ansible.utils.keep_keys filter – Keep specific keys from a data recursively.


This filter plugin is part of the ansible.utils collection (version 5.0.0).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils.

To use it in a playbook, specify: ansible.utils.keep_keys.

New in ansible.utils 2.5.0


  • This plugin keep only specified keys from a provided data recursively.

  • Matching parameter defaults to equals unless matching_parameter is explicitly mentioned.

  • Using the parameters below- data|ansible.utils.keep_keys(target([....]))

Keyword parameters

This describes keyword parameters of the filter. These are the values key1=value1, key2=value2 and so on in the following example: input | ansible.utils.keep_keys(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)




any / required

This option represents a list of dictionaries or a dictionary with any level of nesting data.

For example config_data|ansible.utils.keep_keys(target([....])), in this case config_data represents this option.



Specify the matching configuration of target keys and data attributes.


  • "starts_with"

  • "ends_with"

  • "regex"


list / elements=string / required

Specify the target keys to keep in list format.


# example.yaml
# interfaces:
#   - name: eth0
#     enabled: true
#     duplex: auto
#     speed: auto
#     note:
#       - Connected green wire
#   - name: eth1
#     description: Configured by Ansible - Interface 1
#     mtu: 1500
#     speed: auto
#     duplex: auto
#     enabled: true
#     note:
#       - Connected blue wire
#       - Configured by Paul
#     vifs:
#       - vlan_id: 100
#         description: Eth1 - VIF 100
#         mtu: 400
#         enabled: true
#         comment: Needs reconfiguration
#       - vlan_id: 101
#         description: Eth1 - VIF 101
#         enabled: true
#   - name: eth2
#     description: Configured by Ansible - Interface 2 (ADMIN DOWN)
#     mtu: 600
#     enabled: false

# Playbook
- name: keep selective keys from dict/list of dict data
    data: '{{ interfaces }}'
- debug:
    msg: >-
      {{ data|ansible.utils.keep_keys(target=['description', 'name', 'mtu',
      'duplex', 'enabled', 'vifs', 'vlan_id']) }}

# Output
# TASK [keep selective keys from python dict/list of dict] ****************************************************************************************
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "ansible_facts": {
#         "data": [
#             {
#                 "duplex": "auto",
#                 "enabled": true,
#                 "name": "eth0",
#                 "note": [
#                     "Connected green wire"
#                 ],
#                 "speed": "auto"
#             },
#             {
#                 "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 1",
#                 "duplex": "auto",
#                 "enabled": true,
#                 "mtu": 1500,
#                 "name": "eth1",
#                 "note": [
#                     "Connected blue wire",
#                     "Configured by Paul"
#                 ],
#                 "speed": "auto",
#                 "vifs": [
#                     {
#                         "comment": "Needs reconfiguration",
#                         "description": "Eth1 - VIF 100",
#                         "enabled": true,
#                         "mtu": 400,
#                         "vlan_id": 100
#                     },
#                     {
#                         "description": "Eth1 - VIF 101",
#                         "enabled": true,
#                         "vlan_id": 101
#                     }
#                 ]
#             },
#             {
#                 "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 2 (ADMIN DOWN)",
#                 "enabled": false,
#                 "mtu": 600,
#                 "name": "eth2"
#             }
#         ]
#     },
#     "changed": false
# }
# Read vars_file 'example.yaml'

# TASK [debug] *************************************************************************************************************
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": [
#         {
#             "duplex": "auto",
#             "enabled": true,
#             "name": "eth0"
#         },
#         {
#             "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 1",
#             "duplex": "auto",
#             "enabled": true,
#             "mtu": 1500,
#             "name": "eth1",
#             "vifs": [
#                 {
#                     "description": "Eth1 - VIF 100",
#                     "enabled": true,
#                     "mtu": 400,
#                     "vlan_id": 100
#                 },
#                 {
#                     "description": "Eth1 - VIF 101",
#                     "enabled": true,
#                     "vlan_id": 101
#                 }
#             ]
#         },
#         {
#             "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 2 (ADMIN DOWN)",
#             "enabled": false,
#             "mtu": 600,
#             "name": "eth2"
#         }
#     ]
# }

# Playbook

- name: keep selective keys from dict/list of dict data
    data: "{{ interfaces }}"

- debug:
    msg: "{{ data|ansible.utils.keep_keys(target=['desc', 'name'], matching_parameter= 'starts_with') }}"

# Output
# TASK [keep selective keys from python dict/list of dict] **************************
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "ansible_facts": {
#         "data": [
#             {
#                 "duplex": "auto",
#                 "enabled": true,
#                 "name": "eth0",
#                 "note": [
#                     "Connected green wire"
#                 ],
#                 "speed": "auto"
#             },
#             {
#                 "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 1",
#                 "duplex": "auto",
#                 "enabled": true,
#                 "mtu": 1500,
#                 "name": "eth1",
#                 "note": [
#                     "Connected blue wire",
#                     "Configured by Paul"
#                 ],
#                 "speed": "auto",
#                 "vifs": [
#                     {
#                         "comment": "Needs reconfiguration",
#                         "description": "Eth1 - VIF 100",
#                         "enabled": true,
#                         "mtu": 400,
#                         "vlan_id": 100
#                     },
#                     {
#                         "description": "Eth1 - VIF 101",
#                         "enabled": true,
#                         "vlan_id": 101
#                     }
#                 ]
#             },
#             {
#                 "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 2 (ADMIN DOWN)",
#                 "enabled": false,
#                 "mtu": 600,
#                 "name": "eth2"
#             }
#         ]
#     },
#     "changed": false
# }
# Read vars_file 'example.yaml'

# TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************
# ok: [localhost] => {
#     "msg": [
#         {
#             "name": "eth0"
#         },
#         {
#             "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 1",
#             "name": "eth1",
#             "vifs": [
#                 {
#                     "description": "Eth1 - VIF 100"
#                 },
#                 {
#                     "description": "Eth1 - VIF 101"
#                 }
#             ]
#         },
#         {
#             "description": "Configured by Ansible - Interface 2 (ADMIN DOWN)",
#             "name": "eth2"
#         }
#     ]
# }


  • Sagar Paul (@KB-perByte)


Configuration entries for each entry type have a low to high priority order. For example, a variable that is lower in the list will override a variable that is higher up.