8.0).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install junipernetworks.junos
To use it in a playbook, specify: junipernetworks.junos.junos_interfaces
New in version 1.0.0: of junipernetworks.junos
This module manages the interfaces on Juniper Junos OS network devices.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
ncclient (>=v0.6.4)
Parameter |
Comments |
The provided configuration |
Interface description. |
Interface link status. Applicable for Ethernet interfaces only, either in half duplex, full duplex or in automatic state which negotiates the duplex automatically. Choices:
Administrative state of the interface. Set the value to Choices:
The hold time for given interface name. |
The link down hold time in milliseconds. |
The link up hold time in milliseconds. |
MTU for a specific interface. Applicable for Ethernet interfaces only. |
Full name of interface, e.g. ge-0/0/0. |
Interface link speed. Applicable for Ethernet interfaces only. |
This option is used only with state parsed. The value of this option should be the output received from the Junos device by executing the command show interfaces. The state parsed reads the configuration from |
The state of the configuration after module completion Choices:
This module requires the netconf system service be enabled on the remote device being managed.
Tested against vSRX JUNOS version 18.4R1.
This module works with connection
. See the Junos OS Platform Options.
# Using deleted
# Before state:
# -------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-1";
# speed 1g;
# mtu 1800
# }
# ge-0/0/2 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# ether-options {
# auto-negotiation;
# }
# }
- name: "Delete given options for the interface (Note: This won't delete the interface itself if any other values are configured for interface)"
- name: ge-0/0/1
description: Configured by Ansible-1
speed: 1g
mtu: 1800
- name: ge-0/0/2
description: Configured by Ansible -2
state: deleted
# After state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/2 {
# ether-options {
# auto-negotiation;
# }
# }
# Using merged
# Before state:
# -------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "test interface";
# speed 1g;
# }
- name: Merge provided configuration with device configuration (default operation
is merge)
- name: ge-0/0/1
description: Configured by Ansible-1
enabled: true
mtu: 1800
- name: ge-0/0/2
description: Configured by Ansible-2
enabled: false
state: merged
# After state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-1";
# speed 1g;
# mtu 1800
# }
# ge-0/0/2 {
# disable;
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# }
# Using overridden
# Before state:
# -------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-1";
# speed 1g;
# mtu 1800
# }
# ge-0/0/2 {
# disable;
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# ether-options {
# auto-negotiation;
# }
# }
# ge-0/0/11 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-11";
# }
- name: Override device configuration of all interfaces with provided configuration
- name: ge-0/0/2
description: Configured by Ansible-2
enabled: false
mtu: 2800
- name: ge-0/0/3
description: Configured by Ansible-3
state: overridden
# After state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/2 {
# disable;
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# mtu 2800
# }
# ge-0/0/3 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-3";
# }
# Using replaced
# Before state:
# -------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-1";
# speed 1g;
# mtu 1800
# }
# ge-0/0/2 {
# disable;
# mtu 1800;
# speed 1g;
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# ether-options {
# auto-negotiation;
# }
# }
# ge-0/0/11 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-11";
# }
- name: Replaces device configuration of listed interfaces with provided configuration
- name: ge-0/0/2
description: Configured by Ansible-2
enabled: false
mtu: 2800
- name: ge-0/0/3
description: Configured by Ansible-3
state: replaced
# After state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# ge-0/0/1 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-1";
# speed 1g;
# mtu 1800
# }
# ge-0/0/2 {
# disable;
# description "Configured by Ansible-2";
# mtu 2800
# }
# ge-0/0/3 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-3";
# }
# ge-0/0/11 {
# description "Configured by Ansible-11";
# }
# Using gathered
# Before state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# gr-0/0/0 {
# description "test gre interface";
# }
# fxp0 {
# unit 0 {
# family inet {
# dhcp;
# }
# }
# }
# pp0 {
# unit 0 {
# pppoe-options {
# idle-timeout 100;
# access-concentrator;
# service-name "";
# auto-reconnect 100;
# client;
# ## Warning: missing mandatory statement(s): 'underlying-interface'
# }
# }
# }
- name: Gather junos interfaces as in given arguments
