
Collection version 5.0.0


Ansible Collection with utilities to ease the management, manipulation, and validation of data within a playbook


  • Ansible Community

Supported ansible-core versions:

  • 2.15.0 or newer

ansible.utils Scenario Guide

Plugin Index

These are the plugins in the ansible.utils collection:


Filter Plugins

  • cidr_merge filter – This filter can be used to merge subnets or individual addresses.

  • consolidate filter – Consolidate facts together on common attributes.

  • fact_diff filter – Find the difference between currently set facts

  • from_xml filter – Convert given XML string to native python dictionary.

  • get_path filter – Retrieve the value in a variable using a path

  • hwaddr filter – HWaddr / MAC address filters

  • index_of filter – Find the indices of items in a list matching some criteria

  • ip4_hex filter – This filter is designed to convert IPv4 address to Hexadecimal notation with optional delimiter.

  • ipaddr filter – This filter is designed to return the input value if a query is True, else False.

  • ipcut filter – This filter is designed to get 1st or last few bits of IP address.

  • ipmath filter – This filter is designed to do simple IP math/arithmetic.

  • ipsubnet filter – This filter can be used to manipulate network subnets in several ways.

  • ipv4 filter – To filter only Ipv4 addresses Ipv4 filter is used.

  • ipv6 filter – To filter only Ipv6 addresses Ipv6 filter is used.

  • ipv6form filter – This filter is designed to convert ipv6 address in different formats. For example expand, compressetc.

  • ipwrap filter – This filter is designed to Wrap IPv6 addresses in [ ] brackets.

  • keep_keys filter – Keep specific keys from a data recursively.

  • macaddr filter – macaddr / MAC address filters

  • network_in_network filter – This filter returns whether an address or a network passed as argument is in a network.

  • network_in_usable filter – The network_in_usable filter returns whether an address passed as an argument is usable in a network.

  • next_nth_usable filter – This filter returns the next nth usable ip within a network described by value.

  • nthhost filter – This filter returns the nth host within a network described by value.

  • param_list_compare filter – Generate the final param list combining/comparing base and provided parameters.

  • previous_nth_usable filter – This filter returns the previous nth usable ip within a network described by value.

  • reduce_on_network filter – This filter reduces a list of addresses to only the addresses that match a given network.

  • remove_keys filter – Remove specific keys from a data recursively.

  • replace_keys filter – Replaces specific keys with their after value from a data recursively.

  • slaac filter – This filter returns the SLAAC address within a network for a given HW/MAC address.

  • to_paths filter – Flatten a complex object into a dictionary of paths and values

  • to_xml filter – Convert given JSON string to XML

  • usable_range filter – Expand the usable IP addresses

  • validate filter – Validate data with provided criteria

Lookup Plugins

Test Plugins

See also

List of collections with docs hosted here.