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- librato_annotation - create an annotation in librato
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librato_annotation - create an annotation in librato
- Create an annotation event on the given annotation stream :name. If the annotation stream does not exist, it will be created automatically
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
required |
Librato account api key
The description contains extra meta-data about a particular annotation
The description should contain specifics on the individual annotation e.g. Deployed 9b562b2 shipped new feature foo!
The unix timestamp indicating the time at which the event referenced by this annotation ended
For events that have a duration, this is a useful way to annotate the duration of the event
required |
See examples
The annotation stream name
If the annotation stream does not exist, it will be created automatically
A string which describes the originating source of an annotation when that annotation is tracked across multiple members of a population
The unix timestamp indicating the time at which the event referenced by this annotation started
required |
The title of an annotation is a string and may contain spaces
The title should be a short, high-level summary of the annotation e.g. v45 Deployment
required |
Librato account username
# Create a simple annotation event with a source
- librato_annotation:
user: user@example.com
title: App Config Change
source: foo.bar
description: This is a detailed description of the config change
# Create an annotation that includes a link
- librato_annotation:
user: user@example.com
name: code.deploy
title: app code deploy
description: this is a detailed description of a deployment
- rel: example
href: http://www.example.com/deploy
# Create an annotation with a start_time and end_time
- librato_annotation:
user: user@example.com
name: maintenance
title: Maintenance window
description: This is a detailed description of maintenance
start_time: 1395940006
end_time: 1395954406
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