Creating identifiers
The following filters allow to create identifiers.
Hashids allow to convert sequences of integers to short unique string identifiers. The community.general.hashids_encode and community.general.hashids_decode filters need the hashids Python library installed on the controller.
- name: "Create hashid"
msg: "{{ [1234, 5, 6] | community.general.hashids_encode }}"
- name: "Decode hashid"
msg: "{{ 'jm2Cytn' | community.general.hashids_decode }}"
This produces:
TASK [Create hashid] **********************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "jm2Cytn"
TASK [Decode hashid] **********************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
The hashids filters accept keyword arguments to allow fine-tuning the hashids generated:
- salt:
String to use as salt when hashing.
- alphabet:
String of 16 or more unique characters to produce a hash.
- min_length:
Minimum length of hash produced.
Random MACs
You can use the community.general.random_mac filter to complete a partial MAC address to a random 6-byte MAC address.
- name: "Create a random MAC starting with ff:"
msg: "{{ 'FF' | community.general.random_mac }}"
- name: "Create a random MAC starting with 00:11:22:"
msg: "{{ '00:11:22' | community.general.random_mac }}"
This produces:
TASK [Create a random MAC starting with ff:] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "ff:69:d3:78:7f:b4"
TASK [Create a random MAC starting with 00:11:22:] ****************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "00:11:22:71:5d:3b"
You can also initialize the random number generator from a seed to create random-but-idempotent MAC addresses:
"{{ '52:54:00' | community.general.random_mac(seed=inventory_hostname) }}"