state: gathered
# Task Output (redacted)
# -----------------------
# "gathered": [
# {
# "description": "test gre interface",
# "enabled": true,
# "name": "gr-0/0/0"
# },
# {
# "enabled": true,
# "name": "fxp0"
# },
# {
# "enabled": true,
# "name": "pp0"
# }
# ]
# After state:
# ------------
# user@junos01# show interfaces
# gr-0/0/0 {
# description "test gre interface";
# }
# fxp0 {
# unit 0 {
# family inet {
# dhcp;
# }
# }
# }
# pp0 {
# unit 0 {
# pppoe-options {
# idle-timeout 100;
# access-concentrator;
# service-name "";
# auto-reconnect 100;
# client;
# ## Warning: missing mandatory statement(s): 'underlying-interface'
# }
# }
# }
# Using parsed
# parsed.cfg
# ------------
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
# <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:0cadb4e8-5bba-47f4-986e-72906227007f">
# <configuration changed-seconds="1590139550" changed-localtime="2020-05-22 09:25:50 UTC">
# <interfaces>
# <interface>
# <name>ge-0/0/1</name>
# <description>Configured by Ansible</description>
# <disable/>
# <speed>100m</speed>
# <mtu>1024</mtu>
# <hold-time>
# <up>2000</up>
# <down>2200</down>
# </hold-time>
# <link-mode>full-duplex</link-mode>
# <unit>
# <name>0</name>
# <family>
# <ethernet-switching>
# <interface-mode>access</interface-mode>
# <vlan>
# <members>vlan100</members>
# </vlan>
# </ethernet-switching>
# </family>
# </unit>
# </interface>
# </interfaces>
# </configuration>
# </rpc-reply>
# - name: Convert interfaces config to argspec without connecting to the appliance
# junipernetworks.junos.junos_interfaces:
# running_config: "{{ lookup('file', './parsed.cfg') }}"
# state: parsed
# Task Output (redacted)
# -----------------------
# "parsed": [
# {
# "description": "Configured by Ansible",
# "duplex": "full-duplex",
# "enabled": false,
# "hold_time": {
# "down": 2200,
# "up": 2000
# },
# "mtu": 1024,
# "name": "ge-0/0/1",
# "speed": "100m"
# }
# ]
# Using rendered
- name: Render platform specific xml from task input using rendered state
- name: ge-0/0/2
description: Configured by Ansibull
mtu: 2048
speed: 20m
up: 3200
down: 3200
state: rendered
# Task Output (redacted)
# -----------------------
# "rendered": <nc:interfaces
# xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
# <nc:interface>
# <nc:name>ge-0/0/2</nc:name>
# <nc:description>Configured by Ansibull</nc:description>
# <nc:speed>20m</nc:speed>
# <nc:mtu>2048</nc:mtu>
# <nc:hold-time>
# <nc:up>3200</nc:up>
# <nc:down>3200</nc:down>
# </nc:hold-time>
# </nc:interface>
# </nc:interfaces>"
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
The configuration as structured data after module completion. Returned: when changed Sample: “The configuration returned will always be in the same format\n of the parameters above.\n” |
The configuration as structured data prior to module invocation. Returned: always Sample: “The configuration returned will always be in the same format\n of the parameters above.\n” |
The set of xml rpc payload pushed to the remote device. Returned: always Sample: [“\u003c?xml version=\”1.0\” encoding=\”UTF-8\”?\u003e \u003crpc-reply message-id=\”urn:uuid:0cadb4e8-5bba-47f4-986e-72906227007f\”\u003e \u003cconfiguration changed-seconds=\”1590139550\” changed-localtime=\”2020-05-22 09:25:50 UTC\”\u003e \u003cinterfaces\u003e \u003cinterface\u003e \u003cname\u003ege-0/0/1\u003c/name\u003e \u003cdescription\u003eConfigured by Ansible\u003c/description\u003e \u003cdisable/\u003e \u003cspeed\u003e100m\u003c/speed\u003e \u003cmtu\u003e1024\u003c/mtu\u003e \u003chold-time\u003e \u003cup\u003e2000\u003c/up\u003e \u003cdown\u003e2200\u003c/down\u003e \u003c/hold-time\u003e \u003clink-mode\u003efull-duplex\u003c/link-mode\u003e \u003cunit\u003e \u003cname\u003e0\u003c/name\u003e \u003cfamily\u003e \u003cethernet-switching\u003e \u003cinterface-mode\u003eaccess\u003c/interface-mode\u003e \u003cvlan\u003e \u003cmembers\u003evlan100\u003c/members\u003e \u003c/vlan\u003e \u003c/ethernet-switching\u003e \u003c/family\u003e \u003c/unit\u003e \u003c/interface\u003e \u003c/interfaces\u003e \u003c/configuration\u003e \u003c/rpc-reply\u003e”, “xml 2”, “xml 3”] |
Ganesh Nalawade (@ganeshrn)