cisco.meraki.networks_clients_splash_authorization_status module – Resource module for networks _clients _splash _authorization _status
This module is part of the cisco.meraki collection (version 2.20.5).
You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.meraki
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify: cisco.meraki.networks_clients_splash_authorization_status
New in cisco.meraki 2.16.0
Manage operation update of the resource networks _clients _splash _authorization _status.
Update a client’s splash authorization. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
This module has a corresponding action plugin.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
meraki >= 2.4.9
python >= 3.5
Parameter |
Comments |
ClientId path parameter. Client ID. |
meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time (integer), action batch concurrency error retry wait time Default: |
meraki_api_key (string), API key generated in dashboard; can also be set as an environment variable MERAKI_DASHBOARD_API_KEY |
meraki_base_url (string), preceding all endpoint resources Default: |
meraki_be_geo_id (string), optional partner identifier for API usage tracking; can also be set as an environment variable BE_GEO_ID Default: |
meraki_certificate_path (string), path for TLS/SSL certificate verification if behind local proxy Default: |
meraki_inherit_logging_config (boolean), Inherits your own logger instance Choices:
meraki_log_file_prefix (string), log file name appended with date and timestamp Default: |
log_path (string), path to output log; by default, working directory of script if not specified Default: |
meraki_maximum_retries (integer), retry up to this many times when encountering 429s or other server-side errors Default: |
meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time (integer), Nginx 429 retry wait time Default: |
meraki_output_log (boolean), create an output log file? Choices:
meraki_print_console (boolean), print logging output to console? Choices:
meraki_requests_proxy (string), proxy server and port, if needed, for HTTPS Default: |
meraki_retry_4xx_error (boolean), retry if encountering other 4XX error (besides 429)? Choices:
meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time (integer), other 4XX error retry wait time Default: |
meraki_simulate (boolean), simulate POST/PUT/DELETE calls to prevent changes? Choices:
meraki_single_request_timeout (integer), maximum number of seconds for each API call Default: |
meraki_suppress_logging (boolean), disable all logging? you’re on your own then! Choices:
meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages (boolean), list* methods will return an iterator with each object instead of a complete list with all items Choices:
meraki_wait_on_rate_limit (boolean), retry if 429 rate limit error encountered? Choices:
NetworkId path parameter. Network ID. |
The target SSIDs. Each SSID must be enabled and must have Click-through splash enabled. For each SSID where isAuthorized is true, the expiration time will automatically be set according to the SSID’s splash frequency. Not all networks support configuring all SSIDs. |
Splash authorization for SSID 0. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 1. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 10. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 11. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 12. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 13. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 14. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 2. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 3. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 4. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 5. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 6. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 7. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 8. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
Splash authorization for SSID 9. |
New authorization status for the SSID (true, false). Choices:
SDK Method used are networks.Networks.update_network_client_splash_authorization_status,
Paths used are put /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/splashAuthorizationStatus,
Does not support
The plugin runs on the control node and does not use any ansible connection plugins, but instead the embedded connection manager
from Cisco Dashboard API Python(SDK)
The parameters starting with dnac_ are used by the Cisco DNAC Python SDK to establish the connection
See Also
See also
- Cisco Meraki documentation for networks updateNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatus
Complete reference of the updateNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatus API.
- name: Update all
meraki_api_key: '{{ meraki_api_key }}'
meraki_base_url: '{{ meraki_base_url }}'
meraki_single_request_timeout: '{{ meraki_single_request_timeout }}'
meraki_certificate_path: '{{ meraki_certificate_path }}'
meraki_requests_proxy: '{{ meraki_requests_proxy }}'
meraki_wait_on_rate_limit: '{{ meraki_wait_on_rate_limit }}'
meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time: '{{ meraki_nginx_429_retry_wait_time }}'
meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time: '{{ meraki_action_batch_retry_wait_time }}'
meraki_retry_4xx_error: '{{ meraki_retry_4xx_error }}'
meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time: '{{ meraki_retry_4xx_error_wait_time }}'
meraki_maximum_retries: '{{ meraki_maximum_retries }}'
meraki_output_log: '{{ meraki_output_log }}'
meraki_log_file_prefix: '{{ meraki_log_file_prefix }}'
meraki_log_path: '{{ meraki_log_path }}'
meraki_print_console: '{{ meraki_print_console }}'
meraki_suppress_logging: '{{ meraki_suppress_logging }}'
meraki_simulate: '{{ meraki_simulate }}'
meraki_be_geo_id: '{{ meraki_be_geo_id }}'
meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages: '{{ meraki_use_iterator_for_get_pages }}'
meraki_inherit_logging_config: '{{ meraki_inherit_logging_config }}'
state: present
clientId: string
networkId: string
isAuthorized: true
isAuthorized: false
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco Meraki Python SDK Returned: always Sample: |
Francisco Munoz (@fmunoz)