Ansible Ecosystem Project Development Resources

This document lists resources to help contributors interested in developing a community project in the Ansible ecosystem.


Any improvements to the resources listed in this document or to the document itself are very welcome! Please submit an issue or pull request in the corresponding GitHub repository.

Onboarding toolkit

The Ansible Onboarding toolkit provides guidelines on setting up GitHub repositories for new projects as well as the type of documentation your project should include.

Despite being originally developed for Ansible ecosystem projects under the ansible-community GitHub organization, everyone is welcome to use the onboarding toolkit.

Project template

The Ansible project-template is a GitHub repository template for Ansible ecosystem projects that contains:

  • Files normally present in every repository such as README, license, code of conduct, and so on.

  • A docsite template that you are encouraged to use with your project to provide a consistent experience across the Ansible project ecosystem.

Please take a look at the docsite built from the project-template to see it in action.

You are welcome to take the template, fill in your project-specific information, build it using Sphinx, and then publish it.

Even if your project is not new and already has documentation, we recommend you take a look at the template and check if there is anything missed in documentation for your project users, contributors, and maintainers.

List of community-curated projects

Whether your project repository is under the ansible-community GitHub organization or under your own one, you are welcome to include your project in the Awesome Ansible list.

Before letting the community know about your shiny project by adding it to the list, make sure it satisfies the standards explained in the Onboarding toolkit to provide the best user and contributor experience.