Community.General Release Notes

This changelog describes changes after version 8.0.0.


Release Summary

Regular bugfix and feature release.

Minor Changes


New Plugins


  • community.general.reveal_ansible_type - Return input type.


  • community.general.ansible_type - Validate input type.


Release Summary

Regular feature and bugfix release.

Minor Changes

Deprecated Features


Known Issues

New Plugins


  • community.general.keep_keys - Keep specific keys from dictionaries in a list.

  • community.general.remove_keys - Remove specific keys from dictionaries in a list.

  • community.general.replace_keys - Replace specific keys in a list of dictionaries.

New Modules

  • community.general.consul_agent_check - Add, modify, and delete checks within a consul cluster.

  • community.general.consul_agent_service - Add, modify and delete services within a consul cluster.

  • community.general.django_check - Wrapper for C(django-admin check).

  • community.general.django_createcachetable - Wrapper for C(django-admin createcachetable).


Release Summary

Bugfix release for inclusion in Ansible 10.0.0rc1.

Minor Changes



Release Summary

This is release 9.0.0 of community.general, released on 2024-05-20.

Minor Changes

Breaking Changes / Porting Guide

Deprecated Features

Removed Features (previously deprecated)

Security Fixes


New Plugins


  • community.general.run0 - Systemd’s run0.


  • community.general.default_without_diff - The default ansible callback without diff output.

  • community.general.timestamp - Adds simple timestamp for each header.


  • community.general.incus - Run tasks in Incus instances via the Incus CLI.


  • community.general.from_ini - Converts INI text input into a dictionary.

  • community.general.lists_difference - Difference of lists with a predictive order.

  • community.general.lists_intersect - Intersection of lists with a predictive order.

  • community.general.lists_symmetric_difference - Symmetric Difference of lists with a predictive order.

  • community.general.lists_union - Union of lists with a predictive order.

  • community.general.to_ini - Converts a dictionary to the INI file format.


  • community.general.github_app_access_token - Obtain short-lived Github App Access tokens.

  • community.general.onepassword_doc - Fetch documents stored in 1Password.


  • community.general.fqdn_valid - Validates fully-qualified domain names against RFC 1123.

New Modules

  • community.general.consul_acl_bootstrap - Bootstrap ACLs in Consul.

  • community.general.consul_auth_method - Manipulate Consul auth methods.

  • community.general.consul_binding_rule - Manipulate Consul binding rules.

  • community.general.consul_token - Manipulate Consul tokens.

  • community.general.django_command - Run Django admin commands.

  • community.general.dnf_config_manager - Enable or disable dnf repositories using config-manager.

  • community.general.git_config_info - Read git configuration.

  • community.general.gitlab_group_access_token - Manages GitLab group access tokens.

  • community.general.gitlab_issue - Create, update, or delete GitLab issues.

  • community.general.gitlab_label - Creates/updates/deletes GitLab Labels belonging to project or group.

  • community.general.gitlab_milestone - Creates/updates/deletes GitLab Milestones belonging to project or group.

  • community.general.gitlab_project_access_token - Manages GitLab project access tokens.

  • community.general.keycloak_client_rolescope - Allows administration of Keycloak client roles scope to restrict the usage of certain roles to a other specific client applications.

  • community.general.keycloak_component_info - Retrive component info in Keycloak.

  • community.general.keycloak_realm_rolemapping - Allows administration of Keycloak realm role mappings into groups with the Keycloak API.

  • community.general.nomad_token - Manage Nomad ACL tokens.

  • community.general.proxmox_node_info - Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE nodes.

  • community.general.proxmox_storage_contents_info - List content from a Proxmox VE storage.

  • community.general.usb_facts - Allows listing information about USB devices.