Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
(added in 2.2) |
IP address of the node. This can be either IPv4 or IPv6. When creating a new node, one of either address or fqdn must be provided. This parameter cannot be updated after it is set.
aliases: ip, host
Specifies descriptive text that identifies the node.
(added in 2.5) |
FQDN name of the node. This can be any name that is a valid RFC 1123 DNS name. Therefore, the only characters that can be used are "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", "0" to "9", the hyphen ("-") and the period (".").
FQDN names must include at lease one period; delineating the host from the domain. ex. host.domain .
FQDN names must end with a letter or a number.
When creating a new node, one of either address or fqdn must be provided. This parameter cannot be updated after it is set.
aliases: hostname
(added in 2.6) |
Specifies whether the FQDN of the node resolves to an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
When creating a new node, if this parameter is not specified and fqdn is specified, this parameter will default to ipv4 .
This parameter cannot be changed after it has been set.
(added in 2.6) |
Specifies whether the system automatically creates ephemeral nodes using the IP addresses returned by the resolution of a DNS query for a node defined by an FQDN.
When yes , the system generates an ephemeral node for each IP address returned in response to a DNS query for the FQDN of the node. Additionally, when a DNS response indicates the IP address of an ephemeral node no longer exists, the system deletes the ephemeral node.
When no , the system resolves a DNS query for the FQDN of the node with the single IP address associated with the FQDN.
When creating a new node, if this parameter is not specified and fqdn is specified, this parameter will default to yes .
This parameter cannot be changed after it has been set.
(added in 2.6) |
Specifies the interval in which a query occurs, when the DNS server is down. The associated monitor continues polling as long as the DNS server is down.
When creating a new node, if this parameter is not specified and fqdn is specified, this parameter will default to 5 .
(added in 2.6) |
Specifies the interval in which a query occurs, when the DNS server is up. The associated monitor attempts to probe three times, and marks the server down if it there is no response within the span of three times the interval value, in seconds.
This parameter accepts a value of ttl to query based off of the TTL of the FQDN. The default TTL interval is akin to specifying 3600 .
When creating a new node, if this parameter is not specified and fqdn is specified, this parameter will default to 3600 .
(added in 1.3) |
- and_list
- m_of_n
- single
Monitor rule type when monitors is specified. When creating a new pool, if this value is not specified, the default of 'and_list' will be used.
Both single and and_list are functionally identical since BIG-IP considers all monitors as "a list". BIG=IP either has a list of many, or it has a list of one. Where they differ is in the extra guards that single provides; namely that it only allows a single monitor.
(added in 2.2) |
Specifies the health monitors that the system currently uses to monitor this node.
required |
Specifies the name of the node.
(added in 2.5) |
Device partition to manage resources on.
required |
The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_PASSWORD is set.
aliases: pass, pwd
(added in 2.5) |
A dict object containing connection details.
Specifies the SSH keyfile to use to authenticate the connection to the remote device. This argument is only used for cli transports. If the value is not specified in the task, the value of environment variable ANSIBLE_NET_SSH_KEYFILE will be used instead.
Specifies the timeout in seconds for communicating with the network device for either connecting or sending commands. If the timeout is exceeded before the operation is completed, the module will error.
required |
The BIG-IP host. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_SERVER is set.
required |
The username to connect to the BIG-IP with. This user must have administrative privileges on the device. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_USER is set.
The BIG-IP server port. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_SERVER_PORT is set.
required |
The password for the user account used to connect to the BIG-IP. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_PASSWORD is set.
aliases: pass, pwd
bool |
If no , SSL certificates will not be validated. Use this only on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_VALIDATE_CERTS is set.
required |
Configures the transport connection to use when connecting to the remote device.
(added in 2.2) |
Monitor quorum value when monitor_type is m_of_n .
required |
The BIG-IP host. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_SERVER is set.
(added in 2.2) |
The BIG-IP server port. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_SERVER_PORT is set.
present ←
- absent
- enabled
- disabled
- offline
Specifies the current state of the node. enabled (All traffic allowed), specifies that system sends traffic to this node regardless of the node's state. disabled (Only persistent or active connections allowed), Specifies that the node can handle only persistent or active connections. offline (Only active connections allowed), Specifies that the node can handle only active connections. In all cases except absent , the node will be created if it does not yet exist.
Be particularly careful about changing the status of a node whose FQDN cannot be resolved. These situations disable your ability to change their state to disabled or offline . They will remain in an *Unavailable - Enabled* state.
required |
The username to connect to the BIG-IP with. This user must have administrative privileges on the device. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_USER is set.
(added in 2.0) |
If no , SSL certificates will not be validated. Use this only on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. You can omit this option if the environment variable F5_VALIDATE_CERTS is set.