Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
Active Directory username. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal.
(added in 2.6) |
Azure AD authority url. Use when authenticating with Username/password, and has your own ADFS authority.
Password for the admin username. Not required if the os_type is Linux and SSH password authentication is disabled by setting ssh_password_enabled to false.
Admin username used to access the host after it is created. Required when creating a VM.
bool |
Toggle that controls if the machine is allocated/deallocated, only useful with state='present'.
(added in 2.5) |
Selects an API profile to use when communicating with Azure services. Default value of latest is appropriate for public clouds; future values will allow use with Azure Stack.
bool |
Use to control if tags field is canonical or just appends to existing tags. When canonical, any tags not found in the tags parameter will be removed from the object's metadata.
(added in 2.5) |
- auto
- cli
- credential_file
- env
- msi
Controls the source of the credentials to use for authentication.
If not specified, ANSIBLE_AZURE_AUTH_SOURCE environment variable will be used and default to auto if variable is not defined.
auto will follow the default precedence of module parameters -> environment variables -> default profile in credential file ~/.azure/credentials .
When set to cli , the credentials will be sources from the default Azure CLI profile.
Can also be set via the ANSIBLE_AZURE_AUTH_SOURCE environment variable.
When set to msi , the host machine must be an azure resource with an enabled MSI extension. subscription_id or the environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID can be used to identify the subscription ID if the resource is granted access to more than one subscription, otherwise the first subscription is chosen.
The msi was added in Ansible 2.6.
(added in 2.5) |
Name or ID of an existing availability set to add the VM to. The availability_set should be in the same resource group as VM.
(added in 2.5) |
Controls the certificate validation behavior for Azure endpoints. By default, all modules will validate the server certificate, but when an HTTPS proxy is in use, or against Azure Stack, it may be necessary to disable this behavior by passing ignore . Can also be set via credential file profile or the AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION environment variable.
Azure client ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal.
(added in 2.4) |
For cloud environments other than the US public cloud, the environment name (as defined by Azure Python SDK, eg, AzureChinaCloud , AzureUSGovernment ), or a metadata discovery endpoint URL (required for Azure Stack). Can also be set via credential file profile or the AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.
(added in 2.5) |
Data which is made available to the virtual machine and used by e.g., cloud-init.
(added in 2.4) |
Describes list of data disks.
(added in 2.4) |
- Standard_LRS
- Premium_LRS
Managed data disk type
(added in 2.4) |
The initial disk size in GB for blank data disks
(added in 2.4) |
Name of the container to use within the storage account to store VHD blobs. If no name is specified a default container will created.
(added in 2.4) |
ReadOnly ←
- ReadWrite
Type of data disk caching.
(added in 2.4) |
Name fo the storage blob used to hold the VM's OS disk image. If no name is provided, defaults to the VM name + '.vhd'. If you provide a name, it must end with '.vhd'
(added in 2.4) |
Name of an existing storage account that supports creation of VHD blobs. If not specified for a new VM, a new storage account named <vm name>01 will be created using storage type 'Standard_LRS'.
(added in 2.4) |
The logical unit number for data disk
required |
Specifies the image used to build the VM.
If a string, the image is sourced from a custom image based on the name.
If a dict with the keys publisher , offer , sku , and version , the image is sourced from a Marketplace image. NOTE: set image.version to latest to get the most recent version of a given image.
If a dict with the keys name and resource_group , the image is sourced from a custom image based on the name and resource_group set. NOTE: the key resource_group is optional and if omitted, all images in the subscription will be searched for by name .
Custom image support was added in Ansible 2.5
Valid Azure location. Defaults to location of the resource group.
(added in 2.4) |
- Standard_LRS
- Premium_LRS
Managed OS disk type
required |
Name of the virtual machine.
List of existing network interface names to add to the VM. If a network interface name is not provided when the VM is created, a default network interface will be created. In order for the module to create a network interface, at least one Virtual Network with one Subnet must exist.
aliases: network_interfaces
If a network interface is created when creating the VM, a security group will be created as well. For Linux hosts a rule will be added to the security group allowing inbound TCP connections to the default SSH port 22, and for Windows hosts ports 3389 and 5986 will be opened. Override the default open ports by providing a list of ports.
ReadOnly ←
- ReadWrite
Type of OS disk caching.
aliases: disk_caching
Base type of operating system.
Active Directory user password. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal.
(added in 2.5) |
A dictionary describing a third-party billing plan for an instance
required |
publisher offering the plan
required |
product name
optional promotion code
required |
billing plan name
Security profile found in ~/.azure/credentials file.
- Dynamic
Static ←
- Disabled
If a public IP address is created when creating the VM (because a Network Interface was not provided), determines if the public IP address remains permanently associated with the Network Interface. If set to 'Dynamic' the public IP address may change any time the VM is rebooted or power cycled.
The Disabled choice was added in Ansible 2.6.
aliases: public_ip_allocation
When removing a VM using state 'absent', also remove associated resources
It can be 'all' or a list with any of the following: ['network_interfaces', 'virtual_storage', 'public_ips']
Any other input will be ignored
required |
Name of the resource group containing the virtual machine.
bool |
Use with state 'present' to restart a running VM.
Azure client secret. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal.
Name assigned internally to the host. On a linux VM this is the name returned by the `hostname` command. When creating a virtual machine, short_hostname defaults to name.
bool |
When the os_type is Linux, setting ssh_password_enabled to false will disable SSH password authentication and require use of SSH keys.
For os_type Linux provide a list of SSH keys. Each item in the list should be a dictionary where the dictionary contains two keys: path and key_data. Set the path to the default location of the authorized_keys files. On an Enterprise Linux host, for example, the path will be /home/<admin username>/.ssh/authorized_keys. Set key_data to the actual value of the public key.
bool |
Use with state 'present' to start the machine. Set to false to have the machine be 'stopped'.
- absent
present ←
Assert the state of the virtual machine.
State 'present' will check that the machine exists with the requested configuration. If the configuration of the existing machine does not match, the machine will be updated. Use options started, allocated and restarted to change the machine's power state.
State 'absent' will remove the virtual machine.
Name of an existing storage account that supports creation of VHD blobs. If not specified for a new VM, a new storage account named <vm name>01 will be created using storage type 'Standard_LRS'.
aliases: storage_account
Name fo the storage blob used to hold the VM's OS disk image. If no name is provided, defaults to the VM name + '.vhd'. If you provide a name, it must end with '.vhd'
aliases: storage_blob
Name of the container to use within the storage account to store VHD blobs. If no name is specified a default container will created.
aliases: storage_container
When creating a virtual machine, if a network interface name is not provided, one will be created. The new network interface will be assigned to the first subnet found in the virtual network. Use this parameter to provide a specific subnet instead.
aliases: subnet
Your Azure subscription Id.
Dictionary of string:string pairs to assign as metadata to the object. Metadata tags on the object will be updated with any provided values. To remove tags set append_tags option to false.
Azure tenant ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal.
When creating a virtual machine, if a network interface name is not provided, one will be created. The new network interface will be assigned to the first virtual network found in the resource group. Use this parameter to provide a specific virtual network instead.
aliases: virtual_network
(added in 2.4) |
When creating a virtual machine, if a specific virtual network from another resource group should be used, use this parameter to specify the resource group to use.
A valid Azure VM size value. For example, 'Standard_D4'. The list of choices varies depending on the subscription and location. Check your subscription for available choices. Required when creating a VM.