Collection version 4.3.0
A Collection for managing Hetzner Cloud resources
Hetzner Cloud (github.com/hetznercloud)
Supported ansible-core versions:
2.15.0 or newer
Plugin Index
These are the plugins in the hetzner.hcloud collection:
certificate module – Create and manage certificates on the Hetzner Cloud.
certificate_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud certificates.
datacenter_info module – Gather info about the Hetzner Cloud datacenters.
firewall module – Create and manage firewalls on the Hetzner Cloud.
firewall_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud Firewalls.
firewall_resource module – Manage Resources a Hetzner Cloud Firewall is applied to.
floating_ip module – Create and manage cloud Floating IPs on the Hetzner Cloud.
floating_ip_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud Floating IPs.
image_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud images.
iso_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud ISO list.
load_balancer module – Create and manage cloud Load Balancers on the Hetzner Cloud.
load_balancer_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud Load Balancers.
load_balancer_network module – Manage the relationship between Hetzner Cloud Networks and Load Balancers
load_balancer_service module – Create and manage the services of cloud Load Balancers on the Hetzner Cloud.
load_balancer_target module – Manage Hetzner Cloud Load Balancer targets
load_balancer_type_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud Load Balancer types.
location_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud locations.
network module – Create and manage cloud Networks on the Hetzner Cloud.
network_info module – Gather info about your Hetzner Cloud networks.
placement_group module – Create and manage placement groups on the Hetzner Cloud.
primary_ip module – Create and manage cloud Primary IPs on the Hetzner Cloud.
primary_ip_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud Primary IPs.
rdns module – Create and manage reverse DNS entries on the Hetzner Cloud.
route module – Create and delete cloud routes on the Hetzner Cloud.
server module – Create and manage cloud servers on the Hetzner Cloud.
server_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud servers.
server_network module – Manage the relationship between Hetzner Cloud Networks and servers
server_type_info module – Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud server types.
ssh_key module – Create and manage ssh keys on the Hetzner Cloud.
ssh_key_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud ssh_keys.
subnetwork module – Manage cloud subnetworks on the Hetzner Cloud.
volume module – Create and manage block Volume on the Hetzner Cloud.
volume_info module – Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud Volumes.
Filter Plugins
load_balancer_status filter – Compute the status of a Load Balancer
Inventory Plugins
hcloud inventory – Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for the Hetzner Cloud.
See also
List of collections with docs hosted here.