Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
required |
Dictionary with values needed to create HTTP/HTTPS connection to oVirt:
username [required] - The name of the user, something like admin@internal. Default value is set by OVIRT_USERNAME environment variable.
password [required] - The password of the user. Default value is set by OVIRT_PASSWORD environment variable.
url - A string containing the API URL of the server, usually something like ``. Default value is set by OVIRT_URL environment variable. Either url or hostname is required.
hostname - A string containing the hostname of the server, usually something like ``. Default value is set by OVIRT_HOSTNAME environment variable. Either url or hostname is required.
token - Token to be used instead of login with username/password. Default value is set by OVIRT_TOKEN environment variable.
insecure - A boolean flag that indicates if the server TLS certificate and host name should be checked.
ca_file - A PEM file containing the trusted CA certificates. The certificate presented by the server will be verified using these CA certificates. If `ca_file ` parameter is not set, system wide CA certificate store is used. Default value is set by OVIRT_CAFILE environment variable.
kerberos - A boolean flag indicating if Kerberos authentication should be used instead of the default basic authentication.
headers - Dictionary of HTTP headers to be added to each API call.
(added in 2.5) |
Boolean flag which indicates whether the storage domain is configured as backup or not.
Comment of the storage domain.
(added in 2.5) |
Inidcates the minimal free space the storage domain should contain in percentages.
Data center name where storage domain should be attached.
This parameter isn't idempotent, it's not possible to change data center of storage domain.
Description of the storage domain.
Logical remove of the storage domain. If true retains the storage domain's data for import.
This parameter is relevant only when state is absent.
(added in 2.5) |
If True storage domain blocks will be discarded upon deletion. Enabled by default.
This parameter is relevant only for block based storage domains.
data ←
- iso
- export
Function of the storage domain.
This parameter isn't idempotent, it's not possible to change domain function of storage domain.
aliases: type
Dictionary with values for fibre channel storage type:
lun_id - LUN id.
override_luns - If True FCP storage domain luns will be overridden before adding.
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
(added in 2.3) |
If True the module will fetch additional data from the API.
It will fetch IDs of the VMs disks, snapshots, etc. User can configure to fetch other attributes of the nested entities by specifying nested_attributes .
If True storage domain will be formatted after removing it from oVirt/RHV.
This parameter is relevant only when state is absent.
Dictionary with values for GlusterFS storage type:
address - Address of the Gluster server. E.g.:
path - Path of the mount point. E.g.: /path/to/my/data
mount_options - Option which will be passed when mounting storage.
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
Host to be used to mount storage.
(added in 2.4) |
Id of the storage domain to be imported.
Dictionary with values for iSCSI storage type:
address - Address of the iSCSI storage server.
port - Port of the iSCSI storage server.
target - The target IQN for the storage device.
lun_id - LUN id(s).
username - A CHAP user name for logging into a target.
password - A CHAP password for logging into a target.
override_luns - If True ISCSI storage domain luns will be overridden before adding.
target_lun_map - List of dictionary containing targets and LUNs."
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
Parameter target_lun_map is supported since Ansible 2.5.
(added in 2.4) |
Dictionary with values for localfs storage type:
path - Path of the mount point. E.g.: /path/to/my/data
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
Name of the storage domain to manage. (Not required when state is imported)
(added in 2.3) |
Specifies list of the attributes which should be fetched from the API.
This parameter apply only when fetch_nested is true.
Dictionary with values for NFS storage type:
address - Address of the NFS server. E.g.:
path - Path of the mount point. E.g.: /path/to/my/data
version - NFS version. One of: auto, v3, v4 or v4_1.
timeout - The time in tenths of a second to wait for a response before retrying NFS requests. Range 0 to 65535.
retrans - The number of times to retry a request before attempting further recovery actions. Range 0 to 65535.
mount_options - Option which will be passed when mounting storage.
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
Number of the seconds the module waits until another poll request on entity status is sent.
Dictionary with values for PosixFS storage type:
path - Path of the mount point. E.g.: /path/to/my/data
vfs_type - Virtual File System type.
mount_options - Option which will be passed when mounting storage.
Note that these parameters are not idempotent.
present ←
- absent
- maintenance
- unattached
- update_ovf_store
Should the storage domain be present/absent/maintenance/unattached/imported/update_ovf_store
imported is supported since version 2.4.
update_ovf_store is supported since version 2.5, currently if wait is (true), we don't wait for update.
The amount of time in seconds the module should wait for the instance to get into desired state.
True if the module should wait for the entity to get into desired state.
(added in 2.5) |
Inidcates the minimum percentage of a free space in a storage domain to present a warning.
(added in 2.5) |
Boolean flag which indicates whether the storage domain should wipe the data after delete.