Collection version 5.1.0
Kubernetes Collection for Ansible.
chouseknecht (https://github.com/chouseknecht)
geerlingguy (https://www.jeffgeerling.com/)
maxamillion (https://github.com/maxamillion)
jmontleon (https://github.com/jmontleon)
fabianvf (https://github.com/fabianvf)
willthames (https://github.com/willthames)
mmazur (https://github.com/mmazur)
jamescassell (https://github.com/jamescassell)
Supported ansible-core versions:
2.15.0 or newer
Scenario Guide
Plugin Index
These are the plugins in the kubernetes.core collection:
helm module – Manages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager
helm_info module – Get information from Helm package deployed inside the cluster
helm_plugin module – Manage Helm plugins
helm_plugin_info module – Gather information about Helm plugins
helm_pull module – download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory.
helm_registry_auth module – Helm registry authentication module
helm_repository module – Manage Helm repositories.
helm_template module – Render chart templates
k8s module – Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects
k8s_cluster_info module – Describe Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, APIs available and their respective versions
k8s_cp module – Copy files and directories to and from pod.
k8s_drain module – Drain, Cordon, or Uncordon node in k8s cluster
k8s_exec module – Execute command in Pod
k8s_info module – Describe Kubernetes (K8s) objects
k8s_json_patch module – Apply JSON patch operations to existing objects
k8s_log module – Fetch logs from Kubernetes resources
k8s_rollback module – Rollback Kubernetes (K8S) Deployments and DaemonSets
k8s_scale module – Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
k8s_service module – Manage Services on Kubernetes
k8s_taint module – Taint a node in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster
Connection Plugins
kubectl connection – Execute tasks in pods running on Kubernetes.
Filter Plugins
k8s_config_resource_name filter – Generate resource name for the given resource of type ConfigMap, Secret
Inventory Plugins
k8s inventory – Kubernetes (K8s) inventory source DEPRECATED
Lookup Plugins
k8s lookup – Query the K8s API
kustomize lookup – Build a set of kubernetes resources using a ‘kustomization.yaml’ file.
See also
List of collections with docs hosted here.